
  • 网络the Palace of Westminster;Westminster Palace;Houses of Parliament
  1. 1265年&英格兰贵族孟福尔召集第一届英格兰议会在威斯敏斯特宫召开第一次会议。

    1265 – In Westminster , the first English parliament conducts its first meeting held by Simon de Montfort in the Palace of Westminster .

  2. 伦敦还拥有3处世界遗产遗址,即威斯敏斯特宫和威斯敏斯特修道院,伦敦塔以及格林威治海岸。

    There are three World Heritage Sites in London & the Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey , the Tower of London , and Maritime Greenwich .

  3. 威斯敏斯特宫、威斯敏斯特修道院和圣玛格丽特教堂

    Westminster Palace , Westminster Abbey and Saint Margaret 's Church

  4. 威斯敏斯特宫和教堂要比它晚六百年。

    Westminster , with its Palace and Abbey , is six hundred years younger .

  5. 在葬礼举行之前,撒切尔夫人的遗体已于星期二送抵威斯敏斯特宫。

    Mrs. Thatcher 's body was brought Tuesday to Westminster Palace , to rest overnight before the funeral .

  6. 大笨钟是伦敦威斯敏斯特宫北端的大钟的昵称,通常也用来指那块巨型钟表和塔楼。

    The Houses of Parliament and the clock tower are one of London 's iconic land ­ marks .

  7. 比如威斯敏斯特宫,就是议会,大本钟,还有许多高大的建筑。

    Such as the Westminster Abbey , say the Parliament , the Big Ben , and many high buildings .

  8. 因为它的名气,我们将游览很多著名的景点,比如,威斯敏斯特宫,伦敦眼,大本钟,白金汉宫。

    For its reputation , we will visit many famous tourist destination , such as Westminster Abbey , London Eye , the Big Ben , the Buckingham Palace .

  9. 1265年的今天,第一届英国议会在“威斯敏斯特宫”,即现在知名的“国会大厦”,举行了首次会议。

    1265-In Westminster , the first English parliament conducts its first meeting in the Palace of Westminster , now also known as the " Houses of Parliament " .

  10. 但在8月初,当卑微的万民看护官们得到几天假期,逃离威斯敏斯特宫(英国议会所在地)的工作室时,又是另一番景象。

    But in early August , when humble tribunes of the people are allowed a few days off from their labours at Westminster , there 's another view to be savoured .

  11. 在中世纪时期,随着伦敦土地面积的扩大和财富的不断增加,旧城区和威斯敏斯特宫周边的区域,发展成为两个主要中心。

    As , during the Middle Ages , London increased in size and wealth , the old City and the area round the Royal Palace at Westminster became the two chief centres .

  12. 大本钟,本名威斯敏斯特宫钟,坐落在英国伦敦国会大厦外,经历了150余年,以其准时而闻名于世。

    Now for more than 150 years , Big Ben , or the Great Westminster Clock , to give it its proper name , has kept time outside the Houses of Parliament in London .

  13. 但是这段用时30分钟穿过伦敦街道运送棺柩的过程仅是撒切尔夫人葬礼的序曲,她将回到她成名的战场威斯敏斯特宫。

    But the 30 minutes it took to transport her coffin across London was a prelude to Lady Thatchers last stand her return to the Palace of Westminster , the battleground where she made her name .

  14. 女王微笑着又补充道:我在位期间是威斯敏斯特宫的常客。我自己统计了一下,已经与12位总理愉快地分担过责任。

    Smiling , she added : Since my accession , I have been a regular visitor to the Palace of Westminster and , at the last count , have had the pleasurable duty of treating with 12 prime ministers .

  15. 女王微笑着又补充道:“我在位期间是威斯敏斯特宫的常客。我自己统计了一下,已经与12位总理愉快地分担过责任。”

    Smiling , she added : " Since my accession , I have been a regular visitor to the Palace of Westminster and , at the last count , have had the pleasurable duty of treating with 12 prime ministers . "

  16. 在皇后步道(泰晤士河畔的步行街,没有交通信号灯打断,是巴特勒十分喜欢的跑步路线),可以欣赏到一些非常壮丽的景观,如西侧的威斯敏斯特宫和大本钟,以及东侧的伦敦塔和塔桥。

    Queen 's Walk ( the uninterrupted-by-traffic-lights promenade right next to the river and Mr. Butler 's preferred running path ) offers some of the most majestic views of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben to the west as well as the Tower of London and Tower Bridge to the east .

  17. 许多人在旅行期间仍不忘健身,而在拥有众多公园和景点的伦敦,似乎更应该跑上五英里或十英里,同时欣赏沿途的风景,比如威斯敏斯特宫或圣保罗大教堂。

    Taking one 's fitness regimen on the road is a must for many travelers , and London , with its parks and attractions , certainly seems just the place to take off on a five - or 10-mile run while enjoying views of , say , the Houses of Parliament or St. Paul 's Cathedral .

  18. 事实上,公园里共有300个建筑,其中最受欢迎的有大本钟、威斯敏斯特宫、埃菲尔铁塔、凯旋门、柏林墙和布兰登堡门、雅典卫城、塞维利亚和巴塞罗那等等。在那里,你绝不能否认欧洲风情的存在。

    In fact , the total number is 300 , among which the most cherished places are taken by Big Ben and Westminster Palace , Eifel Tower and Triumphal arch , Berlin Wall and Brandenburg Gate , Acropolis of Athens , Seville and Barcelona , etc. It is impossible to deny the presence of the European spirit .

  19. 你仍能看到威斯敏斯特旧宫的残存遗迹。

    You can still see the last surviving relic of the old palace of westminster .