
  • 网络William II;Wilhelm II;Kaiser Wilhelm II;Willem II Tilburg
  1. 只要一息尚存,我们就要为保卫自己而战。(英国皇帝威廉二世)

    We shall defend ourselves to the last breath of man and beast . ( William II , King of England )

  2. 这一时期,德国对华贸易扩张政策及所积蓄的经济势力,是威廉二世时期大规模侵华的先声。

    During this period , Germanys expansionist policy of trade with China and the economic power it had accumulated heralded a large-scale aggression against China in William II administration .

  3. 穷途末路的沙皇政府中的大臣们,以及尼古拉斯二世(NicholasII)本人都被刻画得栩栩如生,德皇威廉二世(KaiserWilhelmII)和贝尼托·墨索里尼这些边缘人物也很生动;

    Ministers of the doomed czarist order , and Nicholas II himself , come to life here , as do peripheral figures like Kaiser Wilhelm II and Benito Mussolini , and , of course , the main figures : Lenin , Felix Dzerzhinsky ,

  4. 1840年的今天,威廉二世成为荷兰国王。

    1840-Willem II becomes King of the Netherlands .

  5. 威廉二世对罗斯福说:“你是第一位作为一个平民与德国皇帝一起检阅德国军队的人。”

    He told him : " You are the first civilian who has ever joined the Kaiser in reviewing the troops of Germany . "

  6. 1999年来自威廉二世廉价收购,中后卫指挥官非常迅速建立他在利物浦后防中坚的地位。

    A bargain buy from Dutch side Willem II in1999 , the commanding defender quickly established himself as a rock in the heart of the Reds'defence .