
yào xué
  • pharmacy;pharmacology
药学 [yào xué]
  • [pharmacology] 研究药物的科学

药学[yào xué]
  1. 再论Internet网上药学资源的利用

    Discussion of the Use of Pharmacy Resource on Internet

  2. 超越pharmaceuticalcare,呼唤中国特色的药学实践规范

    Discussion on Pharmaceutical Care and Calling for Good Pharmacy practice of China

  3. 具备医学、药学或生物学背景

    Education background of medicine , pharmaceutics and biology . Bachelor degree or above .

  4. 它是融纳米技术、光技术净化、触酶(催化)、药学技术、生物化学为一体的新技术、新方法

    It is combined with nano-technique , light-purge technique , catalyzation , pharmaceutics and biochemistry .

  5. B淋巴细胞刺激因子的药学前景

    The pharmaceutical prospect of B lymphocyte stimulator

  6. 进入Internet时代,利用WWW药学资源

    Enter Internet Epoch , Make Full Use of Medical Information RESOURCE

  7. 因此,DNA和ATP的检测在临床诊断、疾病预防和生物药学等方面具有重要的意义。

    So , the detection of DNA and ATP plays a critical role in disease diagnosis , prevention and biomedical research .

  8. 药物释放系统(DrugDeliverySystems,DDS)已成为药学领域的重要发展方向,随之而来对药物载体及材料的研究也就愈加显得格外重要。

    Targeted Drug Delivery Systems ( TDDS ) have been an important developing drug field , so it is necessary to develop the research of drug carrier and material .

  9. SNP和药学&遗传药理学

    SNP & Pharmacy - Pharmacogenetics

  10. 通过介绍如何Google学术搜索提供的免费、快捷查找学术资源的途径,寻找药学学术资源。

    Google Scholar Search provides us with a free and quick lookup scholar resource route . This paper introduces how to search for pharmaceutical scholar resource more quickly .

  11. 根据独立顾问组织药学研究所(InstituteofMedicine)2010年发布的指导原则,成年人一般需要每天摄入1000毫克钙,50岁以上的女性和70岁以上的男性每天需要摄入的钙量会增加到1200毫克。

    Adults generally need 1000 milligrams daily , rising to 1200 mg for women over 50 and men over 70 , according to guidelines issued in 2010 by the Institute of Medicine , an independent advisory group .

  12. 目的对青果叶FoliumCanarii进行生药学研究。

    Objective The pharmacognostic character of Folium Canarii was studied systematically .

  13. 结论:这是临床药师开展工作的一个切入点,推动了临床药学的发展,同时药师要开展新工作、新研究,为临床提供更加完善的PC。

    Conclusion : This is an opportunity for clinical pharmacist to work . It propelled the development of clinical pharmacy , At the same time , Pharmacists must develop new work and new search to offer more perfect PC for clinic .

  14. 方法:液相色谱质谱联用法(HPLC-MS)测定12名健康男性受试者单剂量口服4mg甲磺酸多沙唑嗪片后的血药浓度,由DAS2.0药学与统计程序处理计算药动学参数。

    METHODS After given doxazosin mesilate tablets 4 mg to 12 healthy male volunteers , doxazosin concentrations in plasma were determined by HPLC-MS.

  15. 结论:ISO9002可用于医院药学部的质量管理。

    ISO 9002 model of quality guarantee has been set up and can be used in quality control of pharmacy department .

  16. RNAi作为调节特定基因表达的基因组免疫方法,成为生物药学的研究热点,同时也是机体抗病毒感染在基因水平的有效防御机制。

    RNAi , as a genomic immune phenomenon involving the modulation of specific gene expression and an efficient gene-level defense mechanism against viral infection , has become the focus of study in biomedicine .

  17. 三维数据分析在药学研究中的应用(第八章-第九章)研究药物与DNA的相互作用不仅对理解作用机制有很大意义,还可以指导新药的设计。

    The applications of three-way data analysis in pharmacology and pharmaceutical research ( Chapter 8 to Chapter 9 ): Studies of interactions between drugs and DNA are very interesting and significant not only in understanding the mechanism of interaction , but also for guiding the design of new drugs .

  18. 主要介绍了高通量筛选技术(HTS,Highthroughputscreening)的原理,包括非细胞相筛选、细胞相筛选和生物表型筛选及其在生命科学和药学领域中的应用以及高通量筛选技术的发展趋势。

    This review mainly describes High Throughput Screening Assay , including non cell based screening , cell based screening and animal phenotype screening , and the application of these technologies in the fields of life science and pharmaceutics as well as the trend of development of HTS .

  19. 结果PIVAS作为药学服务的窗口,对全面提升医院的管理水平和药物治疗水平起了重要作用。

    Results : PIVAS , a window of pharmaceutical care , played an important role in improving the levels of hospital management and drug therapy .

  20. 结果:采用Excel数据计算技术、图表技术、图形动画技术和模拟技术等能可视化地表达计算中所涉及的概念、方法、过程、结果及所产生的数据信息等,以实现人机交互的药学计算。

    Results : The approach of Excel data computation , graph table , animation and simulation was used to visualize the pharmaceutic computing , namely , concept , way , process , result and data information , so that the interactive computing with the user was realized .

  21. 结果:虽然PIVAS运行过程中仍存在一些问题,但其建立和发展将会促进医院药学的发展。

    Results : Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of PIVAS , although there are some matters in the development of PIVAS , it will promote the development of clinical pharmacy .

  22. 以高岭土为原料而开发成功的Sialon材料,由于所具备的优越的力学性能、高温性能及化学稳定性等,在冶金、航空、化工机械和药学等方面显现出了极好的应用前景。

    The Sialon successfully exploited from kaolin , is widely used in the fields of metallurgy , aviation , chemical engineering mechanism , pharmacy and so on , because of its predominant mechanical capability , resistance of high temperature and chemistry stability .

  23. Coulibaly说,生产转基因蚊子已经得到了巴科马大学的医学、药学和牙科学伦理委员会的批准。

    The production of GM mosquitoes has received approval from the University of Bamako 's Faculty of Medicine , Pharmacy and Dentistry ethics committee , said Coulibaly .

  24. 结果与结论:从事TPN工作的临床药师应不断接受业务教育,凭借专业优势与临床加强联系,善于分析、总结临床信息,推动临床药学发展。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS : Clinical pharmacists engaged in TPN work should have a continuing professional education , strengthen their contact with the clinic by making use of their professional advantages , keep analyzing and summarizing the clinical information to promote the development of clinical pharmacy .

  25. 结果与结论HPIS内部以服务院内患者和药房管理内容应用为主,基于临床药学知识和管理综合信息的辅助决策系统为目标;

    RESULTS : The interior HPIS engineering primarily serves in the hospital patients and the pharmacy internal management application contents , its objective is to build an auxiliary decision system based on clinical pharmacy knowledge and management synthesis information .

  26. 改革实验教学模式,发展药学高职教育

    Reform the experimental teaching mode , develop the pharmacy vocational education

  27. 方法检索中国药学文摘上的文献。

    Methods : To search documents in the chinese pharmaceutical abstracts .

  28. 再谈新世纪中医药学发展和人才培养问题

    Re discussion on TCM Development and Personnel Training in New Century

  29. 关于药学服务人才培养问题的思考

    Several Opinions on the Cultivation of Pharmaceutical Service Talents in China

  30. 药学高职教育的价值取向与课程设计

    Curriculum Design and Values Pursuit of Higher Vocational Education of Pharmacy