
  • 网络ontario;Province of Ontario;Ont
  1. 加拿大政府也帮助过GM,这是在安大略省发生的事情。

    The Canadian government also helped bail out GM , which has operations in Ontario .

  2. 加拿大欢迎世界人民来此参加明年在安大略省的汉兹维尔举行的G8峰会。

    Next year , Canada welcomes the world when the G8 Summit comes to Huntsville , Ontario .

  3. 多伦多,安大略省首府,加拿大最大的城市。故此题答案为C。

    Ottawa is the capital of Canada , a municipality and the second largest city within the province of Ontario .

  4. 多伦多猛龙队(TorontoRaptors)亦被加拿大安大略省教师养老金计划(OntarioTeachers'PensionPlan)旗下的私募投资机构掌控。

    The Toronto Raptors are controlled by the private equity investment arm of Ontario teachers ' pension plan .

  5. 自今年8月以来,在多伦多上市的嘉汉林业的股票一直被安大略省证券委员会(OntarioSecuritiesCommission)停牌。

    Trading in Sino-Forest shares , which are listed in Toronto , has been suspended by the Ontario Securities Commission since August .

  6. 加拿大安大略省圭尔夫大学(UniversityofGuelph)的研究发现,三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸反应会产生影响肾脏功能的结晶。

    University of Guelph study found that melamine and cyanuric acid could produce crystallization which can damage kidney function .

  7. 在造纸商中,加拿大蒙特利尔的造纸商resoluteforestproducts(原abitibibowater)在魁北克和安大略省的未涂布纸工厂已处于停工状态。

    Among paper producers , resolute forest products , formerly abitibibowater , has idled uncoated paper mills in Quebec and Ontario .

  8. 加拿大安大略省ESL教学对江苏省高职院校EFL教学的启示

    The Enlightening from ESL Teaching Learning in Ontario , Canada for EFL Teaching Learning in Higher Vocational Colleges in Jiangsu Province

  9. 正当嘉汉林业忙着数树的时候,加拿大安大略省证券委员会(OSC)采取了行动。

    While Sino-Forest was busy counting trees , the Ontario Securities Commission acted .

  10. 这些深地实验室包括:位于美国南卡罗来纳州里德一座废弃金矿里的桑福德地下研究所(SanfordUndergroundResearchFacility),位于意大利同名山脉下的格兰萨索国家实验室,位于加拿大安大略省的萨德伯里中微子观测站(SudburyNeutrinoObservatory),

    the Gran Sasso National Laboratory , beneath the mountain of that name in Italy ; the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Ontario , Canada ;

  11. 这家财团由普雷姆•沃察(PremWatsa)的FairfaxFinancialHoldings牵头。该公司持有总部位于加拿大安大略省的黑莓公司10%的股份。

    The consortium is led by Prem Watsa 's Fairfax Financial Holdings , which holds a 10 per cent stake in the Ontario-based company .

  12. 一年多以前,家乐氏(Kellogg)停止了该公司在安大略省伦敦市已经持续百年的生产活动。

    Kellogg 's ended a century of production in London , Ontario , just over a year ago .

  13. CBC新闻网没找到美联航校的老板,美联航校在加拿大安大略省伦敦市运作。

    CBC News could not reach the owner of Maylan Flight Academy , which operates flight schools in Ontario .

  14. 多伦多移民就业委员会的财政支持者包括加拿大最大的两家金融机构&多伦多道明银行(Toronto-DominionBank)和宏利金融集团(ManulifeFinancial),一家私人基金会,以及安大略省的一家政府机构。

    Triec 's financial backers include Toronto-Dominion Bank and Manulife Financial , two of Canada 's biggest financial institutions , a private foundation and an Ontario government agency .

  15. SalimYusuf是麦克马斯特大学(位于加拿大安大略省汉密尔顿市)的首席调查员。

    Salim Yusuf of McMaster University in Hamilton , Ontario , Canada was the lead investigator .

  16. 这一结果让研究人员也震惊不已,来自加拿大安大略省(Ontario,Canada)皇后大学(Queen'sUniversity)的研究人员们通过对在校2000多名学生,职工和教师进行后代偏好问题的调查,得出这一惊人结论。

    The results surprised even the researchers , from Queen 's University in Ontario , Canada , who 'd surveyed more than 2 , 000 students , staff and faculty at the college about gender preference in offspring .

  17. 与其它智能手机生产商不同,RIM运行自己的数据网络,借助三个网络运行中心处理它的无线电子邮件系统:一个位于英国伦敦附近的斯劳,另外两个位于加拿大安大略省的滑铁卢。

    Unlike other smartphone makers , RIM operates its own data network including three network operations centres for its wireless email system : the one in Slough and two in Waterloo , Ontario .

