
  • 网络Expansion tectonics
  1. 本文给出了利用综合法求n次多项式函数f(x)在x0的泰勒展开的一种方法。地球膨胀说提出、发展及其主要事实依据这种改造的特点是它的扩张性。

    In this article , a simple method is given to the Taylor 's expansion of a polynomial function f ( x ) of the nth degree at an arbitrary point x_0 by synthetic division .

  2. 地球膨胀说分析

    Analysis of expansion theory

  3. 本文通过对地史时期中地球自转速率、氢的外逸以及地表景观的研究,进一步支持了地球膨胀说。

    By researching the rotation rate of the earth , the escape of hydrogen and the landscape of the earth in the geological period , the paper supports the Expansion Theory further .