
  1. [UNESCO获得资助的]很大一部分用于支持它在荷兰代夫特的水教育研究所(UNESCOInstituteforWaterEducationinDelft),以及在意大利城市的里雅斯特的国际理论物理中心。

    Large proportions [ of the funding ] support the UNESCO Institute for Water Education in Delft , the Netherlands , and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste , Italy .

  2. 由意利(illycaffè)资助的的里雅斯特科学奖认可并奖励发展中国家最杰出的科学家。

    The Trieste Science Prize , sponsored by illycaff è, recognises and rewards the developing world 's most eminent scientists .

  3. 维也纳也在纪念“一战”一百周年,比如特别展及欧洲和平大道,这条永恒存在的通道从维也纳穿过五个国家,通向意大利的里雅斯特(Trieste)。

    The city is also commemorating the 100th anniversary of World War I with special exhibits and the European Peace Walk , a permanent route from Vienna to Trieste through five countries .

  4. 国际科学和高技术中心(科技中心)-的里雅斯特,意大利〔工发组织〕

    International Centre for Science and High Technology ( ICS ) - Trieste , Italy [ UNIDO ]

  5. 从波罗的海边的什切青到亚得里亚海边的的里雅斯特,一幅横贯欧洲大陆的铁幕已经拉下。

    From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent .

  6. 一八一五年二月二十四日,在避风堰了望塔上的了望员向人们发出了信号,告之三桅帆船法老号到了。它是从士麦拿出发经过的里雅斯特和那不勒斯来的。

    ON THE24th of February , 1810 , the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master , the Pharaon from Smyrna , Trieste , and Naples .

  7. 自伊朗发生选举引起的暴力事件以来,八国集团的外交部长首次在意大利城市的里雅斯特召开会议。

    Foreign Ministers of the G8 are gathering in the Italian city of Trieste for the first high-level meeting of leading western countries since the election-related violence began in Iran .