
  • 网络medical waste;clinical waste;medical waste material
  1. 基于RFID和GPRS技术的医疗废物管理系统构建

    Medical Waste Management System Based on RFID and GPRS

  2. 基于DCS的医疗废物焚烧处理控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Medical Waste Incineration Control System Based on Distributed Control System

  3. 引入ISO9000族标准加强医疗废物的过程管理

    Strengthen the Process-management of the Clinical Waste by Inletting the ISO9000 Standards

  4. 在医疗废物中,聚氯乙烯(PVC)占到很高比重,高氯含量为医疗废物的无害化处理带来了很大难度。

    Because Polyvinyl Chloride ( PVC ) possessed a high proportion in medical waste . High chlorine content of medical waste posed a great difficulty for its safe disposal .

  5. 以渭南市医疗废物集中处置工程为例,介绍了医疗废物热解焚烧核心工艺中基于PLC系统的自动控制系统的设计。

    Taking medical waste centralized treatment engineering in Weinan city as an example , main content of automatic control system design based on PLC system in medical waste pyrolysis key technology was introduced .

  6. 医疗废物中包括含有硫分的橡胶,焚烧时会产生SO2从而污染环境,因此医疗废物在焚烧处理时需要进行脱硫。

    Because the medical wastes include rubber containing sulfur element , and their incineration would produce pollutant SO2 , so it is necessary to desulphurization in medical wastes incineration .

  7. 在医疗废物的基础特性研究的基础上,对医疗废物的微型规模(TGA)热解焚烧机理和快速热解特性进行了研究;

    Based on the investigation of basic features of MW , the micro-scale pyrolysis and incineration mechanism of MW ( TGA ) and fast pyrolysis characteristic were studied .

  8. HZY型回转窑医疗废物集中处理系统

    Incinerating Treatment System for Wastes in HZY Rotary Kiln

  9. 医疗废物处理电控系统(CEMS)是医疗污染物排放处理的现代化手段,首先介绍了系统结构组成,在此基础上设计了PLC控制模块。

    Continuous Emissions Monitoring System ( CEMS ) is the modern means for emissions monitoring . The development , structure , composition and principium of CEMS are introduced in this paper . A new design of the data acquisition and processing module of CEMS is developed .

  10. 本文介绍了热解气化技术和CAO技术的特点,针对我国固体废物、医疗废物的特点,设计基于CAO技术的焚烧系统,介绍了系统的结构组成以及工艺流程。

    This paper introduces the characteristic of the pyrolysis technology and the CAO technology . In view of the the characteristic of solid waste and medical waste , the author designs an incinerator system base on CAO technology and analyzes the construction and the process flow of this system .

  11. 为观察PIWS-3000医疗废物处理系统对医疗废物处理的效果,采用载体定量方法进行了医疗废物处理效果的模拟现场试验。

    In order to observe the efficacy of PIWS-3000 medical waste disposing system in disposing medical waste , carrier quantitative method was used to carry out simulated field test for efficacy of medical waste diposal .

  12. 加强医疗废物管理防止医源性感染

    Reinforce the management of medical waste to prevent the iatrogenic infection

  13. 医疗废物回转窑热解焚烧处置研究

    Studies on Pyrolysis and Incineration of Medical Waste in Rotary Kiln

  14. 医疗废物收集人员职业安全危害因素及防护

    Occupational safety hazard factors and protection of medical waste collection staff

  15. 利用瑞士政府贷款建设医疗废物处置中心

    Use Swiss Government Loan to Establish Disposal Center for Medical Wastes

  16. 依法管理严防医疗废物危害

    Managing in Accordance with Law to Prevent Harm of Medical Waste

  17. 枣庄市医疗废物处理对策研究浅析

    Primary Study on Countermeasures of Medical Waste Disposal in Zaozhuang City

  18. 2008年某市医疗废物处理工作人员职业暴露状况调查

    Investigation on Occupational Exposure of Medical Waste Disposal Workers in 2008

  19. 典型医疗废物组分的热解及气化特性研究

    Study on Pyrolysis & Gasification Characteristics of Typical Components in Medical Waste

  20. 医疗废物的处置方法与要求

    Disposal Methods and Requirements of Waste Material from Medical Care

  21. 城市医疗废物处置设施空间选址评价

    Study on Spatial Site Selection Assessment of Urban Medical Waste Treatment Facility

  22. 湖南省医疗废物集中处置刍议

    Study on Centralized Treatment of Hygienic Waste in Hunan Province

  23. 医疗废物处理的现状、问题及对策

    Current status , problems and countermeasures on the treatment of medical litters

  24. 医疗废物管理的调查及分析

    Management Situation of Medical Wastes : An Investigation and Analysis

  25. 医疗废物在暂时贮存场所存放时间<48h,及时运送的占83.9%。

    83.9 % of medical wastes were managed and transferred in time .

  26. 医疗废物热解焚烧核心工艺自动控制系统的设计&以渭南市医疗废物集中处置工程为例

    Key Technology Automatic Control System Design of Medical Waste Pyrolysis

  27. 医疗废物高温蒸汽处理中产生废水的处理

    A Project Case of Medical Waste Steam Sterilization Wastewater Treatment

  28. 医疗废物低温热解实验。

    The experiment of low temperature pyrolysis of medical waste .

  29. 医疗废物蒸汽灭菌工艺中冷凝残液的处理研究

    Residual Condensate Treatment in Steam Sterilization Process for Medical Waste

  30. 医疗废物焚烧中二恶英的产生及控制

    Producing and Controlling of Dioxins in Medical Waste Material Incineration