
Xuān dé
  • Xuande
宣德 [xuān dé]
  • [the title of Emperor Xuan Zong's reign in Ming Dynasty] 明宣宗朱瞻基的年号(1426-1435年)

  • 宣德间,宫中尚促织之戏,岁征民间。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  1. 通过分析,得出的结论是:宣德、正统之前,是明代的通货紧缩时期;

    According to analysis , before Xuande and Zhengtong , deflation emerged and then the inflation came .

  2. 宣德十年(1435),复除行云南道监察御史。

    Xuande years ( 1435 ), Yunnan Road rehabilitation in addition to the line to monitor the censor .

  3. 与永乐青花八方烛台相比,宣德时期作品在画法上表现出诸多不同。

    When the candlesticks were produced again in the Xuande period , the painted designs show quite a number of differences .

  4. 明代宣德年间,文学史上产生了一个比较独特的宫廷诗坛,是为宣德宫廷诗坛。

    In Xuande period of Ming Dynasty there was a relatively unique palace poetry named Xuande Court Poets in the history of literature .

  5. 文献记载,明宣德四年,祖庙一带有许多铸铁作坊,诸炉并冶,火光冲天。

    Literature , Ming Xuande four years , a temple with a number of cast iron workshop , Zhu furnace and smelting , fires raging .

  6. 郑和于永乐三年(1405年)至宣德八年(1433年)的二十八年间,受明政府派遣统帅舟师七下西洋。

    Dispatched by the government of the Ming Dynasty , Zheng He sailed to the Western world seven times during 1405-1433 in command of a fleet .

  7. 宣德以后,明朝停止主动派遣使节下西洋,海外华人穆斯林则在中外海上交往活动中扮演了主要角色。

    But , from emperor Xuande and thereafter , no ambassador was sent to the west , while overseas Muslim merchants played an important role in linking China and overseas .

  8. 因此,这两件青花八方烛台很可能是明代御器厂款识书写制度定型前的宣德早期作品。

    Thus it seems very probable that these two candlesticks belong to the earlier part of the Xuande reign , before the general introduction of the reign mark on imperial wares .

  9. 在元代(1271至1368年)大量生产,并在明宣宗宣德年间(1426至1435年)达到瓷器发展的极盛时期。

    It was produced in great quantities in the Yuan dynasty ( 1271-1368 ), and reached its peak of perfection in the reign of Ming Emperor Xuan De ( 1426-1435 ) .

  10. 明代永乐、宣德时期,郑和下西洋以后,由于海路交通的拓展,促进了我国瓷器生产的发展。

    In Yongle and Xuande year of Ming Dynasty , the sea route traffic developed rapidly after Zheng He 's Seafaring , and it promoted the development of our country 's porcelain production .