
yào lǐ xué
  • pharmacology
  1. 基于Web的药理学课件制作策略

    Design Strategy of Web-based CAI Courseware for Pharmacology

  2. 浅谈Internet在药理学教学中的应用

    The application of Internet in pharmacology teaching

  3. C反应蛋白的药理学作用研究进展

    Research progress of pharmacological effects of C reactive protein

  4. 目的训练恒河猴学习视觉分辨的go/nogo任务(反应抑制任务的一种),以便进行认知神经科学、心理药理学、精神病学等领域的研究。

    Objective To train monkey to perform response inhibition task ( visual discrimination task with go / no go performances ) .

  5. HPLC结果显示,灵菌红素的药理学作用与细胞内药物浓度相关。

    The results of HPLC showed that pharmacological effect of prodigiosin dependent on drug concentration in cells .

  6. PBL教学法在《药理学》实验教学中的探索

    Exploration of problem based learning in the experiment teaching of Pharmacology

  7. 结论KM小鼠感染仙台病毒可作为副流感病毒感染的疾病模型,应用于药理学等生物医学研究中。

    Conclusion SV_infected KM mice can be used in model of anti_parainfluenza virus infected disease and pharmacology researches .

  8. 药理学PBL教学中学生批判性思维能力的培养

    Evaluation of critical thinking skills in pharmacological PBL teaching

  9. 这可能是NO-G作用较Gen提高的药理学基础。

    This may be the basis of enhanced effect of NO-G.5 .

  10. 诱导K562细胞向红系分化的中药血清药理学方法探讨

    Discussion of the Method in Herbal Serologic Pharmacological by the Inducement of Erythroid Differentiation in K562 Cells

  11. 方法:用血清药理学法孵育人白血病细胞系K562细胞,用流式细胞仪检测bcl2的表达,ABC免疫组化法检测突变型p53表达。

    Methods : Cell lines K562 with human leukemia were hatched by means of serological pharmacology .

  12. 克隆的P2受体亚型的药理学研究进展

    Progress in pharmacological research of cloned P2 receptor subtypes

  13. 用中药血清药理学方法观察六神丸诱导HL-60细胞凋亡的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Liu-shen-wan on Inducing HL-60 Cell Apoptosis with Chinese Herbs Serum Pharmacology Method

  14. 血清药理学方法研究蛇葡萄素抗B16黑色素瘤的作用

    Study on Inhibitory Effect of Ampelopsin on Melanoma by Serologic Pharmacological Method

  15. 在一项发表于《食物药理学与治疗学》(AlimentaryPharmacology&Therapeutics)杂志的2004年的研究中,18名受试者完成了三个实验。

    In a 2004 study in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics , 18 individuals completed three trials .

  16. 移植GABA受体与天然鸡脑GABA受体的生化药理学性质基本一致。

    The transplanted GABA receptors are similar in biochemico-pharmacological properties with native GABA receptors from chicken brain .

  17. 我们提供与临床研究相关的一系列服务,包括药理学和毒理学研究到I–V期的临床试验。

    We offer a broad range of services encompassing all stages of clinical development , from pharmacology and toxicology testing to Phase I – IV clinical trials .

  18. 其次,利用心肌细胞ROS损伤模型和中药血清药理学方法,研究定心方药物血清对H2O2致培养心肌细胞损伤的影响。

    Second , we investigated the injury of cultured rat cardiomyocytes by Hydrogen Peroxide ( H202 ) and the influence of DXR on it .

  19. CBE理论在高职药理学教学中的应用研究

    Application of competency-based education ( CBE ) theory in pharmacological teaching in vocational colleges

  20. 利用T淋巴细胞转化实验和E花环形成实验确定目标小肽的存在,并分别采用体内、体外的免疫学和药理学实验,初步确定了目标小肽对机体免疫活性的增强性质。

    Furthermore , we carried out the experiments of immunology and pharmacology in vivo and in vitro to ensure that our aim peptide can prove the enhancement immunologic activity of organism .

  21. PBL教学模式在长学制药理学教学中的应用将培养及提高学生的综合素质,形成学习的良性循环;

    Application of PBL will cultivate and increase the general capabilities of students and induce a positive feedback for learning .

  22. 1997年辣椒素受体的克隆给Nielsen假设的研究带来生机,而美国加州大学旧金山分院细胞与分子药理学研究所D。

    In 1997 cloned capsaicin receptor brought spark to studying Nielsen hypothesis , and Dr. D.

  23. 研究证明,AT1细胞可作为心脏电生理学和药理学研究中的一种非常有用的工具。

    AT-1 cells are a very useful tool for studies in cardiac electrophysiology and pharmacology .

  24. 借助药理学试验和激光扫描共聚焦显微镜技术,进一步对该间接效应过程中是否有NO和H2O2的参与进行了探讨。

    Whether NO and H_2O_2 were concerned with the adjustment in indirect ways was further explored by pharmaceutical experiment and laser-scanning confocal microscopy .

  25. 三黄肝之宝抗脂肪肝药理学研究及初步机理探讨(对过氧化反应作用及TNFα、IL-6水平的影响)

    Experimental Study of Liver Treasure Applying on Fatty Liver in Rat with Primary Mechanism Approach ( Observing the Inference of Anti-oxidize , TNF - α, IL-6 Level )

  26. 这具尸体证实是耶鲁大学医学院药理学研究生AnnieLe,她于9月8日被报称失踪。

    The body belonged to Annie Le , a graduate student in pharmacology at Yale University Medical School who was reported missing Sept.8 .

  27. 由此可见,H2S具有潜在的临床价值,其药理学作用有待进一步研究。

    Therefore , H2S may have potential clinical value and the action of H2S is to be studied by further experiments .

  28. 研究发现,CA具有解热、镇痛、抗惊厥、抗真菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤和免疫调节等多种药理学作用,且毒副作用小。

    In the past research , it is indicated that CA is a drug with multi-pharmacological effects such as antifebrile , abirritation , anti-eclamptic , anti-epiphyte , antivirus , anti-tumor , immuno-modulating , etc.

  29. 传统的观点认为,吗啡在体内的多种药理学功能是通过激活μ型阿片受体(MOR)后的信号转导通路而完成的。

    The signal pathway mediated by μ opioid receptor ( MOR ) is the main machenism of morphine effects .

  30. 经药理学试验表明,克艾特胶囊对HIV-1的实验株、临床分离株、耐药株具有一定强度的抑制作用;

    In the pharmacological experiments , it inhibited HIV-1 laboratory strain , clinically separated strain and drug-resistant strain , as well as HIV-1 integrase .