
  • 网络Wake Island
  1. 昨夜,日本人进攻了威克岛。

    Last night , the Japanese attacked Wake Island .

  2. 1945年的今天,二战中,日本军在听到他们国家的投降消息后,在威克岛上投降。

    1945-World War II : Japanese forces surrender on Wake Island after hearing word of their nation 's surrender .

  3. 日本在威克岛的要塞在第二次世界大战结束时投降了。

    The Japanese garrison on Wake surrendered at the end of World War II .

  4. 在那次演习中,在日本人偷袭马尼拉之后,威克岛上的海军陆战队就受到了围攻。

    In the game , the marines had been beleaguered on Wake after a sneak Japanese attack on Manila .

  5. 我们乘坐的飞机正越过太平洋朝3000米高的威克岛飞去。

    The plane we are aboard is flying over the Pacific toward Wake Island at a height of3000 meter .