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  1. 具有连续对合运算的实Banach代数的Jordan结构

    On Jordan Structure of Real Banach Algebras with Continuous Involution

  2. 基于小波和线矩的实孔径雷达图像与TM图像的匹配

    Wavelet and Line Moment Based Algorithm for Matching Real Aperture Radar Image with TM Image

  3. 层次-关系型DBMS的实视图及其增量维护

    Materialized Views for Layer Relation Structured Database and Incremental Maintenance

  4. 它仅在z平面的实轴上有奇异性,孤立极点对应于实局域模。

    It has singularities on the real axis of the z plane only . The isolated poles correspond to real localized modes .

  5. 在全局发展上,结合中国经济发展的实J际情况,要实施能源安全战略。

    For the whole development , it is important to stand on safe energy strategy , according to the Chinese economic development .

  6. 为验证仿真结果,还进行装有EPS系统的实车试验。

    In order to verify simulation results , a test vehicle with an EPS mechanical and control system was experimented .

  7. 根据热镀Zn层的实海挂样数据,结合腐蚀理论,将整个腐蚀过程进行分段处理,即腐蚀初期、钝化期、腐蚀后期。

    According to the testing data of Zn coating corrosion in real ocean and the corrosion theory , the corrosion procedure can be divided into three stages , i.

  8. 在本论文中,我们采用π电子紧束缚模型下的实空间和k空间格林函数方法,深入研究了缺陷、掺杂和外电场对碳纳米管电导和态密度的调制作用。

    In this thesis , we have made a deep investigation on the conductance and the density of states of carbon nanotubes , exploring the influences of defects , nonmagnetic impurities and external electrical field .

  9. Toda非线性晶格动力学方程孤波解的实指数方法研究

    Real exponential approach of toda nonlinear lattice dynamical equation

  10. 基于FHT的实信号稀疏分解快速算法

    Fast Algorithm for Real Signal Sparse Decomposition Based on FHT

  11. 电站锅炉燃烧优化的实炉实验表明,根据不同的优化目标在线燃烧优化系统实现了锅炉效率的提高和NOx排放的降低,较好的实现了锅炉燃烧的在线优化。

    The testing combustion optimization on a power plant boiler shows the online combustion optimization system achieved good performance on combustion optimization by enhanced boiler efficiency and reduced NO_X emissions .

  12. 在作了一些简化和假设后,将格构拱转化为等效的实腹拱,于是可用ADC法进行近似分析;

    After making some simplification and tentative , the lattice arch is changed successfully into equivalent solid arch , hence the ADC method can be used to process an approximate analysis of lattice arch ;

  13. 再针对单通道复基带信号,以其自相关函数在零延时之外某区间内的实部平方和最小为准则,推导出复基带多途信号盲解卷积的LMS自适应迭代算法。

    For the baseband signal , a blind deconvolution algorithm is deduced , which minimizes the squared sum of the real part of the signal autocorrelation function over a region excluding a region near the zero delay point .

  14. 二维Kagomé系统带有次近邻相互作用Ising模型的实空间重正化群研究

    The real - space renormalization - group research of an ising model with next - nearest - neighbour interactions on kagom é

  15. 将实形式与Cartan分解等概念推广到仿射KacMoody李代数,系统地讨论了它们的实形式,并给出仿射KacMoody李代数的所有Cartan分解。

    In this paper , we give the conceptions of real form and Cartan decomposition of affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras , discuss the real form and give all Cartan decomposition of affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras .

  16. 论文研究了ROLAP中的实化视图的选择与调整问题,推广了现有的实化视图选择方法,并证明了这个推广的有效性。

    In this paper , we study the problem of materialized views selection and adjustment in ROLAP , extending the existing method of views selection and proving the validity of extension .

  17. 针对汽车运输船(PCC)船侧非贯通横舱壁周围裂纹损伤这一突出问题,通过有限元数值方法对一具有代表性的实船损伤实例进行了分析;

    The crack damage around the transverse partial bulkheads of the hold in a pure car carrier ( PCC ), as one of the major problems in PCC , is investigated . Typical crack damage in an actual PCC is numerically analyzed with the finite element method .

  18. 在此基础上,提出VMSCNF算法,解决不稳定网络环境中基于模式更新的实视图一致性维护问题,并通过实验原型验证了算法有效性。

    Based on schema changes , the VM_SCNF algorithm was proposed to solve the consistency of view maintenance processes in the non-FIFO network environments . Finally , a preliminary experiment was carried out to verify the efficiency of the proposed algorithm .

  19. 长江5000吨大舱口驳扭转强度的实船试验和理论计算及其加固形式探讨

    On Field Torsional Tests and Calculation Method of 5000-ton Wide-hatch Barges

  20. 它是否代表了可以实际使用的实实在在的东西?

    Does it represent something tangible that you can actually use ?

  21. 扁平、宽基底、表面不规则的实性回声型。

    A flat , broad irregular , solid mass echoic pattern .

  22. 任意区间上的实函数的不动点迭代序列

    The Fixed Point Iterative Sequences for Real Functions Defined on Arbitrary Domain

  23. 冬雪蜜桃’是1986年从‘青州蜜桃’实生苗中发现的实生变异。

    Dongxue Mitao'was a mutant from the seedling of'Qingzhou Mitao'in1986 .

  24. 分析结果表明:由防风林保护下的实生丁香树风害指数为78.7%;

    The wind indices of clove protected by windbreak were 78.7 % .

  25. α&蒎烯防治储粮害虫的实仓试验

    The field trials of α - pinene for controlling stored grain insects

  26. 准周期层状铁磁超晶格的实空间重整化群方法

    Real-space renormalization group approach to quasi-periodic layered ferromagnetic / supperlattices

  27. 一直以来,你们都在创造自己的实相。

    You are creating your own reality all the time .

  28. 求解非比例阻尼体系复模态的实模态摄动法

    Modal perturbation method for obtaining complex modal characteristics of non-proportional damping systems

  29. 智能潜器控制系统的实航验证

    Real cruising tests of control system for intelligent underwater vehicle

  30. 然而它的实流检定是制约其自身发展的关键因素。

    However its real flow verification is the key obstacle to its development .