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rì chū
  • sunrise;rise;sunup
日出 [rì chū]
  • [sunrise] 指太阳初升出地平线或最初看到的太阳的出现

日出[rì chū]
  1. 宇航员们拍摄了太空中日出的照片。

    The cosmonauts photographed the rise of the sun in space .

  2. 我只想看看地中海的日出

    I wanted to see the sun rise over the Med .

  3. 我日出即起。

    I get up with the sun .

  4. 我们在日出时起床。

    We got up at sunrise .

  5. 我们从日出工作到日落。

    We worked from sunup to sunset .

  6. 海滨日出真是个奇景。

    The sunrise at the seaside was quite a sight to behold .

  7. 一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天。

    April weather , rain and shine both together .

  8. 日落可与日出媲美。

    The sunset rivals the sunrise in beauty .

  9. 从泰山顶上看去,日出真是个奇观。

    Viewed from the top of Mount Tai , the sunrise was indeed a spectacle .

  10. 俄而日出。

    Presently the sun emerged .

  11. 中国科学家苏颂800多年前发明的天文钟是世界上最早的天文钟。它能自动报告昼夜时刻和日出、日落等情况。

    The astronomical clock , invented by the Chinese scientist Su Song over 800 years ago , was the first of its kind in the world . It gave the correct time of the day and night , as well as the sunrise and the sunset .

  12. 从这山顶可以看日出。

    From the top of the hill you can watch the sunrise .

  13. 日出雾散。

    Mists fled before the rising sun .

  14. 海上看日出,景色特别美丽。

    Sunrise at sea is particularly beautiful .

  15. 日出有曜。

    The rising sun is brilliant .

  16. 人们去泰山看日出。

    People go to Mount Tai to see sunrise .

  17. 它以奇特的岩石形状和日出时的热气球之旅闻名。

    It is best-known for its strange rock shapes and hot air balloon trips during sunrise .

  18. 印象派得名于克劳德·莫内早期的一幅名为《印象·日出》的画作。

    Impressionism received its name from an early painting by Claude Monet titled impression , Sunrise .

  19. 接着,伊泽比先生解释了赤壁是如何学会发这些声音的——日出时离家上学,日落时回家,六年来每天如此。

    Then Mr Isobe explained how Chibi had learned those calls -- leaving his home for school at sunrise , and arriving home at sunset , every day for six long years .

  20. 把根据要求确定出来的日出日没间隔作为我们通常直觉上的一个白天

    This macro computes the length of the day , from sunrise to sunset .

  21. 这当然并不是日出或下雪有什么不对,实在是那些犬类少见多怪。

    Of course there is nothing wrong with sunrise or snowing . In fact , the dogs just consider these phenomena4 strange out of ignorance !

  22. 这时候该乐队的歌曲《触摸》的合唱版响起,场景切换成了日出(也可能是日落)。

    The scene cuts to a sunrise , or possibly a sunset , as a choral version of the group 's song " Touch " plays .

  23. 日出之时,这些渔民在湖上忙了一夜后,正在驶回岸边,他们已经准备好在市场上出售捕获的鱼了。

    Sunrise – and these fishermen are making their way back to shore after a night out on the water – ready to sell their catch at the market .

  24. “日出时很凉快,中午就热得很,只有热的才近,远的就凉快了。”

    It is cool when the sun first rises , and it is hot at noon . The sun must be closer to us for us to feel hot , and it must we farther away when it is cool . "

  25. 我过去听人讲过:“从前,四川、陕西、湖北交界处的南部,常常阴雨连绵,少有晴日,偶然日出,狗就吠个不停。”

    In the past , I heard people say : " Formerly1 , it was often cloudy and drizzly2 for days on end in the south of the juncture3 of Sichuan , Shaanxi and Hubei , with very few fine days in between . When the sun shone occasionally , the dogs would bark consistently without stop . "

  26. 电离层E层和F层中的日出效应

    The sunrise effects in the ionospheric E and f layers

  27. 我刚从日出公司回来,他们决定和我们签一年的合同太好了!发音技巧:生词发音:Fireaway[ˈfaɪər][

    I just came back from Sunrise , and they decided to sign a one-year contract with us .

  28. 登山便可领略其云海(theseaofclouds)、奇松(wondrouspines)、怪石(uniquerocks)等秀丽的风景及清晨美丽的日出。注意1词数:80词左右。

    While you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea of clouds , wondrous pines and unique rocks around you .

  29. 利奥·达姆罗施(LeoDamrosch),《不朽的日出:威廉·布莱克的虚构世界》(Eternity’sSunrise:TheImaginativeWorldofWilliamBlake,耶鲁大学出版社[YaleUniversityPress])

    Leo Damrosch , " Eternity 's Sunrise : The Imaginative World of William Blake " ( Yale University Press )

  30. 上面的图像是由X射线望远镜拍摄到的,如日出(?),冕洞之所以表现为黑暗,是因为炙热的发光气体将填补这些已蔓延的太阳风。

    In images taken by X-ray telescopes , such as the one Hinode uses , coronal holes appear dark because the hot glowing gas which would otherwise fill them has spilled out in the solar wind .