
  • 网络Yakutsk
  1. 据称,神秘物体突然闯入俄罗斯雅库茨克上空的航空监视器。

    The mystery object suddenly burst onto flight monitors over Yakutsk .

  2. 从奥伊米亚康到当地的地区首府雅库茨克开车需要两天的时间,雅库茨克是世界上气温最低的城市。

    Oymyakon lies a two day drive from the city of Yakutsk , the regional capital , which has the coldest winter temperatures for any city in the world .

  3. 雅库茨克有两座机场、一所大学、若干学校、剧院和博物馆。

    It is served by two airports and is home to a university , schools , theatres and museums .

  4. 本文从统计低温多雨的冷空气路径、源地和移速入手,找出主要影响系统为贝加尔湖北部及雅库茨克的阻塞高压。

    In this paper , by the statistical analysis of the path , source and moving velocity-of the cold air , blocking high on the north of Baikal and Yakutsk was shown to be the main system of influence .