
  • 网络tripoli;Libya;TIP
  1. 在的黎波里邮报的办公室里,编辑SaidLaswad说,利比亚的经济需要进行重大调整。

    Tight-up investor concerns all stalled after Gadhafi cronies fled . At the offices of the Tripoli Post Newspaper , Editor Said Laswad says the Libyan economy needs a major restructuring .

  2. 卡扎菲上校官邸所在的社区浓烟不断升起。AndrewNorth从的黎波里发回报道。

    Columns of smoke rose above the neighbourhood where Colonel Gaddafi 's residential compound is located , as Andrew North reports from Tripoli .

  3. 同时,前国会议员,宾夕法尼亚州共和党人W周三是应卡扎菲邀请到了的黎波里,其之前曾两次走访利比亚。

    Meanwhile , former congressman Curt Weldon , a Pennsylvania Republican who has visited Libya twice before , arrived in Tripoli on Wednesday at Gadhafi 's invitation .

  4. 尽管北约(Nato)向的黎波里的目标发出连续轰击,但仍没有找到为反政府军买单的方法。

    While Nato is hammering away at targets in Tripoli it has still not found a way to pay the rebels ' bills .

  5. 人们在的黎波里举行庆祝活动,包括这位只告诉了我们名字没告知姓氏的工程师,Osama。

    People celebrated in Tripoli , including this engineer who gave only his first name , Osama .

  6. 在现场观看了阿卜杜勒贾利勒先生抵达的黎波里的PeterBiles为我们报道更多内容。

    More from Peter Biles , who watched Mr Abdul Jalil 's arrival at the airport in Tripoli .

  7. 反对势力正从东西两侧朝着首都的黎波里(Tripoli)开进。

    Opposition forces are moving toward the capital , Tripoli , from both the east and the west sides .

  8. 只给出自己姓氏的一名的黎波里居民Ali通过电话告诉我们,首都大部分地区运作正常。

    A Tripoli resident , who give just his first name , Ali , said by telephone Tuesday that much of the capital was functioning normally .

  9. 而有班加西两倍大的的黎波里却只有五位代表。只有不到一半的NTC成员迁移到了首都,他们在等待视频会议设备把利比亚最大的两座城市联系起来。

    Fewer than half of NTC members have moved to the capital , and those who have are waiting for video-conference equipment to connect Libya 's two biggest cities .

  10. 利比亚反对派过渡国民委员会信息主任ShamsuddinBenAli表示,他们相信卡扎菲上校很有可能仍在的黎波里范围内。

    Shamsuddin Ben Ali , director of communications for the opposition National Transitional Council , said they believed that Colonel Gaddafi was most likely still in the Tripoli area .

  11. Zawiya是一个重要的石油终端,距离的黎波里只有一个小时的车程,这里已经发生连续第二天的激烈战斗。

    It follows a second day of fierce fighting in Zawiya , an oil terminal an hour 's drive from Tripoli .

  12. 据AL-Jazeera电视台报道称,反对派军队周日晚早前进入了的黎波里北部地区,途中并未受到太大阻力。

    Opposition convoy entered the western district of Tripoli on early Sunday evening with almost no sign of resistance , Al-Jazeera TV channel reported .

  13. 在的黎波里东南部的阿布萨利姆区(abusalim,卡扎菲在位时曾力挺他),投票率也比较高。

    And in the south-eastern Tripoli District of Abu Salim , known as a stronghold of support for Gaddafi during his reign , voters turned out in relatively high numbers .

  14. 叛军称,他们已经对的黎波里东部城镇Zlitan发起了新的进攻。

    The rebels say they 've launched a new assault on the town of Zlitan , east of Tripoli .

  15. 从的黎波里通往突尼斯边境的主要道路和补给路线经过Zawiya,据称已经被部分封闭。

    The main road and supply route from Tripoli to the Tunisian border , which runs through Zawiya , is said to have been partially closed .

  16. 利比亚叛军占领了的黎波里西南部160千米处Zintan镇附近一些重要的地下武器库。

    Rebels in Libya have captured a major complex of underground weapons bunkers near the town of Zintan , 160km southwest of Tripoli .

  17. 的黎波里的训练基地于8月21日建成,当反对派巩固了他们的政权时,北约组织的战斗机同时轰炸了再Zawiya东边边缘附近的一个基地。

    The turning-point for Tripoli came on August21st , when NATO fighter-jets bombarded a base at the eastern edge of Zawiya just as rebels consolidated their control .

  18. 在6月份的宗派暴力冲突之后,又有15人在类似冲突中死亡,黎巴嫩总理NajibMikati正在与当地的宗教领袖们以及的黎波里的议员们想办法停止暴力冲突。

    Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati is working with local religious leaders and lawmakers in Tripoli to stop the fighting after 15 people died in similar sectarian violence in June .

  19. 从蒙提祖马的大厅,到的黎波里海岸;

    From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli ;

  20. 开车到的黎波里,犹如进入一座死城。

    Driving into Tripoli is to drive into a ghost city .

  21. 如果不这样做,的黎波里就不会有和平。

    If not , there can 't be peace in Tripoli .

  22. 利比亚国家媒体说,这次袭击在的黎波里造成人员伤亡。

    Libyan state media said the strikes caused casualties in Tripoli .

  23. 马赫罗夫是孟加拉国民工,原来住在的黎波里。

    Mahrouf is a Bangladeshi migrant worker who was living in Tripoli .

  24. 第一次是在利比亚首都的黎波里。

    The first was in the Libyan capital of Tripoli .

  25. 的黎波里预防少年犯罪行动计划

    Tripoli Plan of Action on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

  26. 在驶近的黎波里港时,我们的船只进入一个新布雷区。

    Approaching Tripoli our ships ran into a new minefield .

  27. 美国飞机袭击了班加西和的黎波里的目标。

    American planes attacked targets in Benghazi and Tripoli .

  28. 往前去,的黎波里的海岸在呼唤我们。

    We can reach , we can beach on the shores of tripoli .

  29. 北约战机星期二早晨轰炸了利比亚首都的黎波里附近的几个目标。

    NATO warplanes bombed several targets near the Libyan capital Tripoli early Tuesday .

  30. 的黎波里今天上演双城记。

    Tripoli today is a tale of two cities .