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  • 网络global warming;global greenhouse effect
  1. 反刍动物瘤胃微生物产生的甲烷不但造成自身能量的大量损失,而且在地球温室效应中起着不可忽视的作用。

    Methane production by rumen microbes in ruminant causes loss of feed energy and unignorably contributes to global greenhouse effect .

  2. 矿物燃料的大量使用所造成的地球温室效应日益显现。

    Slather using of the fossil fuel makes the greenhouse effect increasing greatly .

  3. 桂林城市热岛效应与岩溶&城市热蚀沉降及地球温室效应

    City heat island effect of Guilin and karst

  4. 面临可持续发展,大气环保和地球温室效应的挑战,以及噪声方面的限制。

    Face with the strategy of sustainable development , environmental protection and the greenhouse effect , as well as noise restrictions .

  5. 同时还存在很多问题,如原材料的采集可能会导致资源的枯竭、建筑材料的制造要消耗能源并产生与地球温室效应和酸雨相关的污染、建筑的拆除又产生大量的建筑垃圾。

    The collection of the raw materials may cause the exhaustion of resources ; the manufacture of the construction material consumes energy . These activities produce the pollution which related to the earth greenhouse effects and acid rain .

  6. 沙尘暴是一种风与沙相互作用的灾害性天气,它的形成与地球温室效应、厄尔尼诺现象、森林锐减、植被破坏、物种灭绝、气候异常等因素有着不可分割的关系。

    Sandstorms is a kind of calamity weather interacted by both winds and sands , it 's formation is closely concerned with many factors , including the global greenhouse effects , forest decreased quickly , vegetation destroyed , species extinction and abnormal climate .

  7. 同时,随着移动用户数目的急剧增加,未来移动通信系统中视频业务的编码及传输过程将提高基站系统功耗,所排放的二氧化碳等温室气体将加剧地球温室效应。

    Meanwhile , the increase of user numbers and service requirements would raise video coding power and video transmission power of base station systems . It is estimated that the carbon dioxide emission due to wireless applications will further aggravate the greenhouse effect .

  8. 元素的环境化学与地球的温室效应

    Environmental chemistry of elements and greenhouse effect of the earth

  9. 地球的温室效应到底严重到什麽程度?减量是否有其迫切性?

    How bad is the greenhouse effect ? Is it so urgent to reduce CO2 emission right now ?

  10. 水气界面处的气体传输问题由于其对于地球大气中温室效应气体收支的重要意义,近年来受到广泛的关注。

    The issue of gas transfer at air-water interfaces has received world wide concern due to its relevance in the budget of climate modifying gases .

  11. 令到地球暖化的温室效应气体又从那里发生的呢?

    And where are the global warming greenhouse effect gases coming from ?

  12. 早在地球形成初期,温室效应就是其自身运行机理的一部分。

    The greenhouse effect has been part of the earth 's workings since its earliest days .

  13. 如果地球上根本没有温室效应,那将会非常之冷。

    If Earth had no greenhouse effect at all , it would be too cold for us altogether .

  14. 他说他带领的小组所进行的这项调查显示,当地球进入到“温室效应”时期,温度巨变的现象就会出现,而这一现象正与地球现在的处境是很相似的。

    He said the team 's research showed the drop in temperature happened when the Earth was in a'greenhouse'climate-similar to now .

  15. 综上所述,只有植物尤其是大叶植物才能拯救地球,才能减缓温室效应给人类带来的灾害!

    In a word , only plants especially large leaf plants can save the earth and relieve people from the calamities caused by greenhouse effect !

  16. 介绍了天然气水合物作为潜在能源的巨大优势以及它对地球气候变化&温室效应的潜在危险性。

    Natural gas hydrates may play an important role as potential source of energy and also may be harmful to global climate change , i.e. , enhancing the greenhouse effect .