
  • 网络ANGUILLA;axa
  1. 2011年,他创办了一家名为InternationalGuaranteeCorp(IGC)的公司,总部位于安圭拉,该公司有一个瑞士的银行账户。

    In 2011 he created a company called International Guarantee Corp that he based in Anguilla with a bank account in Switzerland .

  2. 安圭拉鳗能在同一个湖泊里待上20年左右。

    Anguilla eels spend about 20 years in the same lake .

  3. 世界上著名的离岸管辖区有英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、安圭拉群岛等岛屿和地区。

    The world famous off-coast jurisdictional areas include British Virgin Islands , Cayman Islands and Anguilla Islands etc.

  4. 安圭拉鳗一般称作欧洲鳗,生活在北欧和英国的湖泊、航道中。

    Anguilla eels , commonly known as European eels , live in the lakes and waterways of northern Europe and the UK .

  5. 为了从欧洲的湖泊到达大西洋,安圭拉鳗借助各条航道完成自己的旅程——它们使用什么样的导航系统我们还不知晓。

    To get from their European lakes to the Atlantic , anguillas work their way up and down waterways using an as-yet-undiscovered navigation system .

  6. 但是它们并不总是待在人们认为它们应该待的地方——安圭拉鳗能离开水体,短时间内滑过干燥的陆地。

    But they don 't always stay where they 're supposed to - Anguilla eels can leave the water and slither across dry land for a short amount of time .

  7. 有一点比较吓人,安圭拉鳗的亲戚,康吉鳗也能穿过干燥的陆地,并对人类也具有攻击性。

    On a slightly more terrifying note , the larger cousins of anguillas , conger eels , can also cross dry land , and also have the tendency to attack people .