
dì jiào
  • cellar;basement
地窖 [dì jiào]
  • [cellar;storage pit;subterranean cell;basement] 贮藏用的地坑或地下室

  1. 地窖里真令人有点不寒而栗!

    It 's kind of creepy down in the cellar !

  2. 酿熟期的长短由地窖的主人决定。

    The period of maturation is determined by the cellar master .

  3. 当我们往下走去地窖时,四周愈见阴冷潮湿。

    Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar

  4. 有些家庭在地窖里储备了食品和水。

    Some families stocked their cellars with food and water

  5. 这些书一般妥善锁藏在图书馆的地窖里。

    The books were normally kept under lock and key in the library vault

  6. 他接着将她肢解,将部分尸体藏在了地窖里。

    He then dismembered her , hiding parts of her body in the cellar

  7. 那箱文件一直藏在家中的地窖里。

    The box of papers had been stored in a cellar at the family home .

  8. 她突然冲下地窖。

    Suddenly she dashed down to the cellar

  9. 这个地窖不适合住人。

    This cellar is not fit for human habitation .

  10. 他走下地窖。

    He descended into a cellar .

  11. 从明亮的阳光下走进黑暗的地窖中,我什么也看不见,直到眼睛适应了为止。

    Stepping from the bright sunlight into the darkness of that cellar , I was as blind as a bat until my eyes became used to it .

  12. 在谷仓的地窖里,这可算一件大事情。

    This was an important event in the barn cellar .

  13. 第二天,威伯被从他在苹果树下的小房子里带走,住进了祖克曼先生的谷仓下面,地窖里的牛粪堆旁。

    Next day Wilbur was taken from his home under the apple tree and went to live in a manure16 pile in the cellar of Zuchkerman 's barn .

  14. 明显可以看出,很久以前楼梯就塌了,楼梯井足足有十英尺高,底下地窖的地板上摞着一堆不知道多少年了的老木头缠在一起。

    Apparently11 , the stairwell had collapsed12 into the cellar long ago , leaving only a yawning opening 10 feet above a tangled13 pile of old timbers on the cellar floor below .

  15. 调查组使用了红外摄像机、3D扫描仪和雷达来搜索这个地窖及其壁龛。

    The team of investigators used infrared cameras , 3D scanners and radar to search the crypt and its alcoves .

  16. 在1980s后期,它提供一个欣喜而不愉快的节目叫做“地窖中的故事”。

    In the late1980s it carried a gleefully unpleasant show called " Tales from the Crypt " .

  17. 如果圣马丁教堂的地窖餐馆(CaféintheCrypt)从来不曾改变该有多好!

    If only the Caf é in the Crypt at St. Martin in the Fields hadn 't changed !

  18. 例如,为了迅速地支持对现有功能的访问,难以访问的嵌入式功能的点到点公开(Point-to-PointExposure)是迈出硬编码地窖的重要一步。

    For example , Point-to-Point Exposure of otherwise inaccessible and embedded functionality , designed to rapidly support access to existing functionality , is a step up from the hard-coded silos .

  19. 诚然,在一些关键性的做法上,巴克莱这项计划与过去的SIV暨地窖有所不同。

    To be sure , the details of the Barclays plan differ in some crucial ways from the old SIVs-cum-cellars .

  20. 正如车库或地窖通常附属于房屋但实际上并不在房屋内部一样,结构性投资工具(SIV)和管道(conduit)等实体传统上是半独立于银行的。

    For just as a garage or cellar is usually attached to a house but not truly inside a house entities such as SIVs and conduits have traditionally had a semi-detached status with banks .

  21. 洞穴的西班牙名StanodelasGolondrinas意为燕子地窖,得名于住在洞穴里的无数鸟类。

    The cave 's Spanish name Stano de las Golondrinas means Basement of the Swallows owing to the many birds which live in holes on the cave walls .

  22. Avocet小姐说那台机器在黑水湖的地窖里。

    Miss . Avocet said the machine is in the cellar of the Blackpool tower building .

  23. 1999&2003年,先后利用HOBO测温仪研究自然孵化巢(8个)的温度与气温间的作用机制,同时研究了有扬子鳄冬眠的洞穴温度、人工地窖温度与气温间的相互关系;

    The influence of the temperature on the natural hatch was studied by using HOBO automatic thermometer . At the same time , the interactions between air temperature and natural burrow temperature or manual burrow temperature were also studied .

  24. 领导此次寻找塞万提斯遗骨活动的历史学家费尔南多·德·普雷托(FernandodePrato)说,此次,这些遗骨是在教堂地窖内发现的,埋在大约50英寸之下的一个箱子里,里面盛放着十具成人的遗骨与五具孩子的遗骨。

    The remains were finally found below the ground of the crypt of the church , at a depth of about 50 inches in a box that contained bones from 10 adults and five children , according to Fernando de Prato , a historian who led the search for Cervantes .

  25. 瑞士科学家马丁。奥格里以Micronaut命名他的作品,使用电子扫描显微镜在他地窖中获取花粉颗粒的图像。

    Swiss scientists named Martin Oeggerli , who uses the name Micronaut for his art , uses a Scanning Electron Microscope in his cellar to capture images of pollen grains .

  26. 我们躲在地窖里一直到危险结束。

    We hid in the cellar until the danger was past .

  27. 在那里一些男孩子们已经把一个地窖清理过。

    There was a cellar there that the boys had excavated .

  28. 他站在那扇通往地窖的镶板门前。

    He stood before the panelled door leading to the cellar .

  29. 上了镣铐的人被赶回幽暗的地窖。

    The chained people were herded back into the dark cellar .

  30. 农夫从地窖中抽取水至水沟中。

    The farmer siphoned water from the cellar into the ditch .