
  • 网络Caribbean Plate
  1. 也可能加勒比板块将会聚集成一团并整体移动。

    Presumably , also , the Caribbean Plate would hold together and move as one .

  2. 除此以外,加勒比板块会将其一个边缘朝相反的方向升高,在一侧对压力作出反应。

    In addition , the Caribbean Plate will react to pressure on one side by raising an edge on the opposite side .

  3. 鉴于加勒比板块南端的地势,看起来它好像要被撕成两半啊。

    Given the geography of the southern edge of the Caribbean plate , it looks as though it might be ripped in two .

  4. 看看这张复杂的图片吧,当南美板块滚动的时候,加勒比板块的哪些部分将被推挤到南美板块下面呢?

    Looking at this complicated picture , just what portions of the Caribbean Plate will be pushed under as the S American Plate rolls ?

  5. 沿着加勒比板块东部边缘的岛链是当大西洋扩张时加勒比板块被向上推而形成的。

    The island chain along the eastern edge of the Caribbean Plate was formed when the Caribbean Plate was pushed UP during expansion of the Atlantic .

  6. 南美板块位于加勒比板块东部的那部分将参与在第七阶段情节期间预期的滚动。

    That portion of the S American Plate lying to the east of the Caribbean Plate will participate in the roll expected during the7 of10 scenarios .

  7. 沿着加勒比板块的北部的较大的岛屿可以被认定会获得海拔,除非整个加勒比板块全部都在损失海拔。

    The larger islands along the northern part of the Caribbean Plate could be assumed to gain elevation except that the entire Caribbean Plate is losing , overall .

  8. 毕竟,加勒比板块的该部分对着该隆起处的西面正好是深水,因此过去它很明显地被往下面推挤了。

    After all , the portion of the Caribbean Plate just to the west of this hump is deep water , so it has clearly been pushed down in the past .

  9. 当然随着来自加勒比板块南部的压力被岩浆所吸收,岩浆被挤向别处,导致岩浆动荡不安。

    Of course magma will be roiling , as the pressure from the southern part of the Caribbean Plate being shoved down into the magma will force this magma to go somewhere .

  10. 因为加勒比板块包括了巴拿马和中美洲国家,当加勒比版块遭遇更巨大,更坚固的南美版块的时候,南美版块遭受的压力会释放出来。

    For the Caribbean Plate , which includes Pamana and Central American countries , there is pressure where the Caribbean Plate loses when encountering the larger and more solid S American Plate .

  11. 这对所有来说都是个艰难的过程,伴随着晃动并互相拍击的海水,而且加勒比板块起初好像要上升,之后随着滚动的进行又会下降。

    This will be a rough ride for all , with sloshing and clashing water and the Caribbean Plate which at first may seem to rise , then drop as the roll proceeds .

  12. 加勒比板块北部边缘会稍微被抬起,同时南部大大下沉,被滚动着践踏过来的南美板块压下去。

    The Caribbean Plate will lift , slightly , on its northern edge , while plunging greatly on its southern edge , being pushed down by the overriding S American Plate as it rolls .

  13. 当然看起来正好是哥伦比亚北面的隆起处,也就是一些人认为的北安第斯板块,将会从加勒比板块的一部分上面推动而过,刚好到达该隆起处的西面。

    It certainly appears that the hump just north of Colombia , what some consider the North Andes Plate , would push over that portion of the Caribbean Plate just to the west of this hump .

  14. 而走滑型地震主要分布在东亚大陆内部、北美板块西边界和加勒比板块的周边、西南太平洋带、以及地中海-喜马拉雅带部分区域,呈近纬向分布。

    The distribution of strike-slip earthquakes shows an almost-latitudinal belt including the interior of eastern Asian continent , west boundary of North American plate , around Caribbean plate , southwest Pacific belt and some segments of Mediterranean-Himalayas belt .

  15. 加勒比群岛会发现自己处在加勒比板块的东部曲线上因此坐落在岛链上的很多火山都会经历越来越多的火山活动。

    The Caribbean islands finding themselves along the eastern curve of the Caribbean Plate will thus experience increased volcanic activity in the many volcanoes that lie on that island chain .