
  • 网络Yaounde;Yaoundé;CAMEROON;Yaound
  1. 他说,官员们阻止该影片在首都雅温得上映。

    He says officials prevented a showing in Yaounde , the capital .

  2. 雅温得首脑会议声明

    Declaration of the Yaounde Summit

  3. 对于抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)费用是否构成喀麦隆雅温得艾滋病毒阳性患者接受ART的经济障碍进行评估。

    To assess the extent to which user fees for antiretroviral therapy ( ART ) represent a financial barrier to access to ART among HIV-positive patients in Yaound é, Cameroon .

  4. 雅温得Jamot医院工作人员与非洲地区其他医院的工作人员持有相同看法,即有必要加强卫生体系。

    Providers at Jamot Hospital in Yaounde echo the views of others across Africa about the need to strengthen health systems .

  5. 与Djoko一样,患有结核病和其他疾病的其他人也花上好几个小时从Douala赶到雅温得,因为“这里的药物更好些”,同时也反映了人们对该医院关爱质量的好感。

    Others like Djoko , who suffer from TB and other diseases , travel hours from Douala because the " drugs are better here ," highlighting positive perceptions about the quality of care .

  6. 雅温得巴斯德研究所正在对标本作出实验室分析。

    Laboratory analysis of the specimens is ongoing at the Institut Pasteur in Yaound é .

  7. 象牙海岸必须在前一天,在苏丹中部城市乌姆杜尔曼赢苏丹,然后静等雅温得的结果。

    The Ivory Coast must win their final fixture away to Sudan in Omdurman the day before and then wait to hear the result in Yaounde .