
  • 网络Yardang landform;Landform;Yardang
  1. 然而,雅丹地貌也有其发生发展和消亡的过程。

    However , yardang landform has its own processes of coming into being , developing and passing away .

  2. 在雅丹地貌的形成过程中,季节性流水和重力崩塌也起着一定的作用。

    The seasonal water flow and gravitational collapse also play some important roles in the processes of yardang landform forming .

  3. 文章的主要结论如下:(1)雅丹地貌的外部形态特征。

    The results indicated : ( 1 ) The external morphological characteristics of yardang landforms .

  4. 玉门关西雅丹地貌的分布和特征及形成时代问题

    Distribution and Characteristics of Yardang Landform and Its Formation Period , West to Yumenguan , Gansu

  5. 中央亚细亚的八种雅丹地貌类型

    Eight yardang types in Central Asia

  6. 公园面积398平方公里。它主要是风蚀作用形成的雅丹地貌景观。

    Covering an area of398 square kilometres , it mainly consists of Yadan geomorphologiclandscapes formed by wind eolation .

  7. 与风积地貌相比,对雅丹地貌这一风蚀地貌形态的研究甚微。

    Compared with wind accumulation landforms , investigations to yardang landform , which is a wind erosion landform , are very little .

  8. 雅丹地貌为何被称为魔鬼城?青海最大最典型的雅丹地貌主要分布在哪里?

    Why Yadan landform known as the Demon Castle ? Where dose the largest and most typical Yadan landform located of Qinghai ?

  9. 第五站:从柴旦出发经过南八仙,进入雅丹地貌群。(全程110公里)

    The fifth step : Starts from Tsaidam and go through Nanbaxian , then enter into Yadan landform . ( the whole journey is110km )

  10. 雅丹地貌因呈现出丰富多样的外部形态和神秘的形成原因而激起地理学家和探险家们的研究兴趣。

    A variety of external morphology and mysterious formation causes that showed by yardang landforms always stimulate the interest of geographers and explorers in this landform .

  11. 文章选取柴达木盆地中南部的察尔汗盐湖地区的雅丹地貌为研究对象。

    This paper selected the yardang landforms in the Qarhan Salt Lake regions , which located in the central south of Qaidam Basin , as study object .

  12. 第六站:从雅丹地貌出发,经过东西台吉那尔湖、万丈盐桥,抵达察尔汗盐湖。(全程380公里)

    The sixth step : Starts from the Yadan landform , go through west and east Taijina'er Lake , Thousands of Zhang Salt Bridge , then reach to Cha'erhan Salt Lake . ( the whole journey is380km )

  13. 通过详尽的野外考察、室内实验分析、遥感影像处理等,主要从雅丹外部形态、区域风动力条件和形成雅丹地貌沉积物的物质组成特征三个方面进行研究。

    Through thoroughly field investigations , indoor experimentation and analysis , remote sensing image processing , this paper mainly studied yardangs ' external morphology , regional wind dynamic conditions and material composition characteristics of yardang landforms .

  14. 同时,雅丹体表面析出的盐分逐渐固结,形成坚硬的盐壳,减少了外力的侵蚀破坏作用,对雅丹地貌具有一定的保护作用。

    During the processes of yardang landform forming , the extracted salts form hard salt crust , which reduces erosion and damaging effects of external forces and has a protective effect on yardang landforms .