
  • 网络independence principle
  1. 引言部分,简要介绍了信用证在金融和贸易领域的重要性,并指出,确保信用证具有快捷、可靠、经济和便利优点的一项重要法律规则是独立抽象性原则。

    Beginning with the introduction , the thesis briefs the importance of Letter of credit in the field of finance and trade together with the concept of independence principle which guarantees the quickness , reliability , economy and convenience of Letter of credit .

  2. 信用证欺诈有多种表现形式,独立抽象性原则是信用证欺诈发生的根本原因。

    The cases of fraud on the letter of credit is varied in form .

  3. 因此,一些国家通过立法和司法判例确立了信用证欺诈例外原则,以弥补信用证独立抽象性原则的不足,防止信用证欺诈的发生。

    Consequently , the principle of fraudulent exception on the letter of credit was developed in some countries .

  4. 独立抽象性原则和表面真实性原则是信用证机制存在的基础。

    The mechanism of letter of credit is based on the principle of independent abstractness and principle of surface authenticity .

  5. 但是由于备用信用证具有的独立抽象性原则也使得行为人更容易实施诈骗行为。

    However , due to standby letters of credit with the principle of the independence of the abstract behavior also makes it easier to implement fraud .

  6. 但信用证是一柄双刃剑,其本身的独立抽象性原则和单据交易的特点给信用证领域的犯罪以可乘之机。

    But the letter of credit is a double-edged sword ; its principle of independence and the character of transacting on list provide opportunity for crime .

  7. 各国均已承认独立抽象性原则的例外&信用证欺诈例外原则,但在具体适用上还不是很成功。

    Most countries have submitted themselves to the exception of abstraction of the credit promise & exception of documentary credit fraud , but in the practice it is not so successful .

  8. 阐述什么是独立抽象性原则,分析该原则存在的必要性以及该原则在客观上形成了对不法受益人的保护,从而导致信用证欺诈的泛滥,对参与国际贸易各方造成巨大损害。

    This part expounds what the principle of the abstraction and independence of the letter of credit is , analysis the necessity of being about the principle and the principle objectively protects the illegal beneficiary that lead to the overflow of the letter of credit fraud .