
Jiā ěr ɡè dá
  • Calcutta
加尔各答 [jiā ěr gè dá]
  • [Calcutta] 印度最大城市和主要港口。人口330万

  1. 他的房子在加尔各答东部的盐湖(SaltLake),看上去不是著名足球运动员应该住的地方。

    His flat in Salt Lake , in eastern Kolkata , did not look like a great footballer 's.

  2. 尼尔·马克赫耶(NeelMukherjee)的《别人的生活》(TheLivesofOthers)发生在20世纪60年代的加尔各答;

    Neel Mukherjee 's " The Lives of Others , " which takes place in 1960s Calcutta ;

  3. 他分别于1994年和1996年获得了位于印度加尔各答的印度统计研究所(IndianStatisticalInstitute)的统计学学士学位(荣誉)和统计学硕士学位。

    He received his Bachelor of Statistics ( Hons . ) and Master of Statistics degrees from the Indian Statistical Institute , Kolkata , India in the years 1994 and 1996 , respectively .

  4. 她生于印度金奈,在加尔各答印度管理学院(IndianInstituteofManagement)获得MBA学位后,在强生(Johnson&Johnson)孟买公司工作两年,然后跨越大西洋,来到了美国。

    Born in Chennai , Nooyi took an MBA at the Indian Institute of Management in Kolkata , and worked for two years for Johnson & Johnson in Mumbai , before crossing the Atlantic .

  5. gingerhotels计划在加尔各答及小城市如普那、迈索尔(mysore)和本地治理(pondicherry)等地附近开办新的酒店。

    Ginger hotels plans new hotels near Kolkata and smaller cities such as Pune , Mysore and Pondicherry .

  6. 加尔各答(Kolkata)是一座沿着恒河发展起来的长条形城市。

    Kolkata ( Calcutta ) is a linear city grown along the river Ganges .

  7. 卢英德出生在印度金奈,并在那里接受教育,后来在加尔各答获得印度管理学院(IndianInstituteofManagement)的MBA学位,之后进入耶鲁大学(Yale),在1980年完成学业并获得另外一个MBA学位。

    Indra Nooyi was born and educated in Chennai , India , received an MBA at the Indian Institute of management in Calcutta , and made her way to Yale to earn yet another MBA , which she completed in 1980 .

  8. 希尔顿和dlf将首先在昌迪加尔(chandigarh)、钦奈和加尔各答等地开办20家酒店。

    Hilton and DLF will first build 20 hotels in cities such as Chandigarh , Chennai and Kolkata .

  9. 在加尔各答(Kolkata)的一个贫民窟,一群称自己为夜魔侠的学童为此做出了坚韧不拔的努力。

    In one Kolkata slum , a group of schoolchildren who call themselves the Daredevils have been relentless in this effort .

  10. 就在古吉拉特雄师队(GujaratLions)轻松取胜加尔各答骑士队(KolkataKnightRiders)时,蒂姆•库克(TimCook)站在球场边表达着自己对印度板球新萌发的热爱。

    As the Gujarat Lions cruised to an easy win over the Kolkata Knight Riders , Tim Cook stood on the edge of the pitch expressing his newfound love for Indian cricket .

  11. 她的新家所在的村庄Karmalahang离主道公路(GrandTrunkRoad)约18英里(合29公里)。这条路自古就是商业路线,连接印度东部的加尔各答与阿富汗首都喀布尔,位于盖穆尔山(KaimurHills)脚下。

    Her new village , Karmalahang , is about 18 miles from the Grand Trunk Road , a commercial route since ancient times that connects Kolkata in eastern India to the Afghan capital of Kabul , and sits at the foot of the Kaimur Hills .

  12. 在另一篇章中,他前往加尔各答(Kolkata),重点关注泰戈尔(RabindranathTagore)和孟加拉文艺复兴(从1840年到1920年)。

    Another chapter takes him to Kolkata , where he focuses on Rabindranath Tagore and the Bengal Renaissance , which lasted from 1840 to 1920 .

