
  • 网络Sunset Boulevard;sunset strip;sunset blvd;Sunset Road
  1. 马修派瑞(Chanddler):他近期的电视节目《日落大道60号》,由西翼的艾伦索尔金主笔,仅播出一季后就被取消。

    MATTHEW PERRY ` S ( Chanddler ) recent TV show Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip , written by the West Wing ` s Aaron Sorkin , was also cancelled after just a single season .

  2. 我们谈起推广计划。这些计划其实是基于唱片行业在70年代、80年代的黄金时期,那个时候日落大道不仅关乎音乐,同样也关乎电影。

    We talked about campaigns that were really based on the golden age of the record industry , in the ' 70s and ' 80s , when the Sunset Strip was as much about music as it was about movies . '

  3. 怀尔德最初是想把《日落大道》拍成一部对好莱坞的辛辣讽刺片。

    Sunset Boulevard was originally conceived by Wilder as an astringent satire on Hollywood .

  4. 总之,尽管我认为同一年被提名的威尔德(BillyWilder)的‘日落大道’要好得多,但是这仍是一部极其有趣的电影。

    Anyway , it 's enormous fun , though I must say Billy Wilder 's'Sunset Boulevard , 'nominated that same year , is a much better movie .

  5. 《日落大道》(查尔斯-布拉克特、比利-威尔德与D.M.小马士曼)

    Sunset Boulevard ( Charles Brackett & Billy Wilder and D.M.Marshman Jr. )

  6. 我送她到日落大道上的一家汽车旅馆。

    I sent her to the townhouse Motel on sunset .

  7. 最后一次发现是在日落大道西街维斯特附近。

    Last seen heading westbound on sunset near western .

  8. 美国的日落大道是全球最知名的街道之一。

    Sunset Boulevard in the U.S.A.is one of the world 's most famous streets .

  9. 日落大道是一部上映于1950年的悲情色彩电影,导演兼编剧是比利·威尔德。

    Sunset Boulevard is a 1950 American film noir directed and co-written by Billy Wilder .

  10. 这是日落大道对吗?

    This is Sunset Boulevard right ?

  11. 日落大道:明星大道

    The Sunset Boulevard-the film-star Boulevard

  12. 他的成功作品包括《悲惨世界》、猫》、星光列车》、尼可拉斯·克勒比》以及《日落大道》。

    His credits include Miserables , Cats , Starlight Express , Nicholas Nickleby , and Sunset Boulevard .

  13. 这位兼职做吧台服务生的男子现在在好莱坞日落大道上穿着这套衣服表演变形金刚里的经典桥段。

    The part-time bar tender has now taken to re-enacting famous scenes from the Transformer series along Hollywood and Sunset Boulevard .

  14. 官员表示,这条位于日落大道有近百年历史的水管突然爆裂,致使约800万加仑的水涌进加州大学洛杉矶分校。

    Officials say the nearly-century-old pipe that erupts under Sunset Boulevard brings an estimated eight million gallons of water onto the UCLA campus .

  15. 虽然在日落大道公告牌上出现的是演员的面孔,但经纪人才是好莱坞娱乐圈引擎得以正常运作的润滑油。

    It is actors ' faces that appear on the billboards along Sunset Boulevard but agents are the oil that make the entertainment industry 's engine run smoothly .

  16. 这条主水管位于日落大道,有近百年的历史,水管爆裂使路面形成了一个56英尺乘41英尺的大坑,目前工作人员正在固定新传送带,来代替爆裂的管道。

    The nearly-century-old pipe in Sunset Boulevard creating a massive 56 by 41 foot crater , off-site workers are fastening new belts in a replacement for the burst section of pipe .

  17. 2006年,派瑞主演了美剧《日落大道60号》,但该剧仅播出了一季就因收视率低而被取消了。

    Career slump : Matthew Perry . In 2006 , he landed the lead role as a TV writer in the much-vaunted Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip . But it was dropped by U.S. network NBC after one series because of poor ratings .

  18. 詹姆斯叹了口气,不知是由于快乐抑或不安:“以前根本没人能认出我——现在就变成这样。看到自己的照片挂在日落大道和时报广场,感觉真是超怪的。”

    Sighing with what might have been delight - or was it trepidation ? - Ms. James said : " No one recognizes me - ever - and now this . I see myself soaring above Sunset Boulevard and Times Square , and it 's just the weirdest thing . "

  19. 布鲁克林日落公园第八大道一家中国海鲜餐馆的一位大厨认为,鱼翅汤是不可替代的,他不愿公开挑战这项禁令,所以没有透露姓名。

    For one chef at a Chinese seafood restaurant on Eighth Avenue in Sunset Park , Brooklyn , who did not want to be named because he did not wish to publicly challenge the ban , only shark fin soup will do .