
zhàn fǔ
  • battle-axe;battleax;battleaxe
战斧 [zhàn fǔ]
  • [battle-ax;battle-axe] 从前作为兵器用的一种钺

战斧[zhàn fǔ]
  1. 反战斧导弹的GPS欺骗措施分析与同温层气球干扰平台的实现

    Analysis of GPS spoofing measure to defence the cruise missile " Deep Fire " and a spoofing system on stratosphere balloon flat

  2. 并以AGM-109H战斧巡航导弹为典型目标进行仿真,与其1∶1物理模型外场实测RCS数据进行对比分析。

    Finally , we compared and analyzed the simulation result with the measured outfield RCS data of the AGM 109H battle-axe cruise missile 's 1 ∶ 1 physical model .

  3. 《战斧骨》基本上是电影《落日狂沙》和《隔山有眼》的结合体,讲述的是一群好心的村民在库尔特•拉塞尔(KurtRussell)的带领下,出发寻找食人族下落,解救被食人族囚禁的村民。

    Bone Tomahawk is basically The Searchers meets The Hills Have Eyes , about a gang of well-intentioned townsfolk ( led by Kurt Russell ! ) who head out to rescue a citizen who has been captured by a tribe of cannibalistic natives .

  4. 今晚带着战斧过来参加我的晚宴。

    Come by the Tomahawk tonight . dinner 's on me .

  5. 大刀、长矛和战斧现在已废弃不用了。

    Sword and spear and battle-ax have gone into the discard .

  6. 战斧只有被染红了才能放下。

    Only when it 's red , then it will be buried .

  7. 战斧巡航导弹对高炮防御区突防效能分析

    Breakthrough Efficiency Analysis of Tomahawk Cruise Missile to Antiaircraft Gun Defence Area

  8. 导弹具有美国战斧导弹的一些相似处。

    The missile bears some resemblance to the U.S.Tomahawk missile .

  9. 我突然提起一把空想的战斧朝他冲了过去。

    I suddenly found myself charging him with an imaginary battle ax .

  10. 战斧巡航导弹的作战模式与技术发展

    Attack Mode Analysis and Technology Development of Cruise Missile

  11. 战斧对美洲印第安人极为重要。

    The tomahawk was important to the American Indian .

  12. 一种美洲印第安人用的战斧。

    A fighting ax used by North American indians .

  13. 原来苏格兰高地的人使用的战斧。

    A battle-ax formerly used by Scottish Highlanders .

  14. 霍比居骑兵骑乘当地战马,挥舞长矛和战斧进行作战。

    Riding their tough native horses , these soldiers carry spears and axes into battle .

  15. 战斧的柄长一般为一只手臂的长度,单双手持均可。

    The battle axe is usually an arm-length weapon borne in one or both hands .

  16. 伊崔格双手抓着他的战斧,看来已准备好下去打一场。

    Eitrigg held his battle-ax with both hands and looked ready to go down fighting .

  17. 数字式景象匹配区域相关器在战斧巡航导弹上的应用

    Digital scene matching are correlator ( dsmas ) is used in the Tomahawk cruise missile

  18. 战斧部队是斯堪的纳维亚贵族的亲卫军。

    Literally meaning'house man ' , Huscarls are the loyal household troops of Scandinavian nobles .

  19. 维京突袭者来自寒冷北欧,装备战斧和轻甲。

    Wild and hardy warriors from the cold north armed with axes and light armour .

  20. 它拥有射程达2500公里的战斧巡航导弹。

    It has Tomahawk cruise missiles that have a range of up to 2500 km .

  21. 高地弓箭兵使用标准战弓,此外亦配备单手战斧以备肉搏。

    Archers from the highlands armed with a standard bow and a one-handed axe for melee .

  22. 战斧类似的工具或武器。

    A similar implement or weapon .

  23. 印第安战斧一种轻型斧头,以前由某些美洲土著居民用作工具或武器。

    A light ax formerly used as a tool or weapon by certain Native American peoples .

  24. 威尔士手炮兵身穿重甲,对手炮和战斧都运用自如。

    Heavily armoured soldiers , effective in the use of the hand gun and one handed axe .

  25. 装死,埋战斧(合好),要打仗等这样的词语变得很平常了。

    Expressions such as play possum , bury the hatchet and go on the warpath became common .

  26. 他举起战斧,在马镫上站起来,把那大言不惭的对手砍倒了。

    He raised his battle axe , and rising in his stirrups cut down the vaunting foe .

  27. 科恩斧兵是轻装突袭部队,使用短柄战斧进行厮杀,随时愿意接受高价雇佣。

    Lightly armoured Irish warriors armed with axes , willing to fight for whomever can pay them .

  28. 中世纪使用的战斧;有一个长把斧头和一个凿子。

    A battle ax used in the Middle Ages ; a long handled ax and a pick .

  29. 西里西亚弓箭兵来自当地基督信徒,装备复合弓和战斧。

    Fierce armoured bowmen from Outremer 's most numerous native Christians , armed with composite bow and an axe .

  30. 战斧巡航导弹及其制导系统的电子对抗策略分析

    The analysis of the cruise missile " Deep Fire " and electronic countermeasure to its control & guide system