
  • 网络Medical diagnosis;Medical Diagnostics
  1. 多层螺旋CT的功能和在医疗诊断中的作用

    Functions of Multi-row Helical CT Using in Medical Diagnosis

  2. CT作为一种先进的医疗诊断技术,具有非常广阔的应用前景。

    CT is an advanced medical diagnosis technology . It has a very broad application prospects .

  3. 这种让人衰弱的症状是由于尽管缺乏确实的医疗诊断,但对个人的身体或精神状况认识不准确。

    This debilitating2 condition is the result of an inaccurate3 perception of the condition of body or mind despite the absence of an actual medical diagnosis4 .

  4. 基于Fuzzy理论的一种医疗诊断模型

    A Medical Treatment Diagnostic Model Based on Fuzzy Theory

  5. 当今计算机断层成像技术(CT)是医疗诊断最重要的手段之一。

    Nowadays X-ray computed tomography has been one of the most important diagnostic tools in medicine .

  6. 基于J2EE多层架构的医疗诊断系统开发与研究

    Research and Development of Telemedicine System Based on J2EE Multi-tier Structure

  7. 完成医疗诊断推理机USB通讯软件编程。

    The USB communication program of Medical Diagnosis Logic Inference is completed .

  8. 记录你自己和家人进行核医疗诊断和治疗的次数(包括X光扫描和CT扫描)。

    Monitor how many nuclear diagnostics and treatments , from X-rays to CT scans , you and your family get .

  9. 基于RS近似算法的医疗诊断知识挖掘

    Research of medical treatment knowledge mining based on approximation algorithm for RS decision tables

  10. 本文论述了一个基于IP网的多媒体远程医疗诊断管理系统的设计与实现,对研究多媒体远程医疗诊断和病案管理系统的意义进行了阐述;

    It is discussed to explore the design of the multimedia distance medical diagnosis and management system base on IP network .

  11. 方法对8台常用医疗诊断X射线机的散漏射线的分布进行了实地测量。

    Methods Measurements of the distributions of scattering and leaking rays from eight types of medical diagnostic X-ray machines were made .

  12. 基于Vague集的医疗诊断系统

    Medical diagnosis system based on Vague sets

  13. 该系统能够在对肺部CT图像进行自动分析后给医生提示出可疑肺结节,从而提高了医疗诊断效率。

    The system can identify the suspect pulmonary nodules after the automatic analysis of CT images , which greatly helps doctors improve the diagnostic efficiency .

  14. 基于IP网的多媒体远程医疗诊断管理系统是医院进行现代化管理和诊疗的关键。

    The multimedia distance medical diagnosis and management system base on IP network is the key of the hospital 's modernization of management and diagnosis medical .

  15. 现在,集成学习已经成功应用于行星探测、地震波分析、Web信息过滤、生物特征识别、计算机辅助医疗诊断等众多领域。

    Now ensemble learning has successfully applied in many fields , such as planet exploration , seismic wave analysis , Web information filtering , biology feature recognition , and computer aided medical diagnoses .

  16. 用Prolog语言开发医疗诊断专家系统

    The Medicine Diagnosis Expert System Research in Prolog

  17. 医疗诊断系统是一个复杂的应用系统,多Agent技术引入到医疗诊断是当前分布式人工智能应用研究的一个前沿领域。

    The medical diagnosis system is a complicated application system . Introduction of Agent and Multi-Agent System theory into the medical diagnosis system is one of the foreland of Distributed Artificial Intelligent .

  18. 磁共振成像(MRI)广泛应用于医疗诊断,已经成为研究各种生理活动最有效的手段之一。

    Currently , Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) is widely applied for medical diagnosis , and becomes one of the most promising techniques for investigation of physiological events .

  19. 由于该计算机具有理解简单语言和强大的信息分析能力,IBM希望沃森能够成为医疗诊断工具在现实生活中发挥作用。

    Champions , the company wants to put it to real-world use as a medical diagnostic tool that can understand plain language and analyze large amounts of information .

  20. 文章以ICU医疗诊断辅助系统为例,设计了一个基于粗集的医疗诊断知识支持工具。

    Based on rough set theory , a knowledge acquiring tool is de-signed in this paper to acquire expert doctors'experience in ICU .

  21. 计算机断层成像(CT)是一门用来获取观测目标断层图像的技术,它广泛地应用于医疗诊断和工业无损检测等领域。

    Computed tomography ( CT ) is a technique for imaging cross-sections of an object using a series of X-ray measurements . It has been widely applied in diagnostic medicine and industrial non-destructive testing .

  22. 2004年,贝恩以4.48亿美元收购BaxterInternational旗下的医疗诊断业务,创立了DadeInternational。

    Bain originally created Dade international in 2004 , by purchasing the medical diagnostics business of Baxter International ( Bax ) for $ 448 million .

  23. 分类方法是机器学习、模式识别和数据挖掘等研究的核心问题,它在图像识别、语音理解、自然语言处理、医疗诊断及Web页面的分类目录等领域具有广泛的应用。

    Classification is the core problem in machine learning , data mining and pattern recognize . It is implemented in speech understanding , image recognition , Natural-language processing , medical diagnosis and the classification direction in web page .

  24. 而磁共振成像技术(MRI)一直是最强大的医疗诊断工具,因为它的无创性和多层面的断层功能,加上高空间分辨率,在医学诊断方面具有很多的功用。

    Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) has been one of the most powerful medical diagnostic tools due to its noninvasive nature and multidimensional tomographic capabilities coupled with high spatial resolution .

  25. 这样的PCR芯片可以使系统微型化,可以很方便地应用在医疗诊断、野外生化分析等领域。

    With the PCR biochip , a miniaturized analyzing system can be realized for PCR , and it can be very expediently applied to the medical , environment analysis in outdoor .

  26. MRI设备是一种高端医疗诊断设备,其磁体结构分为永磁型、常导型和超导型三种。

    As a high medical diagnostic equipment , the main magnet member of MRI can be classified as three types , i.e. permanent magnet , magnet excited by coils and superconducting magnet .

  27. 磁共振成象(MRI)已经成为生命科学研究和医疗诊断的有力手段,因此荣获2003年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

    Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) has become a powerful tool in the life sciences and medical diagnosis , for which it was awarded the2003 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine .

  28. 三维物体表面轮廓测量技术在高速在线检测、质量控制、机器视觉、反求工程、CAD/CAM以及医疗诊断等领域的应用日益广泛。

    The application of 3D object surface measurement is more and more important in the domain of industrial inspection , quality controlling , machine vision , CAD / CAM , and medical science , etc.

  29. 由于MRI图像中的信息对医疗诊断特别重要,因此如何利用数字计算机与数字图像处理理论对被噪声污染的图像进行降噪处理便成为了MRI图像处理的中心任务。

    Because the information in the MRI is very important to medical treatment , it is a primary task that how to decrease noise from MRI by use of PC and digital image processing .

  30. 数字X射线成像装置正日益广泛的应用于医疗诊断领域并逐步替代传统的屏片系统与模拟的x射线影像增强电视系统。

    Digital X-ray imaging devices are increasingly used in medical diagnosis and will widely replace conventional ( analogue ) imaging devices such as screen-film systems or analogue X-ray image intensifier television systems in the future .