
cūn mín
  • villager
村民 [cūn mín]
  • [villager] 乡村的百姓

  • 全体村民都跑出来迎接他

  1. 第三十条机关、团体、企业、事业单位以及乡、村可以根据需要,建立由职工或者村民组成的义务消防队

    Article 30 State organs , organizations , enterprises and institutions as well as towns and villages may set up obligatory fire brigade consisting of working staff or villager based on need .

  2. 救护过程回顾4月23日,当地警方接到报告称,密山市临湖村一处废弃房屋中发现一只老虎,随后伤及一名女性村民。

    On April 23 , local police received a report that a tiger had been found in an abandoned house in Linhu village of Mishan , and had hurt a female villager working on a farm .

  3. 村民每天的用水量限定为两升。

    The villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day .

  4. 一群兴高采烈的村民观看了仪式。

    A merry crowd of villagers watched the proceedings .

  5. 很快村民们就买不起口粮了。

    Soon the villagers couldn 't afford to buy food for themselves .

  6. 村民们仍然要从井里打水。

    Villagers still have to draw their water from wells .

  7. 村民们说这个围栏将限制公众进入山区。

    Villagers say the fence would restrict public access to the hills .

  8. 那是我们村民自己修建的,没有依靠任何人的帮助。

    We villagers built that ourselves , we had no help from anyone .

  9. 该委员会明确指出住房不足是威胁村民生活的根本问题。

    The commission pinpoints inadequate housing as a basic problem threatening village life .

  10. 300名村民将在村礼堂举行一场舞会以示庆祝。

    Its 300 inhabitants will be celebrating with a dance in the village hall

  11. 大部分村民只在复活节的时候领受圣餐。

    Most villagers took communion only at Easter .

  12. 那些村民是十足的保皇主义者。

    The villagers are royalist to the core .

  13. 村民们想要掌握自己的命运,这促成了一项新的计划。

    The need for villagers to control their own destinies has prompted a new plan .

  14. 村民们裁定将一名偷邻居火腿的男子鞭打5下。

    The villagers sentenced one man to five lashes for stealing a ham from his neighbor .

  15. 这些村民拥护游击队。

    These villagers are guerrilla sympathizers .

  16. 村民用彩旗装饰街道。

    Villagers decked the streets with bunting

  17. 不断有报道称村民被强制从农村迁入城镇定居。

    Reports are coming in of the forcible resettlement of villagers from the countryside into towns .

  18. 村民们讲法语。

    The villagers spoke French .

  19. 他们利用村民互相监视,互相窥探。

    They 're using villagers to keep an eye on each other , to spy on each other .

  20. 1981年6月24日那天,年轻的村民们首次报告说看到了圣母马利亚的幻象。

    It was on 24th June 1981 that young villagers first reported seeing the Virgin Mary in a vision .

  21. 救济物资车的到来引发了小小的骚乱,村民们争先恐后地想抢到一份援助物资。

    The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid

  22. 那些熟睡着的村民被可怕的尖叫声吵醒了。

    Those fast asleep villagers were woken up by terrible screams .

  23. 村民们生活在恐惧之中,害怕随时会被征召入伍。

    The villagers lived in fear of being conscripted at any time .

  24. 洪水危及到村民的生命。

    The flood imperiled / endangered the villagers ' lives .

  25. 村民请愿要求地方政府提供更便利的医疗服务。

    Villagers petitioned the local government to provide more convenient medical services .

  26. 那里的村民粗通文字而已。

    Barely any of the villagers can read or write .

  27. 村民们卖出了一大片荒地。

    The villagers sold a wild stretch of land .

  28. 村民们都被地震惊醒了。

    The villagers were wakened by the quake .

  29. 因为洪水泛滥,村民们被全部撤离。

    The villagers were evacuated because of flood .

  30. 那里大多数村民都养牛。

    Most villagers there rear cattle .