- 网络Philippine Sea;philippine sea plate

Integral-rotation linear strain model and intraplate deformation-strain field of the Philippine Sea Plate
The distribution of stresses is chiefly effected by philippine Sea Plate and Indian Ocean Plate .
The result shows that the extruding has been subject to both the Pacific-Philippines Sea Plate in the NW direction and the Indo Plate in the N and E directions .
Compared with the rigid motion model created by Sella et al . , our model is capable to accurately describe the current-day tectonic movement and intraplate deformation of the PHIL .
The distribution and characteristics of the subduction zone , configuration of the Wadati - Benioff zone and the stress state of the subduction zone in the western Pacific region were studied ;
The Philippines sea plate continuously compresses Taiwan northwestwards .
The seismically quiescent boundary between the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate in central Japan
Seismicity of the western Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait is also affected by the Philippine Sea Plate .
The Longitudinal Valley fault of Taiwan is the boundary of collision and compression between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates .
Interaction between Philippine Sea plate ( ph ) and Eurasia ( eu ) plate and its influence on the movement Eastern Asia
The developmental differences are caused by different subduction velocities in time and space of the Philippine Sea Plate toward the Asia Continent .
Taiwan orogen resulting from the interaction between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea ( PHS ) plates is a subduction and collision zone .
Our tomography results show very clearly high-velocity anomalies corresponding to the subducting Philippine Sea slab and low-velocity anomalies in the mantle wedge .
The movements occurred are related to the movements of Pacific plate , Philippine Sea plate and India-Australia plate rela - tive to Eurasia .
Closely related to the intraplate and surrounding tectonic settings , the spatial variation of the principal strain field of the PHIL is a reflection of the tectonic stress field .
The Setouchi sanukite is located in fore - or back-arc basins , and originated in subduction of the young and hot Philippine Sea plate and pull-apart of the Shikoku basin .
By synthetic analysis of data concerned this region is determined to be compressed from NNW-SSE direction , due to the collision between the Phillippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate .
The offshore Taiwan arc-continent collisional orogen was situated in the conjunction area of the Eurasian plate , the Philippine Sea plate and the South China Sea , which was created in Neogene .
The results show , as one of the boundary faults between the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific Philippine Ocean Plate , the Central Mountian Fault has acted strongly since Quaternary , so earthquakes with magnitude ≥ 7.0 occured 4 times ;
The collision and underthrust of Philippine Sea plate with Eurasian plate in the eastern part of Taiwan Island can be considered as the principal force for the crustal movement , deformation and great earthquake occurred in Taiwan and its coastal area .
The stress field due to the northwestward motion of the Philippine Sea plate controls the stress field of the lithosphere from the Longitudinal Valley of Taiwan through the South China block to the eastern part of the southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt .
The complicated fracture systems and tectonic framework were formed in the central and southern parts of the South China Sea due to the reciprocal movement of the plates like the Euro-Asia Plate , the Pacific-Philippine Plate and the India-Australia Plate during Mesozoic and Cenozoic .
Five models of boundary conditions of stress and displace-ment have been considered , which represent relative values of the stress applied to the region inside China and its vicinity by the Indian ocean plate , the Pacific plate and the Philippine sea plate respectively .
The compression and collision to the east coast of Taiwan from Philippine block moving to the west-northwest is the most direct force cause of the strong earthquake to breeding and happening in Taiwan area and the border area among Fujian , Guangdong and Jiangxi Provinces .
The results suggest that the stress field of the lithosphere and tectonic movement in and around continental China are attributable to the motions of the Eurasian plate relative to the Indian , Pacific and Philippine Sea plates and interactions among blocks within the continental plate .
Since the middle Miocene , the South China Sea had subducted beneath the Philippine Sea Plate along the Manila Trench , and the subduction prism came into being .
Taiwan accretionary prism lies in the conjunction area of the Eurasian Plate , the Philippine Sea Plate and the South China Sea , and is characterized by the young age of the arc-continent collision .