
dú chuànɡ xìnɡ
  • originality
  1. 创造力和独创性比专门技术更为重要。

    Creativity and originality are more important than technical skill .

  2. 她在运用隐喻方面有着惊人的独创性。

    She has a striking originality in her use of metaphor .

  3. 这是用该语言写成的最具独创性和想象力的作品之一。

    It is one of the most original works of imagination in the language .

  4. 这本书体现了他独创性研究的成果。

    The book embodies the results of his own original research .

  5. 你是怎样逐步形成这种很有个性且具独创性的风格的?

    How did you evolve this very personal and original style ?

  6. 论文开展GIS在退耕还林中的应用研究,具有一定的独创性。

    But , its application in the area of replacing plowland with forests is currently seldom .

  7. Dostoevsky只有通过工作和斗争,人才能获得自己的独创性和自尊。

    Originality and the feeling of one 's own dignity are achieved only through work and struggle .

  8. 计算机辅助设计(ComputerAidedDesign,CAD),是计算机科学、基础数学、数据处理技术、计算机图形图像学与设计人员的专业知识、经验和独创性密切结合产生的一门新技术。

    Computer Aided Design ( CAD ) is a new technology , which comes from the close combination of computer science , basic mathematics , data processing technique , computer graphics and the specialized knowledge , experience , and originality of designers .

  9. 该软件还独创性地引入了语音识别技术,在基于LPC倒谱系数,HMM模型,以及Viterbi算法的配合下,传感器仿真实验将进行地更加轻松高效。

    This software also originally introduce speech recognition technology . Based on LPC cepstrum coefficient , HMM model and Viterbi algorithm , there will be a pleasure experience .

  10. 笔者通过对MTV的本质特征的分析,提出有独创性MTV是一种的新型的电视音乐作品。

    Based on the analysis of the essential characteristics of the MTV , puts forward some original MTV is a kind of new TV music works .

  11. Hurban本人深谙此改变的独创性,他向NBC电视台的记者表示今后不会只局限于苹果产品。

    Recognizing just how " different " this type of modification is , Hurban told NBC that he does not plan on continuing to use only Apple products .

  12. 在供应商选择决策过程中,采用层次分析法(AHP)和数据包络分析法(DEA)相结合的方法对供应商进行评价选择,克服两种方法各自的不足,具有一定的独创性。

    In the supplier selection decision , it applies an original approach , which is the combination of Date Envelopment Analysis with Analytic Hierarchy Process , to select and evaluate supplier in order to overcome each shortcomings .

  13. 本人在对VTS进行系统分析的基础上,独创性地提出了VTS系统结构模型&人员-设施-水域环境-管理。

    The author creatively puts forward the VTS composition model of " personnel , equipment , environment of VTS water area and management " on the basis of system analysis of VTS .

  14. 在开发方面,独创性地提出了基于multi-agent的企业动态联盟系统,很好地将多智能体技术运用到系统的开发中来,使整个系统具有较好的智能性、自主性和可移植性;

    In the development , we come up with a brand-new system called " multiagent-based dynamic enterprise alliance system ", which can put multi-agent technology into use very well , so that the entire system can be more intelligent 、 more active 、 more compatible ;

  15. 生活在乌干达坎帕拉的软件开发者JonathanGosier把在发展中国家写博客(网志)描述成“一个耐性、持久和独创性的一课”。

    Jonathan Gosier , a software developer living in Kampala , Uganda , describes blogging from a developing country as " a lesson in patience , endurance and ingenuity " .

  16. 安吉拉·卡特(AngelaCarter,1940-1992),二十世纪英国最具独创性和知名度的作家之一,一生创作了九部长篇小说、大量短篇小说并翻译、编辑童话和民间传说。

    Angela Carter ( 1940-1992 ), one of the most original and well-known writers of the twentieth century from Britain , created nine novels , a large number of short stories and translated or edited fairy tales and folklores throughout her entire life .

  17. 浪漫主义时期最有独创性的艺术家之一,波兰伟大的钢琴家、作曲家弗雷德里克·肖邦(FryderykChopin,1810-1849),是第一位真正称得上钢琴诗人的伟大作曲家。

    Fryderyk Chopin ( 1810-1849 ), one of the most original artists the great pianist and composer in Poland in the Romantic ages , is the first real outstanding Piano-Poet composer .

  18. 这个名为saiban项目的独创性在于房屋融资、营销和购买的方式。

    The originality of Saiban , as the project is called , emerges in how the homes are financed , marketed and purchased .

  19. 研制成功了SZH系列数字真空计.描述了它们的新颖性和独创性、基本工作原理和主要实验结果。

    The SZH series of digital vacuum gauges has been developed . The new and unique characters , fundamental working principle and main experiment results are described .

  20. 随着产业经济的全球化发展,Mashup逐渐从一种纯粹的技术手段抽象成一种应用理念被广泛应入于产业价值链的增值过程中,为产业经济的独创性发展开辟了一个新纪元。

    Mashup has gradually shifted from a purely technical means to a concept of application with the industrial development of economic globalization , which is widely embedded in the value-added process of the industry value chain . It creates a new era for industry originality economic development .

  21. 一位曾参与开发最早的固体激光器的退休物理学家西里尔希尔萨姆(cyrilhilsum)说:“这是一项相当可观的成就,展现了辉煌的独创性和突出的能力。”

    " It is a considerable achievement , " says Cyril Hilsum , a retired physicist who helped to develop some of the earliest solid-state lasers . " It shows great originality and great ability . "

  22. 随着美国Feist案中少量的创造性标准的建立,各国在独创性的要求上有逐渐走向一致的趋势。

    With the judgement of Feist v. Rural case , modicum of creativity built a new standard of originality ; countries ' requirements in the originality have become gradually the same trend .

  23. 1850年,最高法院对Hotchkiss案的判决通过独创性与发明性这样的语言提出了对专利非显而易见性的要求。

    In 1850 , the decision of the supreme court in the case of " Hotchkiss " raised the requirements as to non-obviousness by the words like " originality " and " inventiveness " .

  24. 存在于世的一切美好事物皆是独创性的硕果。

    All good things which exist are the fruits of originality .

  25. 麦克斯:这是个好主意,新颖,有独创性

    Max : It 's a wonderful idea . Fresh , original

  26. 它是独创性的发明,人类智慧的结晶。

    An ingenious idea brought to life through the human spirit !

  27. 她把独创性的光芒引进了他的平庸生活之中。

    She let a ray of originality into his humdrum life .

  28. 启迪和鼓励建筑师在建筑设计时的想象力和独创性。

    Enlighten and encourage the imagination and creation in architectural design .

  29. 合于逻辑的;盲从的;缺乏独创性的

    continuing in a sequential manner Slavishly unthinking and uncritical intellectually servile

  30. 他的音乐优雅细腻、精致独特,具有典型的独创性。

    His music is elegant and exquisite , refined and special .