
zhàn lüè xué
  • science of strategy
  1. 研究带全局性的战争指导规律,是战略学的任务。

    The task of the science of strategy is to study those laws for directing a war that govern a war situation as a whole .

  2. 这是一个无后方作战的十分艰险的战略任务。研究带全局性的战争指导规律,是战略学的任务。

    This would be a difficult and dangerous strategic operation , because the troops would have to fight without a rear area to support them . The task of the science of strategy is to study those laws for directing a war that govern a war situation as a whole .

  3. 我刚刚一直在向各位将军解释战略学的基本原理。

    I 've just been explaining the basic principles of strategy to my generals .

  4. 日本的K.日本综合商社的国际战略学解析

    Study results given by K. International Strategy 's Analysis of the Japanese Sogo Shosha

  5. 本文作者潘卡基•格玛沃特是西班牙IESE商学院Rubiralta教席全球战略学教授,著有《世界3.0》一书。

    Pankaj Ghemawat is the rubiralta professor of global strategy at IESE and the author of world 3.0 .

  6. 同时,加里哈默尔(garyhamel,此人未来必将成为战略学的荣誉高级会员)告诉我,许多大学的管理学研究已经开始涉足一些不带有普遍性的金融现象,或商业中一些深奥的学问。

    At the same time , as Gary Hamel surely a shoo-in for a future honorary fellowship in strategy pointed out to me , many universities have allowed their own management research to drift off into financial exotica or business esoterica .

  7. 略论节约资源的发展战略学价值

    On the Developing Strategic Value of Economizing Resources

  8. 目前,我侧重于经济学和战略学,尽管金融学和市场营销学也让我颇感兴趣。

    At the moment , I am leaning towards economics and strategy , although finance and marketing also have me interested .

  9. 从学术层面对美日同盟关系进行探讨和研究是理论界一个重要课题,本文运用国际战略学的理论和方法对冷战后美日同盟关系进行了分析。

    This article makes an analysis of the US-Japan alliance relation after Cold-War based on theories and methods of international strategy subject . Chapter ⅰ .

  10. 两度荣膺哈佛商学院教学成果奖的战略学教授阿南德将讲授一个名为管理经济学的课程。

    Anand , a strategy professor who is a two-time winner of teaching awards at HBS , is teaching a class called economics for managers .

  11. 文章的最后一部分探讨了发展战略学的学科性质、基本特点和研究方法。

    The last part of this paper discusses the nature of the subject , the basic characteristics and the research techniques of the science of development strategy .

  12. 这些分析和探讨,尽管是初步的,但对于我们进一步学习和研究发展战略学是有一定借鉴意义的。

    Although the analyses and discussions are preliminary , they will be of reference for us to carry on further study and research on the science of development strategy .

  13. 为此,本文试从地缘战略学的角度出发,结合自由贸易区、相互依存等理论首先论述东盟是中国地缘战略的首要选择。

    Together with some theories such as FTA , Inter-dependence , etc , this article deduces that ASEAN is the primary choice for China from geo-strategy 's point of view .

  14. 充斥着术语的战略学领域需要某种秩序就该领域最有用的一些工具达成更大共识,定期更新知识体系,或许还需要建立一些最优行为准则。

    The jargon-clogged world of strategy needs some order greater consensus about its most useful tools , a regularly updated body of knowledge , perhaps some standards of best practice .

  15. 半个多世纪以来,发展战略学的研究在世界各地广泛开展,对当今社会发展产生了重大影响。

    From over 50 years ago , the study of the science of development strategy has been extensively executed across the world , making huge influence on the present society development .

  16. 以往对国防安全问题的研究,多从政治学、军事学、战略学和国际关系学的视角着手,而鲜有从科学技术的视角进行考察的。

    Past researches into defense security were mostly carried out in the angles of politics , military science , strategies and international relations , fewer in the angle of science and technology .

  17. 当前,节约资源对我国社会发展具有极为重要的发展战略学价值、经济学价值、社会学价值、生态环境学和管理学价值。

    At present , for developing our country 's society it has very important developing strategic value , economic value , sociological value , ecological environmentology value and administrative science value to save resource .

