
dú lì ɡuó jiā lián hé tǐ
  • the Commonwealth of Independent States
  1. 独立国家联合体预警工作会议

    Meeting on Early Warning Work Covering the Commonwealth of Independent States

  2. 独立国家联合体集体安全理事会

    Council on the Collective Security of the Commonwealth of Independent States

  3. 欧洲及独立国家联合体区域局

    Regional Directorate for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

  4. 独立国家联合体武装力量联合司令部ph.1.(美国陆军)总司令部

    Unified Command of the Commonwealth of Independent States Armed Forces general headquarters

  5. 关于建立独立国家联合体的协定

    Agreement on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States

  6. 独立国家联合体联合武装部队

    Unified Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States

  7. 在独立国家联合体维护和平与稳定备忘录

    Memorandum on the maintenance of peace and stability in the Commonwealth of Independent States

  8. 开发计划署欧洲和独立国家联合体局

    UNDP Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

  9. 独立国家联合体成员国国防部长理事会

    Council of Ministers of Defence of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States

  10. 国际证券交易所联会独立国家联合体成员国外交部长理事会

    Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States

  11. 联合国合办独立国家联合体合作特派团理论上这些法人团体应该是独立自主的。

    United Nations Joint Collaborative Mission to the Commonwealth of Independent States Theoretically the corporative bodies should be autonomous .

  12. 粮农组织-欧洲复兴开发银行3月在伦敦举行的会议强调了东欧和独立国家联合体(独联体)大量未开发的农业生产潜力。

    An FAO-EBRD meeting in London in March highlighted significant untapped agricultural production potential in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) .