
  1. 本周六,这位英国明星将向冬奥会的金牌发起冲击。

    This Saturday the British star is going for gold in the Winter Olympics .

  2. 我非常愿意在我职业生涯的最后一年向奥林匹亚大赛冠军头衔发起冲击。

    I should love to have a crack at the Olympia title in my last year

  3. 微软现在可以再度向谷歌(Google)在利润丰厚的搜索市场占据的优势地位发起冲击,此前微软内部进行了代价高昂的尝试,但基本上未能成功。

    It can now take another crack at Google 's dominance of the lucrative search market , having largely failed with its expensive in-house attempts .

  4. 十年前,分析师认为,微软(Microsoft)或思科(Cisco)会首先发起冲击,几年前,谷歌(Google)也被认为有冲关机会,但没有一家公司曾接近过这个关口。

    A decade ago , analysts believed Microsoft or Cisco would be the first , while Google was seen as having a shot a few years ago , but none got anywhere near it .

  5. 谷歌公司近期的几项措施包括涉足在线应用程序的举措以及去年互联网浏览器的推出似乎在故意对微软的老本办公室应用程序套件和IE互联网浏览器发起冲击。

    Several recent initiatives from Google including its move into online applications and its launch last year of an internet browser have looked suspiciously like deliberate attacks on Microsoft strongholds : the Office suite of applications and Internet Explorer .

  6. 意大利蓝衣军团将向着他们的第六次世界杯决赛发起冲击。

    The Azzurri were heading for their sixth FIFA World Cup final .

  7. 他与戴维斯战斗着,向詹姆斯发起冲击,一回合接着一回合,不知疲倦。

    He battled possession after possession with Davis .

  8. 他们离经叛道,以不确定性为创作原则,向传统小说写作模式发起冲击。

    They wage a war against the traditional mode of fiction writing by resorting to uncertainty principle .

  9. 我本来可以向前两名发起冲击,但是没能做到。

    We could have challenged for the top two places , but it didn 't work out .

  10. 那0.5%意味着勒布朗?詹姆斯如果向着篮筐发起冲击你很难阻挡他

    That 0.5 % means LeBron James is hard to stop if he 's driving for the basket

  11. 向变压器市场发起冲击

    Charging a Transformer Market

  12. 不过此时此刻,勇士队上上下下最想要的就是延续目前的这种神奇表现,并全力向下一个冠军头衔发起冲击。

    Yet these Warriors want nothing more than to build off their remarkable run so far and ride it to another title .

  13. 不过,和他的队友塞巴斯蒂安·奥吉尔一样,勒布也已经在瑞典完成了大量的深度测试,他也被寄望向冠军发起冲击。

    However , like new team-mate Sebastien Ogier , Loeb has conducted extensive testing in Sweden and is expected to challenge for victory .

  14. 在我的左翼,我的装甲掷弹兵正向前方的村庄发起冲击,准备占领那里并以其为依托,阻击不可避免的苏军进攻。

    On my left flank , the panzergrenadiers were tasked with taking the village and holding it to stall the inevitable Soviet advance .

  15. 邹市明第一次对世界冠军发起冲击的时候并不成功,在2015年3月于澳门举行的国际拳击联合会比赛中,邹市明不敌阿姆纳特·雷恩伦。

    Zou failed his first world title attempt when he was defeated in Macao by Amnat Ruenroeng in March 2015 for the IBF title .

  16. 在引致型危机和选择型危机中,国际投机资本往往能够首先发现危机的征兆,并且率先向该国货币发起冲击,引发一场金融动荡。

    In inducible-crises and selective-crises , international speculative capital often first found the omen of crises , and raid the currency , starting a financial turbulence .

  17. 不久以后,他们海扁了热火,印证了人们的断言&他们将向东部冠军发起冲击。

    And days later , they backed up the claims by many that they were headed for the Eastern Conference finals by trashing the Miami Heat .

  18. 在这款射击游戏中,玩家控制着巨龙,开始向最高头衔“天空领主”发起冲击。

    In this shooting game , players control of the dragon , the highest title to the beginning of " feudal lords of the skies " attack .

  19. 世界排名第五的费雷尔此次向自己的首个大师赛冠军发起冲击,但始终未能突破穆雷在球场上日益强势的掌控力。费雷尔在第二盘中被穆雷打得筋疲力尽。

    World No. 5 Ferrer was seeking his first Masters title but his hopes were dashed by an increasingly dominant Murray who ran him ragged for much of the second set .

  20. 随着杰拉德、托雷斯、约翰逊以及贝纳永缺阵,贝尼特斯依赖这些边沿的球员打天下,领导我们从英超第四发起冲击。

    With the likes of Steven Gerrard , Fernando Torres , Glen Johnson and Yossi Benayoun all injured , Benitez is relying on fringe players to step up and lead our charge for the top four .

  21. 马来西亚世界羽毛球头号种子选手李宗伟近日表示,新的计分规则可能会让自己把职业生涯延续到2020年的东京奥运会,并再一次向一块梦寐以求的羽毛球金牌发起冲击。

    Malaysia 's world number one Lee Chong Wei said a new scoring format could tempt him to extend his career to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and take yet another shot at an elusive badminton gold medal .

  22. 奥吉尔已经取得了过去两站比赛的胜利,而他在意大利将排在福特车手米可·海沃宁之后于第三位发车,因此他也将朝着个人职业生涯第五个分站冠军发起冲击。

    Ogier has won the last two rounds and his starting position of third on the road on Friday behind Ford driver Mikko Hirvonen could give him an edge as he looks to make it five career wins .

  23. Facebook对天空发起的冲击是努力为全世界带来互联网。

    Facebook 's taking to the skies , in an effort to bring the Internet to the world .

  24. 科学技术日新月异,新媒体的兴起向传统媒体发起巨大冲击。

    Science and technology are developing rapidly , the rise of new media to traditional media launched a huge impact .

  25. 托莱多利用自己印第安人特有的黝黑的皮肤,轮廓分明的脸庞和不高的身材,向此次大选发起了冲击。他的竞选过程中处处充满了获胜的印加帝国国王的肖像,充满了颂扬印第安人荣耀的赞歌。

    Toledo capitalized on his dark , chiseled Indian features and short stature to mount a campaign replete with imagery of triumphant Inca emperors and with odes to Indian glory .

  26. 湖人在4年中首次问鼎太平洋区冠军,并且在拿下这场关键战役后对西部榜首发起了冲击。

    The Lakers are Pacific Division champions for the first time in four years and have a shot at the Western Conference title after winning their most important game of the season .

  27. 一切几乎都已准备就绪,就等我向纪录发起再一次冲击了。

    Everything is almost ready for me to make another attempt on the record .

  28. 只要能保持健康,麦迪在将来就能向那捉摸不定的NBA总冠军发起最后的冲击。

    As long as he stays healthy , McGrady 's future could hold one last run at an ever-elusive NBA championship .

  29. 拉法并没有承诺这个巨大的差距会在新的赛季完全被弥补,但他坚信他的新阵容会对新赛季的冠军发起有力的冲击。

    Benitez isn 't promising that gap will be bridged completely this season , but he is adamant his new look squad will make a stronger challenge in the Premiership race .

  30. 对英国200米纪录发起的3次冲击也均以失败而告终。

    Three attempts on the British 200-metre record also ended in failure .