
zhàn ɡuó shí dài
  • the Period of Warring States;the Warring Kingdoms Period
  1. 论战国时代寓言文学的流派

    Schools of Fable Literature during the Period of Warring States

  2. 这个过程在战国时代完成,先后形成了齐、魏、赵、韩、楚、燕、秦这七个最主要的国家。

    In the period of Warring States , there emerged seven states that had complete formation .

  3. 中国战国时代范蠡所著《养鱼经》是世界上最早的养鱼文献。范在公元前473年即开始养殖鲤鱼,并写下这本书。

    “ The Classics on Fish Breeding ”, written by Fan Li of the Warring States Period ( 475 B.C. - 221B . C. ), was the world 's first book on fish breeding . Fan started to breed silver carp in 473B . C. , and the book was based on his experience .

  4. 旧石器时代海拔50 ̄500m的遗址数占当时遗址总数的78%,而新石器时代至战国时代71% ̄95%的遗址分布于0 ̄200m的海拔区。

    The number of Paleolithic sites with altitudes of 50-500 m account for 78 % of the total , while 71 % - 95 % of the sites from the Neolithic age to the Warring States time are distributed at the areas of 0-200 m.

  5. 论“后战国时代”

    On " the Era of the Post - Warring States "

  6. 中国银行业开始进入战国时代&我国银行业的并购重组趋势分析

    China 's Banking : Marching into the Warring State Period

  7. 其实,“龙舟竞渡”早在战国时代就有了。

    Actually ," Dragon Boat Festival " early in the warring states period .

  8. 春秋战国时代军事伦理理念的嬗变

    The Conversion of the Military Ethical Opinions in Spring and Autumn Warring States Period

  9. 二是对战国时代刀币家族的文字释读。

    Second is the Warring States Period knife coins family Interpretation of the text .

  10. 离石区的建置沿革,可追溯到战国时代。

    Lishi District History of the building , dating back to the Warring States Period .

  11. 春秋战国时代,一位父亲和他的儿子出征打战。

    In ChunQiu era , there is a father and his son going for a war .

  12. 进入战国时代,社会变革加速,传统的礼制被彻底破坏。

    Entering into Warring States Period , social change accelerated , the traditional ritual was completely destroyed .

  13. 战国时代,燕国在这里设置过郡一级的地方政府。

    In the Warring States period , Yan State once had its county government in this area .

  14. 战国时代的时候散文比较兴盛,主要是一些历史散文。

    Tom : Prose was popular during the Warring States Period , mainly as the historical prose .

  15. 可以说,整个化肥行业已经进入了营销制胜的春秋战国时代。

    Can say , the chemical fertilizer industry has entered the spring and Autumn Period of marketing warfare .

  16. 此后,丰臣秀吉逐步控制日本,最终结束已经持续了150年的战国时代。

    He continued taking over Japan , eventually ending the warring states period that had lasted 150 years .

  17. 如果你现在有一个机会重回战国时代,你会做什么呢?

    If you now have a chance to return to the Warring States era , you will do ?

  18. 电影发生在日本战国时代的1587年。

    The film takes place in 1587 during a time when many states in Japan were at war .

  19. 战国时代是一个从传统的宗法贵族社会向官僚社会作整体转型的大变革时代。

    The Warring Age is a fully transformed period as a whole from traditional clan patriciate to bureaucrat society .

  20. 伴随着高等教育的大众化、国际化及教育需求的多样化,高校之间的竞争日益激烈,高校已步入战国时代。

    The popularization , internationalization and demand diversification of Chinese higher education has seen increasingly furious competition between universities .

  21. 经过战国时代的发展,战争对社会和国家稳定的负面影响越来越大。

    With the development of the Warring States , military activities exert increasingly negative influence on social and national stability .

  22. 春秋战国时代是社会发生剧烈变化的时代,此时的法律制度随着社会制度的渐变而逐渐发生变化。

    Therefore , the legal regime of that time changed gradually along with the slow transition of the social system .

  23. 长城始建于战国时代,其后历代继续修建。

    The earliest part of the wall was Built during the Warring State Period and suBsequent dynasties continued the project .

  24. 墨学和儒学在战国时代并称为显学,是中国传统文化的重要内容之一。

    As an important part of traditional Chinese culture , Mohism and Confucianism is called Prominent in the Warring States period .

  25. 建湖县域历史悠久,早在春秋战国时代就有先民渔稼耕猎。

    Jianhu domain has a long history , as early as Spring and Autumn Period , there ancestors hunting fishing Jia-Geng .

  26. 战国时代有个楚国人祭他的祖先。

    In the Warring States Period , a man in the State of Chu was offering a sacrifice to his ancestors .

  27. 战国时代的孟子在周游列国的不凡经历中,展示出了强烈而突出的独立人格精神。

    In the Warring States Period , Mencius demonstrated a strong and prominent independence spirit in his extraordinary experience of traveling around .

  28. 春秋战国时代(公元前770年&公元前221年),是我国历史上的一个重要时期。

    Spring and Autumn Period ( 770 BC - 221 BC ), is one of the most important time in our country .

  29. 荀子所处的战国时代,正处于奴隶制社会向封建制社会转型的时代,社会处于大变革之中,是一个礼崩乐坏的时代。

    Warring States is in a special social transformation from slave society to feudal society in which the characteristic is rite disintegration .

  30. 春秋战国时代,士阶层处于急剧壮大和急剧变化之中,并且对社会发展起着巨大作用。

    In the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods , the stratum of scholar was increasing sharply and changing greatly .