
  • Adelaide;South Australia;ADL
  1. 他已设法安排好在阿德莱德继续呆下去。

    He had managed to arrange to stay on in Adelaide

  2. 火车倒出了阿德莱德调车场,开上了都柏林-贝尔法斯特线。

    The train backed out of Adelaide Yard on to the Dublin-Belfast line

  3. 阿德莱德大学雇用了一批专职的消防专业人员。

    The University of Adelaide employs a full-time staff of fire prevention professionals .

  4. 悉尼和阿德莱德。我的孩子们也学会了如何做披萨,他们非常喜欢。

    Sydney and Adelaide . My children have also learned how to make pizzas and they quite enjoy it .

  5. 这位年轻的伦敦商船船员听到维多利亚(victoria)的淘金热后,就在阿德莱德(adelaide)弃船上岸。

    A young merchant seaman from London , he jumped ship in Adelaide when he heard about the gold rush in Victoria .

  6. 从课堂互动模式、学习环境、语言熟练程度和语言的社会文化性四个层面,对阿德莱德高中的两个ESL班的学生就语言课堂上的消极行为进行了研究。

    In this research , the causes of students'passive behaviors in ESL class are identified in terms of interaction patterns , learning environment , language proficiency and social-cultural perspective .

  7. 在阿德莱德、新加坡和香港讲授公司伦理课程的霍华德哈里斯(howardharries)表示,研究显示,接受过相关教育后,人们会更善于做出伦理决策。

    Yet Howard Harries , who teaches corporate ethics in Adelaide , Singapore and Hong Kong , says research shows that , when taught , people can become better at ethical decisions .

  8. Kennewell居住在阿德莱德以北15英里的索尔斯伯里,他补充说:“这是因为我不怎么爱喝水,而且我在酒店行业工作,所以喝可乐很方便。”

    Mr Kennewell , who lives in Salisbury , 15 miles north of Adelaide , added : ' It started because I wasn 't a huge water fan and working in the hotel industry , I had easy access to Coke .

  9. 她是阿德莱德剧院演麦克佩斯夫的替角。

    She 's the understudy for Lady Macbeth at the Adelaide theatre .

  10. 1612年的今天,南澳大利亚和阿德莱德被发现。

    1836 – South Australia and Adelaide are founded .

  11. 它的命运随着阿德莱德市经济的发展而兴衰。

    Its fortune has flourished and declined with the economic development of Adelaide .

  12. 南澳大利亚被发现1612年的今天,南澳大利亚和阿德莱德被发现。

    South Australia was founded 1836 - South Australia and Adelaide are founded .

  13. 在阿德莱德旅馆度过了几天的蜜月后,我们就回去工作了。

    After a few days honeymooning in an Adelaid hotel we went back to work .

  14. 在澳大利亚阿德莱德,一头澳洲海狮正对着镜头做鬼脸。

    Photograph by David Doubilet An Australian sea lion mugs for the camera off Adelaide , Australia .

  15. 布里斯班上升了7位,位居第24名,阿德莱德上升了19位,排在第27名。

    Brisbane rose by seven places to take 24th position while Adelaide moved up 19 places to 27th .

  16. 珀斯将被重新归类在“紧缺雇员地区”,同时还有南澳的阿德莱德。

    Perth will be reclassified to enjoy nominal regional employment status like regional employment'hardship'areas and South Australia , Adelade .

  17. 澳大利亚国家铁路公司刚推出加长版的四日跨大陆旅行,从达尔文到阿德莱德。

    Australia 's national rail is debuting an extended four-day transcontinental journey beginning in Darwin and ending in Adelaide .

  18. 阿德莱德直到烟花爆炸声停止还无法入睡,她觉得轰隆隆的爆炸声犹在耳边。

    Adelaide couldn 't sleep . Even after the noise had stopped , Adelaide thought she still heard the explosions .

  19. 如果莱顿去踢足球,他最终可能会加入他最喜欢的球队阿德莱德乌鸦队。

    Had Lleyton played football , it is quite possible he may have ended up8 playing for his favourite team-the Adelaide crows .

  20. 现年52岁的默多克于1955年在澳洲阿德莱德市继承了父亲的小报,从此开始闯荡报业界。

    Murdoch , 52 , started in 1955 with a tired daily inherited from his father in the Australian city of Adelaide .

  21. 位于阿德莱德的西北部碳工程商业公司总经理蒂姆?摩尔向政府提议彻底扑杀骆驼。

    Tim Moore , managing director of Adelaide-based Northwest Carbon , a commercial company , proposed the extermination idea to the government .

  22. 方法通过调研与考察,归纳、总结、介绍澳大利亚阿德莱德大学牙学院口腔正畸学专业研究生的培养模式。

    Methods We studied and introduced the educational mode of clinical postgraduate in orthodontics in Dental School of Adelaide University in Australia .

  23. 上周三,一名来自阿德莱德的“父亲”因自己的骇人罪行而入狱,但是还有不到三年的时间,他就可以出狱了。

    The father from Adelaide was last Wednesday jailed for his ' abhorrent ' crimes but could be released in less than three years .

  24. 通过此段,考生可以大致了解考拉的分布主要在澳洲东部及南部沿海地区,从阿德莱德到约克角半岛南部。

    The koala is found in coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia , from near Adelaide to the southern part of Cape York Peninsula .

  25. 阿德莱德交响乐团在北京举行了一场音乐会,演奏了沃尔夫冈·阿马德乌斯·莫扎特的《土耳其进行曲》等经典作品。

    The Adelaide Symphony Orchestra has performed a concert in Beijing , which included classic pieces like " Turkish March " from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .

  26. 阿德莱德拥有许多早期澳式建筑的典范,比如贯通南北的主干道路&余威廉大街上的市政大厅。

    The city contains many fine examples of early Australian architecture , including the town hall on King Wiiliam street & the wide main N-S thoroughfare .

  27. 阿德莱德山的居民亚莉西亚-亚历山大拍下了这个不同寻常的景象,她还跟着这只小考拉在屋子里逛来逛去。

    Adelaide Hills resident Alicia Alexander managed to capture the unusual sight on film and followed the marsupial as it made its way around her home .

  28. 人们认为,现在许多反对猫的措施是阿德莱德大学动物学家戴维-佩顿提出来的。

    David Paton , a zoologist at the University of Adelaide , is credited with sparking off many of the measures now being taken against cats .

  29. 这位46岁的前律师说,当她在南澳大利亚州首府阿德莱德度过青少年时代时,从未想过会成为一国领袖,哪怕是暂时的。

    The46-year-old former lawyer said she never would have dreamed of leading the country even temporarily when she was growing up in the South Australian capital Adelaide .

  30. 秋季时节,在阿德莱德山,南澳州的部分高山岭地区,一排排秋木与湖区色彩层叠,交相辉映。

    The range of trees and lakes in Adelaide Hills , part of the Mount Lofty Ranges in South Australia , are a colourful mix during autumn .