
Ā lā sī jiā zhōu
  • Alaska;Alaska State
  1. 一群参议员计划通过发表长篇大论来阻挠一项允许在阿拉斯加州钻探石油的议案获得通过。

    A group of senators plans to filibuster a measure that would permit drilling in Alaska .

  2. 美国的阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州禁止竖广告牌

    Billboards3 Are Banned In Alaska , Maine , Vermont , And Hawaii

  3. 美国有四个州禁止竖广告牌:阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州,夏威夷是最早推行广告牌禁令的。

    There are four states in the United States that have banned billboards : Alaska , Maine , Vermont , and Hawaii , where the ban was introduced the earliest .

  4. 美国阿拉斯加州前州长及现实TV明星萨拉佩林,曾说中国准备发动军事攻击。

    The former Governor of Alaska and reality TV star SarahPalin has suggested China is preparing itself to launch a military offensive .

  5. 今年夏天,日本政府也加入了实验,康菲石油也在阿拉斯加州北坡(NorthSlope)完成了试验井的钻探工作。

    This summer the Japanese government joined the experiment and Conoco Phillips finished boring the test well on the North Slope of Alaska .

  6. 阿拉斯加州警方随后发布了一则声明,表示他们已经拘捕了ArnoldDemoski。

    Alaska State Troopers released a statement saying they 've arrested Arnold Demoski .

  7. 尽管如此,茶党(teaparty)和前阿拉斯加州州长、民粹主义右派的“试金石”莎拉佩林(sarahpalin)看起来就像来自过去某个年代。

    Even so , the tea party and Sarah Palin , former Alaskan governor , touchstones for the populist right , seemed like phenomena from a past era .

  8. 事实上,火焰冰激凌(英译BakedAlaska,Alaska意为阿拉斯加,美国州名)源自纽约,据说产生于1868年,也就是美国政府向俄罗斯购买阿拉斯加州的那一年。

    The Baked Alaska dessert was actually invented in New York City , most likely in 1868 - the same year the US purchased Alaska from Russia .

  9. 在萨拉佩林(SarahPalin)莫名其妙地决定放弃阿拉斯加州州长和马克桑福德(MarkSanford)的阿根廷艳遇之间,共和党人看来不仅群龙无首而且毫无章法。

    Between Sarah Palin 's baffling decision to quit as governor of Alaska and Mark Sanford 's Argentine affair , the Republicans look not just leaderless but clueless .

  10. 比如,自2013年以来,力拓和英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)均在Pebble铜矿上打了退堂鼓。这座巨大的铜矿位于美国阿拉斯加州,因对当地渔场有潜在影响而备受争议。

    Since 2013 Rio and Anglo American have both given up on Pebble , a huge copper deposit in Alaska that is controversial for its potential effect on fisheries , for example .

  11. 当共和党总统候选人约翰麦凯恩(johnmccain)出人意料地选中阿拉斯加州州长佩林作为竞选搭档、并令后者首次成为国际知名人物时,我和我的许多女性朋友一样,心中隐隐感到一丝喜悦。

    When Palin first became internationally famous , after John McCain , the Republican presidential contender , unexpectedly chose the governor of Alaska as his running mate , I like many of my female friends felt a secret frisson of delight .

  12. TedStevens是在参议院任职时间最长的共和党参议员,来自阿拉斯加州,在2008年竞选连任时失败。

    Senator Ted Stevens , you can see him there , was the longest serving Republican ever , in the , in the Senate , he was the Senator from Alaska , he lost his bid for re-election in 2008 .

  13. 近日,一只黑熊在美国阿拉斯加州Tok小镇附近的高速公路上四处游荡,之后,兰迪·拉罗拍下了这头体重100磅、看起来大约三岁的熊的视频。

    Randy Rallo captured footage of the 100lb bear , estimated to be around three years old , after it wandered onto the Alaska Highway near Tok .

  14. 弗格纳的另一位忠实读者克里斯托·肖尔斯·贝利(KrystalShoresBailey)是一位32岁的全职母亲,住在阿拉斯加州伯明翰郊区,她说上周四《灰》刚刚出版,她就马上先睹为快,觉得它不如弗格纳的版本。

    Another one of Ms. Fougner 's devoted readers , Krystal Shores Bailey , a 32-year-old stay-home mother who lives outside of Birmingham , Ala. , said that she read " Grey " when it came out on Thursday and found it lacking compared with Ms. Fougner 's version .

  15. 分别是新西兰和美国的阿拉斯加州。

    They are New Zealand and the American state of Alaska .

  16. 从阿拉斯加州向西南扩展的北太平洋的一个群岛。

    An archipelago in the North Pacific extending southwestern from Alaska .

  17. 面积最大的州是阿拉斯加州。

    The largest state in terms of area is alaska .

  18. 金子是具有吸引力的东西,它引诱人前往阿拉斯加州。

    Gold was the loadstone that drew men to Alaska .

  19. 要是你去阿拉斯加州上大学

    I 'm just saying , if you go to university of Alaska

  20. 阿拉斯加州是联邦中面积最大的州。

    Alaska is the largest state in the United States .

  21. 阿拉斯加州人跟世界上其他地方的人一样也这样亲吻。

    Alaskans kiss the same way the rest of the world does .

  22. 水母在阿拉斯加州的内湾峡道寒冷的水域里漂浮。

    Jellyfish drift in the frigid waters of Alaska 's Inside Passage .

  23. 那是1964年3月8日,阿拉斯加州发生的地震。

    The tremor struck Alaska on March 28 , 1964 .

  24. 他们再三阻挠在阿拉斯加州的国家野生动植物保护区勘探石油,尽管这种勘探从环保角度来看是安全的。

    They have repeatedly blocked environmentally safe exploration in ANWAR .

  25. 如今,西沃德日是阿拉斯加州的正式节日。

    Now Seward 's Day is an Alaskan state holiday .

  26. 阿拉斯加州,属北极圈内的寒冷气候区;

    Alaska , belong to the arctic cold climate zone ;

  27. 假设有俄国人想要偷袭阿拉斯加州。

    Right now we have Russian bears penetrating the ADIZ up off alaska .

  28. 在美国阿拉斯加州的费尔班克斯,一只三个月大的苍鹰尖声喊叫。

    A three-month-old goshawk screeches in Fairbanks , Alaska .

  29. 她说阿拉斯加州是最后一片大荒原。

    She said Alaska was the last great wilderness .

  30. 同年,9.2级地震袭击了美国阿拉斯加州。

    That same year a 9.2 quake shook the American state of Alaska .