
  • 网络after sunset;After The Sunset;Just After Sunset
  1. 日落之后,寒气袭人,老人冻得发抖。

    The old man shivered in the cold that came after the sunset .

  2. 其实,未来两天,我们能在日落之后看到月亮。

    In fact , for the next two nights a young Moon can be spotted just after sunset .

  3. vt.使变暗;使模糊vi.变黑;变得模糊日落之后天空很快黑暗。……

    darken The sky quickly darkened after sunset .......

  4. 甚至在日落之后,气温也不见降低。

    Even after sunset there was little moderation in the temperature .

  5. 日落之后,我会更好地表现出个性的自我。

    After the sunrise , I can show my best to them .

  6. 一切苦痛发生于这个美好的日落之后。

    All the physical pain occurred after this beautiful sunset .

  7. 日落之后我就不能开车了。

    I 'm not allowed to drive after sunset .

  8. 130.滑稽乖巧的赛跑者在日出之前或日落之后使用胶皮枪。

    130 . The funny cunning runner uses his gum gun before sunrise or after sunset .

  9. 美中关系30年:以三种景距进行透视他的观察开始于日出之前30分种,结束于日落之后30分钟。

    He began these observations 30 minutes before sunrise and ended them 30 minutes after sunset .

  10. 他们在日落之后回家。

    They went back after dark .

  11. 它是在日落之后黑夜时由大脑中一种叫做松果体的组织分泌的。

    It is made in the brain by a structure called the pineal gland , as darkness sets in after sunset .

  12. 拉斯维加斯婚礼图片。新婚夫妇共享接吻在日落之后的棕榈树在一拉斯维加斯显示奇迹的埃尔维斯(猫王)一个园胖塑像。

    Newlyweds share a kiss as the sun sets behind palm trees in a Las Vegas display featuring a rotund statue of Elvis .

  13. 彗星天鹅、微弱、绿色彗星,在可视西天日落之后,越来越渺茫。

    The comet swan , a faint , green-tinted comet , viewable in the western sky after sunset , is growing ever dimmer .

  14. 和田许多汉族居民表示,他们害怕前往巴扎附近,日落之后就不出门。

    Many Han residents of Hotan said they were afraid to go near the area around the bazaar , and would not go out after sunset .

  15. 象雅各布在“雅博”一样,日落之后,才有天使前来,我们经过虔诚祈祷之后,才能获得结果。

    Like Jacob at Jabbok , it is when our earthly sun goes down that the Divine Angel comes forth , and we wrestle with Him and prevail .

  16. 一个10场景西湖是“雷峰塔在夕照”,但是这是最好看的距离日落之后。

    One of the10 Scenes of the West Lake is " Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow ", but this is best viewed from a distance just after sunset .