
  • 网络minaret
  1. 1453年,君士坦丁堡被奥托曼人攻陷后,它便成了一座带有宣礼塔的清真寺。

    In1453 , when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans , it became a mosque with minarets .

  2. 台面的角落耸立着四个白色的细塔,也叫宣礼塔。

    Four thin white towers , or minarets , rise from the corners of the terrace .

  3. 阿富汗贾米清真寺的宣礼塔和考古遗址。

    Minaret and archaeological remains of Jam , Afghanistan .

  4. 实际上,这也是世界上仅有的一个有六个宣礼塔的清真寺。

    In fact , it is the only one in the world with that number .

  5. 艾马尔房产公司表示,这座塔形状细长,会让人想起宣礼塔,还将采用大量钢缆连接塔身和地面,以维持这座建筑的稳定。

    The tower will be slender , evoking the image of a minaret , and will be anchored to the ground with sturdy cables , Emaar said .

  6. 清真寺宣礼塔的数量代表,它是什叶派或逊尼派。为派对、婚礼等场合提供餐饮服务。

    The number of minarets on a mosque indicates whether it is Shiite and Sunni . We cook for small parties and weddings and the stuff like that .

  7. 曾经每天5次从宣礼塔中传出的唤礼辞如今时时刻刻响在大街小巷:因为有成千上百万的埃及人把唤礼辞当成手机铃声。

    The call to prayer not only sounds five times daily from minarets but all the time from everywhere : millions of Egyptians have downloaded it as a ringtone for their mobile phones .