
yī xué shenɡ
  • medic
  1. 很难,中国的医学生的培育跟国外有很大的不同,要直接去读国外研究生课程恐怕不可能,起码美国就不会承认中国本科医学生的学力水平。

    Very difficult , of Chinese Medic breed have with abroad very big different , should read course of foreign graduate student to be afraid directly impossible , at least United States won 't admit the educational level level of medic of Chinese undergraduate course .

  2. 本文从多方面介绍了神经病学临床见习的教学方法,认为临床见习的重点是理论联系实际,促进医学生向医生的转变。

    This article introduces the application of teaching methods in Neurology clinical probation , it is important that theory combine with practice in Neurology clinical probation , and make a medic to be a doctor .

  3. 医学生艾滋病健康教育相关因素的Logistic回归分析

    Logistic regression analysis of the health education of AIDS for Medical University Students

  4. 医学生心电图各波时间、PR间期、QT间期的研究

    Study on the time of various waves , P-R interval and Q-T interval of ECG of medical students

  5. 医学生抑郁情绪及其影响因素的Logistic回归分析

    Study of Depression and Theirs Influencing Factors by Logistic Regression Analysis in Medical College Students

  6. 应用同心针电极,在SBR~1双线视波器上,观察与记录了29例健康医学生进行下颌运动时咀嚼肌的肌电活动。

    Electromyography of the muscles of mastication was observed during various mandibular movements in 29 healthy medical students through fire - wire concentric electrodes .

  7. 结论医学生睡眠质量不佳者的比例比一般大学生高,且SDS、SAS得分高者比得分低者睡眠质量差。

    [ WT5HZ ] Conclusion [ WT5BZ ] The prevalence of poor sleep in medical college students was higher than that of general college students .

  8. 医学生艾森克个性特征测查分析在R波检测中,采用了可变阈值、不应期、Lipschitz指数判据等策略,极大地提高了波形检测正确率。

    In the examination of R wave , several strategies such as volatile thresholds , disapprobatory interval , and Lipschitz exponent so on , were used for increasing the correctness of ECG characteristic examination .

  9. 通过实施PBL教学法,运用双语教学、多媒体教学等教学手段,努力提高临床实习质量,培养医学生临床综合素质。

    The clinical practice quality has been improved and the comprehensive practice quality of medical students has been cultivated through applying PBL teaching method , bilingual teaching and multimedia teaching .

  10. 方法使用临床医学生学习生活状况调查表和症状自评量表(SCL-90)对570名临床医学生进行测试。

    Methods Five hundred and seventy medical students were surveyed by using the questionnaire for the conditions of study and daily life of clinical students and Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) .

  11. 采用Logistic逐步回归分析表明,低学历、缺乏医院职业防护培训、没有受过职业防护教育和男性是造成实习医学生被锐器刺伤的主要影响因素。

    Logistic step regression analysis indicates that male ones with low educational background , lack of training of occupational prevention in hospital , and no occupational education were the main factors responsible for injury of the externs by sharp utensil .

  12. 方法对某军校医学生342人进行青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)和SCL90测试,分析差异及相关性。

    Methods Adolescent self-rating life Events Checklist and SCL-90 were administered to 342 medical students in a military college .

  13. 2003年SARS的流行暴露出我国公共卫生专业技术人才不足,对预防医学生突发事件应急能力培养不够。

    The epidemic of SARS in 2003 exposed that there were short of experts to make effective emergence response in public health system in China , and preventive medical students ' capability of emergence public health response could not be developed in all round way .

  14. 结果:医学生组SDS和SAS阳性结果检出率为10.38%和6.25%,显著低于非医学生组(P<0.05),性别间无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    Result : 10.38 % and 6.25 % medical students are doubted with depressive and anxious status . There are significantly lower scores from medical students than that from non-medical students ( P < 0.05 ) . No significant differences are found between male and female .

  15. 结论SEBL教学法是精神卫生学教学中一种简便易行、行之有效的教学改革方法,对于促进医学生对生理-心理-社会医学模式转变的认识具有积极作用。

    Conclusion SEBL method is an simple , effective teaching reform way , play a positive role in promoting medical students learning the changing of physiology-psychology-society model .

  16. MichaelBRothberg和他的团队所作的一项调查中显示,70%接受调查的医学生和医院住院医师称有过手机/传呼机震动的错觉。这一比例也是常常使用手机和随身携带手机的人中感受过PVS的比例。

    A survey conducted by Michael B Rothberg and his colleagues suggest that nearly 70 percent of the surveyed medical students and house staff in hospitals experienced phantom vibrations in their cell phones or pagers , and the perceptions were most common among those who used it most often or carried the device in a breast pocket .

  17. 加强医学生地理信息系统课程实践教学的探讨

    Exploration of strengthening the practical teaching of GIS in medical student

  18. 医学生焦虑和抑郁及相关因素研究

    Study on anxiety and depression and their relation in medical students

  19. 医学生述情障碍与心理健康及人格特征的关系研究

    Study on the relationship among alexithymia , psychologic status and personality

  20. 郑州地区医学生血液12种物质的昼间动态变化

    Dynamic variations of serum 12 components of medical students in Zhengzhou

  21. 浅议培养医学生学习兴趣的方法

    Discussion of the methods of bringing up interest of medical students

  22. 利用中日医师考试试题进行医学生质量评价的比较研究

    Comparison of Quality Evaluation between Test Papers of Medical Licensing Examination

  23. 心理卫生状况对不同年级医学生学业成绩的影响

    Influence of Psychology on Performance of Medical Students of Different Grades

  24. 医学生视力逐渐下降的环境因素探讨

    An Evaluation of Environmental Factors for Descending Sight of Medical Students

  25. 对医学生考试作弊行为的分析及对策研究

    The Analysis and Solution to the Problem of Cheating in Exams

  26. 医学生主动性学习能力的培养探讨

    Discussion on cultivation of the initiative study capability of medical students

  27. 医学生吸烟情况调查及其变化趋势

    The Survey and the Trend on Smoking Prevalence of Medical Students

  28. 医学生临床实习现状及对策

    Current situation and strategies for medical students in their clinical practice

  29. 社会环境因素对医学生学业成绩的影响

    Effects of Social Environmental Factors on Medical Students ' Academic Achievements

  30. 医学生临床实践能力评价途径和方法的研究

    The approach and method of evaluating medical students ' clinical competence