  18. 东罗马皇帝毛里斯在他的“战略学”一书提到士兵把长矛搁在背上,他们必须在飞驰的马上不断地切换长矛和弓。

    Maurice 's Strategikon says the soldier carried the lance on his back , and had to be able to change from lance to bow and back again while at a gallop on horseback .

  19. 发展战略学,主要是指20世纪50年代以后兴起的、从总体上研究人类社会各个领域全局性和长远性发展谋划的基本规律的一门综合性学科。

    The science of development strategy is an interdisciplinary comprehensive subject , which springs up after the 1950s and generally studies the basic laws of overall and long-term development planning of the human society in every field .

  20. 本文援引产业组织学、制度经济学和竞争战略学中的相关理论主要讨论了中国报业的市场结构、制度创新和竞争战略等问题。

    This paper probes into the market structure , the institutional innovation , and competitive strategies of China 's newspaper industry on the basis of the relevant theories of Industry Economics , System Economics , and Competitive Strategy .

  21. 本文综合应用经济学、可持续发展战略学、环境经济学、技术经济学、产业经济学、国民经济管理学、政策学的原理对城市生活垃圾处置作经济学分析。

    This thesis makes economic analysis on the municipal garbage treatment through comprehensive application of the principles of economics , sustainable development strategy , environmental economics , technical economics , industrial economics , economic management and policy studies .

  22. 文章在市场学、管理学、战略学等相关理论的基础上,参考相关文献研究成果,再结合我国风险投资市场的实际情况来识别和分析评价对象的风险;

    On the basis of related theory ( market science , management science , strategy science etc ,), the accomplishment of present documents and practical situation in our country , this paper discerns and analyses the risk of appraised targets .

  23. 本章从市场学、管理学、战略学和投资学理论的角度详细阐述了本指标体系的由来、构成,指标评价时的考虑因素,以及如何进行模糊综合评价。

    From the market learning , management learning , strategy learning with investing learning theoretical angle , detailed expatiate this index sign system , constitute , consideration for index sign to evaluate , and how to proceed the faintness synthesize the evaluation .

  24. 本文应用发展战略学、发展经济学、制度经济学等理论与方法,探讨科技园区内涵及其发展规律,为加快福建科技园区发展提供理论基础。

    This article probes into the connotation and development disciplinarian of Technology Park based on the theories and methods of development strategy , development economics and system economics , providing theoretic foundation for expediting the development of the technology parks in Fujian province .

  25. 米兰博科尼大学(bocconiuniversity)战略管理学教授罗伯特格兰特(robertgrant)质疑,当涉及到以盈利为目的企业时,“利益相关者(stakeholder)”这一替代理论是否真能有所帮助?

    Robert Grant , Professor of strategic management at Bocconi University in Milan , questioned whether the alternative " stakeholder " approach could really be helpful when it came to the business of making money .

  26. 其次,创新性的运用战略管理学中的PEST分析法对制约黑龙江省高层次人才资源可持续发展的影响因素进行定性分析,为解决上述问题寻找突破口。

    Secondly , this paper innovatively used PEST analysis method in strategic management to make a qualitative analysis on the impact of constraints of high-level human resources in Heilongjiang province in order to find a breakthrough to overcome these problems .

  27. 加拿大麦克马斯特大学的战略管理学教授克里斯巴特和在亚利桑那州的A.T.斯蒂尔健康科学大学的格雷戈里麦奎因开展了这项研究。

    The study was conducted by strategic management professor Chris Bart of Canada 's McMaster University and Gregory McQueen of A.T.Still University in Arizona .

  28. 竞争优势理论是战略管理学中的重要内容。

    Competitive Advantage Theory is very important in Strategic Management .

  29. 通过文献研究对转型经济国家的企业战略管理学研究状况进行了评估。

    This literature research evaluates status of strategic management research about transition economies .

  30. 从战略管理学角度考察我国上市公司股权结构与公司绩效的关系如何?

    How is the relationship between environmental dynamism , ownership structure and corporate performance ?