  13. Tilak在印度加尔各答的Presidency学院获得了物理学学士学位,并且已经在班加罗尔的印度科学学院获得了电子工程学学士和硕士学位。

    Tilak did his Bachelors in Physics from Presidency College , Calcutta , India , and has an Integrated Bachelors and Masters in EE from Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , India .

  14. 达卡与加尔各答间的载客火车被命名为“Moitree”,意思是“友谊快车”。

    The passenger train service between Dhaka and Kolkata has been named the " Moitree " or Friendship Express .

  15. 印度加尔各答医学院的研究人员SubhashMukherjee说,尽管该研究的结果令人鼓舞,还需要在更大数量的人群中进行进一步的研究。

    Subhash Mukherjee , a researcher from Calcutta Medical College in India , said that although the study 's results are encouraging , further research is needed on a larger number of people .

  16. 加尔各答(印度城市,原为Calcutta,现为Kolkata),由不列颠东印度公司1690年创立,目的在于挑战当地穆斯林霸主。随后,加尔各答开始与伦敦竞争大英帝国的最大大都会的头衔。

    Calcutta ( now Kolkata ) was set up in 1690 by a member of Britain 's East India Company , in defiance of the local Muslim overlord . It later vied with London as the biggest metropolis in the British empire .

  17. 在加尔各答市中心广阔的麦丹(Maidan)公园的草地稀疏炙热,在那里赤脚踢球尚无大碍。曼纳的球队莫罕巴干俱乐部(MohunBaganAC)在那里训练,最倒霉不过是踩到山羊粪或者玻璃碴儿。

    Bare feet were all very well on the thin , baked surface of the vast Maidan at the centre of Kolkata , where his club , Mohun Bagan AC , had its playing field , and where the worst hazards were straying goats and glass .

  18. 否则就将是放弃很多大城市,加尔各答可能最易于遭受即将到来的海潮的袭击,而且纽约的地铁系统将会被仅仅升高80cm的海水淹没。

    The alternative will be to abandon many large cities ; Kolkata ( Calcutta ) is probably the most vulnerable to the incoming tides , but New York 's subway system would be flooded with a rise of only80cm .

  19. SubraMukherjee就职于印度加尔各答农村适宜技术可持续发展协会组织,该组织和淡水基金会合作,在西孟加拉邦的一个土地贫瘠的社区发展生态水培技术用于粮食种植。

    Subra Mukherjee is with a group in Kolkata , India , called the Society for Appropriate Rural Technology for Sustainability . The group is working with the foundation to develop aquaponics in a community in West Bengal with poor soil conditions for growing food .

  20. 错过恒河、拉贾斯坦(Rajasthani)大沙漠、古怪的孟买电影院、喜马拉雅山、旧日的茶园、加尔各答摩肩擦踵的人力车,将使我伤心欲绝。

    And I 'd be devastated to miss the Ganges , the great Rajasthani desert , the nutty Mumbai movie houses , the Himalayas , the old tea plantations , the Calcutta rickshaws racing against each other like the chariot scene from Ben-Hur .

  21. 但是你却不知道他就是多米尼克加尔各答?

    And you had no idea that it was Dominic Calcutta ?

  22. 到达加尔各答仍使人感到一种文化冲击。

    It was still a culture shock to arrive in calcutta .

  23. 他出生在加尔各答,母亲是一个裁缝的妻子。

    He was born to a tailor 's wife in Calcutta .

  24. 我在加尔各答时离这儿远着呢

    I was in Calcutta . I was pretty well removed .

  25. 我不想离开她而回到加尔各答。

    I didn 't want to leave her and return to Calcutta .

  26. 加尔各答的旅游点很多。

    There are many attractions to visit here in calcutta .

  27. 还有加尔各答和原其孟加拉国巨大腹地亦是如此。

    and Kolkata and its huge former hinterland in Bangladesh .

  28. 他出身于这些加尔各答名门之一。

    He came from one of these genteel Calcutta families .

  29. 嗨,欢迎到加尔各答的黑洞来。

    Hey , welcome to the black hole of calcutta .

  30. 您知道吧,加尔各答曾经是英属印度的首都。

    You know , once Calcutta was the capital of British India .