
  1. 她一看见警车,脸色就刷地变白了。

    She paled visibly at the sight of the police car .

  2. 新陈代谢在1岁时达到顶峰,20岁到60岁期间保持稳定水平,60岁后开始不可阻挡地变慢。

    It peaks at the age of one , is stable from 20 to 60 and then inexorably declines .

  3. 由于V的高度内容钢的残余物有细密纹理的即使当从例外地变硬高的温度。

    Owing to the high content of V the steel remains fine-grained even when hardened from exceptionally high temperatures .

  4. 但是,如果在准备不足的情况下、以及缺乏精通技术和业务需求的人员时实施SOA,企业将很快由干旱之地变为流沙。

    Yet if SOA is approached with poor preparation , without people skilled in technical and business needs , companies can swiftly go from dry land to quicksand .

  5. 我觉得它的可能性正慢慢地变大,因为现在Duby已经支持很多的Java特性,每周都有更多的特性加入其中。

    This is starting to feel more likely , since it already supports a large subset of Java features and more are being added every week .

  6. 要使持续集成能够进行,开发人员可以使用UCM功能快速地变基并交付到集成区域,可能要执行一些快速测试。

    To enable continuous integration , developers can use the capabilities of UCM to quickly rebase and deliver to the integration area , maybe carrying out some quick tests .

  7. 一个人可以轻易地变为不信宗教的人,但几乎不可能转而相信另外一种信仰(T.E.劳伦斯)

    Easily was a man made an infidel , but hardly might he be converted to another faith ( T.E.Lawrence )

  8. 结果表明,随着养殖时间的增加,该海域养殖容量不断地变小,当预计只养1a时,它的容量为54100箱,10a以后,它的容量就变为34500箱。

    The result shows that the environmental capacity for aquaculture diminishes with culture time . It is expected that the capacity would be 54100 boxes when the culture time is 1 year and after 10 years , 34500 boxes .

  9. 还介绍了接地变及电阻柜的选择、保护配置和设计的原则,为今后35kV系统经小电阻接地的改造提供了成功的运行经验。

    The selection of grounding transformer and resistance cabinet , the protection configuration and the design principle are also introduced , which provide experiences of 35 kV system retrofitting in grounding via small resistance .

  10. 小镇的尽头房子慢慢地变稀疏了。

    Towards the end of town , the houses thinned out .

  11. 它还在越来越快地变大膨胀正在加速。

    It 's getting bigger faster , its expansion is accelerating .

  12. 不过从现在的情况看来,商业性电网投资正在一步一步地变为现实。

    However , the merchant transmission investment is become reality gradually .

  13. 她既惊讶又羞愧,脸刷地变红了。

    Her face turned red , she was surprised and ashamed .

  14. 把黄油从冰箱里面拿出来,它会慢慢地变软。

    The butter will soften when taken out of the fridge .

  15. 她的脸令人惊奇地变黑了。

    As if by magic , her face turned black .

  16. 使她可以放心地变回艾米

    So she feels safe to be ... well , Ems again .

  17. 从殖民地变为独立地位的活动。

    The action of changing from colonial to independent status .

  18. 书本知识的精华在这地变作了现实。

    Here was the best the books had to offer coming true .

  19. 这些学生好像一年年地变年轻了。

    The students seemed to grow younger year by year .

  20. 这种墨水不会变色。有泥的水慢慢地变清了。

    This ink will not change color . The muddy water slowly cleared .

  21. 嘴令人悲伤地变紫,一声呻吟。

    Grievously purpled , mouth skewered on a groan .

  22. 但是,这个风俗渐渐地变了。

    Lately , however , the custom has changed .

  23. 由于这些暗示,我们很难优雅地变老。

    These signals make it difficult to age gracefully .

  24. 那具躯体缓慢而怕人地变活了。

    Slowly , terribly , the body came alive .

  25. 我只是开个玩笑—”罗恩看到金妮的脸刷地变白了,赶紧又说了一句。

    I 'm only joking - " Ron added hastily as Ginny blanched .

  26. 她过早地变老了。

    She 's grown old before her gime .

  27. 干式变压器在水源地变配电设计中的应用

    The application of dry-type transformer in electro-transformation and distribution design in water source region

  28. 富翁比以往更快地变富

    The Rich Get Richer Faster than Ever

  29. 天气很热,而且还在不断地变热。

    It was hot and getting hotter .

  30. 有些是朋友,有些是敌人,可他们不停地变。

    Some were friends , some were enemies , but they changed all the time .