
dú jū dòng wù
  • solitary animal
独居动物[dú jū dòng wù]
  1. 虎是独居动物。

    Tigers are solitary animals .

  2. 精灵是独居动物,喜欢象鹰一样翱翔于天空。

    Sylphs are loners , content to soar the skies with the eagles .

  3. 这是一种夜行独居动物,在野外甚少看到。

    A solitary and nocturnal animal , it is not often seen in the wild .

  4. 它们通常是独居的动物,尽管它们各自的领地会偶尔重合,它们多数时间里还是单独生活。

    They 're traditionally solitary animals , and although their territories can occasionally overlap , they spend most of their time alone .

  5. 而在同一时期内,像猫、鹿和犀牛等喜爱独居的动物的大脑发育则相对迟缓。

    The brains of more solitary mammals such as cats , deer and rhino , grew much more slowly during the same period .

  6. 熊是天性喜欢独居的动物。但是,如果面对着满河活蹦乱跳、只等落入熊掌的鲑鱼,它们有什么理由不破例走到一起?!

    By nature , bears are solitary creatures-but when there 's a river full of fish ready to leap straight into your paws , they will make an exception .