  18. ColinBeckingham居住在加拿大安大略省东部,是一名自由研究员、撰稿人和程序员。

    Colin Beckingham is a freelance researcher , writer , and programmer who lives in eastern Ontario , Canada .

  19. 它引发关注的原因有几个:首先,安大略省高等教育质量委员会(HigherEducationandQualityCouncilofOntario)的一系列研究显示,完成课堂学习和社区学习的学生通常会觉得自己的学习更深入,对自身和选择的学术方向也更有信心。

    First , studies , including a series from the Higher Education and Quality Council of Ontario , show that students who complement classroom learning with learning in the community usually feel they learn more deeply and are more confident about themselves and their academic choices direction

  20. CNN援引安大略省斯特拉特福市的ClerkJakkiWiseman消息报道,本周四,歌星贾斯汀?比伯被认定攻击他人以及粗心驾驶罪。

    Justin Bieber was found guilty Thursday of assault and careless driving , Clerk Jakki Wiseman of Stratford , Ontario , told CNN 。。

  21. 新移民应该尽快申请安大略省的OHIP健康卡。

    You should apply for OHIP as soon as you arrive in Ontario .

  22. 安大略省证券委员会(OSC)周二在一份指控声明中表示,在2003年至2010年期间,嘉汉林业通过发行债券和股票筹集资金约30亿美元。

    Sino-Forest raised approximately $ 3bn in debt and equity from investors between 2003 and 2010 , the Ontario Securities Commission said on Tuesday , in a statement of allegations .

  23. 如果cow是cowmoose(母驼鹿)且moon是安大略省的MoonRiver(或者,也许是一头母水牛跳过湄公河的一条名称相同的支流),那么“奶牛的跳跃”就更有意义了。

    Cows jumping makes more sense if the cow is a cow moose and the moon is the Moon River in Ontario ( or perhaps a water buffalo cow jumping the river of the same name that is a tributary of the Mekong ) .

  24. 双方的紧张关系于去年7月达到顶峰:钢铁工人联合会(UnitedSteelworkersunion)的3100多名会员在Inco位于安大略省萨德伯里的旗舰部门与靠近尼亚加拉瀑布的冶炼厂发动罢工。

    The tensions came to a head last July when more than 3,100 members of the United Steelworkers union went on strike at Inco 's flagship operations in Sudbury , Ontario , and a refinery near Niagara Falls .

  25. 安大略省滑铁卢市如今是初创企业的温床,有着蓬勃发展的科技产业,但1984年的时候绝非如此,当时两位工程专业学生迈克•拉扎里迪斯(MikeLazaridis)和道格拉斯•弗雷金(DouglasFregin)创立了RIM公司(ResearchinMotion)。

    Waterloo , Ontario is now a hotbed of start-ups and a thriving technology industry , but that was far from the case in 1984 , when Research In Motion was founded by two engineering students , Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fregin .

  26. 生活在安大略省科尔贝的Marie-LouiseMeilleur去世于1998年,那时她已117岁了。

    Marie-Louise Meilleur lived in Corbeil , Ontario and was 117 years old when she died in 1998 .

  27. 今年早些时候,安大略省医院协会(OHA)的举办了为期一天的教育论坛,急诊科的患者体验:从测量结果。

    Earlier this year , the Ontario Hospital Association ( OHA ) hosted a one-day educational forum , The Emergency Department Patient Experience : From Measurement to Outcomes .

  28. SharronLivinsten来自安大略省多伦多市这是我25岁时拍的我觉得我是超靓型的

    Sharron Livinsten in Toronto Ontario . I had this taken when I was 25 , I thought I was a stunnin unit

  29. 但他说出的却是:“滑铁卢大学(UniversityofWaterloo)。”这是加拿大安大略省的一所公立学校。截至去年夏天,YCombinator已经投资了八家由该校毕业生创立、并让其引以为豪的创业公司。

    But this is what he said : " The University of Waterloo . " It 's a public school in the Canadian province of Ontario , and as of last summer , it was the source of eight proud ventures that Y Combinator had helped along .

  30. 北美最大的汽车共享业务运营商zipcar已经拥有6万个会员,在美国12个州和加拿大的安大略省经营着一个近1600辆汽车的车队。

    Zipcar , the biggest North American operator , has signed up 60000 members and runs a fleet of almost 1600 vehicles in 12 US states and the Canadian province of Ontario .