
  • 网络safe drinking water;SDWA
  1. 根据您所选择的角色,您可以帮助增加社区获得安全饮用水的机会,或者帮助保护当地的宝贵文化。

    Depending on which role you choose , you could help to increase a community 's access to safe drinking water , or help to protect valuable local cultures .

  2. IDE是一个非牟利组织,开发用于小规模灌溉和安全饮用水的专门技术;

    IDE is a non-profit organization that has developed special expertise in water technologies for small-scale irrigation and safe drinking water .

  3. 无法获得安全饮用水和卫生设施服务,使幼儿承受极大的痛苦。

    Young children suffer disproportionately without safe water and sanitation services .

  4. 纳滤膜分离技术在安全饮用水保障中的应用

    Application of Nanofiltration Membrane to the Production of Safe Drinking Water

  5. 确保在更大范围内获得安全饮用水供应,防止感染;

    Ensuring wider access to safe drinking-water supplies to prevent infection ;

  6. 更多的人享有安全饮用水,但拥有厕所的人还不够多。

    More people have safe drinking-water , but not enough have toilets .

  7. 获得安全饮用水是人类生存的基本需求。

    Access to safe drinking water is a basic human need for survival .

  8. 通过安全饮用水和适当卫生设施保护健康;

    Protecting health through safe water and adequate sanitation ;

  9. 安全饮用水保障集成技术研究

    Research on Integration Technique for Drinking Water Safety

  10. 安全饮用水如何影响全球卫生?

    How does safe water impact global health ?

  11. 浊度一般在10NTU以下,给饮用水处理带来了很大的困难,常规处理工艺无法满足安全饮用水供应的需要。

    The turbidity usually falls below 10 NTU .

  12. 纳滤膜分离技术在饮用水制备方面具有独特的作用,是保障安全饮用水生产的有效方法。

    Nanofiltration membrane separation technology is an effective method for production of safe drinking water .

  13. 使用安全饮用水和卫生厕所的家庭比例较低;

    The household proportion of which use security tap water and the hygienic toilets is lower ;

  14. 确保海地人民获得基本药品、供应品和安全饮用水。

    Ensure that the people of Haiti have basic medicines , supplies and safe drinking water .

  15. 安全饮用水每年可防止

    Annually , safer water could prevent

  16. 农村安全饮用水水价及饮水工程后评价

    The Drinking Water Price of Safety Drinking in Rural Area and the Post-evaluation of Drinking Project

  17. 我国农村安全饮用水地区差异及对策研究

    Imbalance of sanitary status of China 's rural areas ' safe drinking water : issue and countermeasures

  18. 保障食品和安全饮用水的供应、尝试恢复良好的卫生条件,这些至关重要。

    Ensuring supply of food and safe drinking water and trying to restore good sanitation are critical .

  19. 使用不安全饮用水人口率将降低一半;婴儿死亡率将降低三分之一。

    The percentage of people without safe water will fall by half ; infant mortality by a third .

  20. 该疾病主要发生在难以或无法获得安全饮用水的偏远贫困地区。

    The disease mainly occurs in remote poverty-stricken areas , with limited or no access to safe drinking water .

  21. 促进男女平等、确保诸如安全饮用水之类的环境需求也包括在内。

    Working for equality between women and men and dealing with environmental needs like safe water also are included .

  22. 儿童基金会说,缺乏安全饮用水和排水设施让成百上千万的人们很容易感染水传播的疾病。

    It says lack of safe water and sanitation is putting millions of people at risk from waterborne disease .

  23. [结论]在水厂、家庭应用臭氧或活性炭消毒不失为好的安全饮用水方式。

    [ Conclusion ] In water plant and family using ozonation or AC for removing MC was a good way .

  24. 因为开采天然气在2005年得到《安全饮用水法案》的法定豁免,现在破裂法的使用几乎没有任何的监管。

    But fracking is almost entirely unregulated , because of a 2005 statutory exemption from the Safe Drinking Water Act .

  25. 投资于家庭和学校的安全饮用水和卫生设施可以是降低儿童死亡率的一个关键因素。

    An investment in safe water and sanitation for homes and schools can be a key factor in reducing child mortality .

  26. 用户要由安全饮用水供应商在水表处安装法定的双止回防回流阀。

    The user installs a dual check backflow preventer at the water meter as prescribed by the supplier of safe drinking water .

  27. 从现在直至冬季,为了生存,人们需要避难所、安全饮用水并获得卫生保健。

    People need shelter , safe drinking water and access to health care now and throughout the winter in order to survive .

  28. 该病的传播纯属当人们极少获得或者不能获得安全饮用水供应时饮用了含有受到寄生虫感染的蚤类的污染水。

    It is transmitted exclusively when people who have little or no access to safe-drinking water supply swallow water contaminated with parasite-infected fleas .

  29. 每周他还针对各种健康话题,例如安全饮用水的重要性等问题主持一档电台节目。

    He also hosts a weekly radio show on a variety of health topics , for example on the importance of safe drinking-water .

  30. 宣言承诺在2015年年底前,使无法得到或负担不起安全饮用水的人口比例降低一半。

    The Declaration pledged to halve , by the year 2015 , the number of people unable to reach or afford safe drinking water .