
fā shè tiān xiàn
  • Transmitting antenna;radiator
  1. 分布式发射天线MIMO信号的最优线性检测

    Optimal Linear Detection Algorithm of MIMO with Distributed Transmit Antennas

  2. 基于发射天线优化的MIMO空时分组码算法研究

    Analysis of Space-Time Block Codes Based on Optimizing Transmit Antenna in MIMO System

  3. 用发射天线式微波等离子体CVD装置沉积大面积金刚石薄膜

    The Synthesis of Large-Area Diamond Films Using Quartz Bell Jar Type Microwave Plasma CVD

  4. 为了能够独立地辨识MIMO信道,不同发射天线采用正交导频序列,并且对不同正交导频下的DCT估计算法进行了仿真比较。

    In order to independently identify MIMO channel , different transmission antennas require orthogonal pilot sequences .

  5. 因此本文第四章提出了一种新的MIMO-OFDM同步算法,该算法适用于各发射天线信号到达时延不同的情况,具有更广泛意义,可用于分布式MIMO系统。

    So in chapter 4 we proposed a novel synchronization algorithm for MIMO-OFDM system .

  6. 无线通信系统中的多输入多输出(MultipleInputMultipleOutput,MIMO)技术,是指利用多根发射天线和接收天线进行无线传输的技术。

    The technology of Multiple Input Multiple Output ( MIMO ) for wireless communication , refers to the use of multiple transmit and receive antennas for wireless transmission .

  7. 提出了基于BLAST接收机的发射天线选择算法,它选择子数据流最小后检测信噪比最大的天线子集。

    Transmit antenna selection algorithm in a BLAST receiver is proposed , which opts for the antenna subset that has largest minimum post-detection SNR of substreams .

  8. MIMO(MultipleInputMultipleOutput)通信系统利用多根发射天线和接收天线进行无线传输,大大地提高了无线通信系统的容量。

    Multiple Input Multiple Output communication system is a wireless transmission system which adopts multiple transmits antennas and receives antennas . MIMO technology significantly improves the capacity of wireless communication systems .

  9. 分布式发射天线V-BLAST信号的排序干扰抵消检测

    Order-Interference-Cancellation Detection Scheme for V-BLAST Signals with Distributed Transmit Antennas

  10. 最近的研究表明,在衰落信道多天线MIMO系统的容量随发射天线数线性增加。

    Recent work has shown that capacity of a multiple-antenna MIMO system is increased linearly with the number of transmitter antennas in fading channels .

  11. 多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达具有多个发射天线阵元和多个接收天线阵元,每个阵元发射不同的信号且发射信号相互正交。

    Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output ( MIMO ) radar system has many transmit and receive antennas , each transmit antenna sends different signals and these signals are orthogonal .

  12. 分层空时结构(BLAST)是一种通过使用多根发射天线和接收天线,以及在接收端使用先进的信号处理技术来获得高频谱效率的技术。

    Bell-labs Layered Space-Time ( BLAST ) is a technique for achieving high-spectral efficiencies using multiple transmit antennas , multiple receive antennas , and advanced signal processing at the receiver .

  13. 用于HL-1M装置LHCD的多结发射天线阵

    A multijunction launcher for LHCD on the HL 1M Tokamak

  14. 作为未来无线通信系统空中接口技术的核心组成部分,配置多个发射天线与接收天线的MIMO技术和空时编码技术受到越来越多的重视。

    As the key components of the air interface of the future wireless communications system , MIMO and space-time coding have attracted more and more attention of researchers .

  15. 高增益MMDS发射天线的设计与应用

    A Design and Application of High Gain MMDS Emission Antennas

  16. HL-1M装置等离子体与ICRH发射天线的相互作用

    Interaction between plasma and transmitting antenna in the HL-1M Tokamak ICRH experiment

  17. MIMO技术在发射天线端和接收天线端均使用多个天线,从而能在不增加系统带宽的情况下成倍提高系统的数据传输速率和传输质量。

    MIMO technology uses multiple antenna both at the sender andreceiver , through which to improve the data transfer rate and transmission quality of system , butwithout increasing bandwidth .

  18. 最后,对采用正交空时分组码的多发射天线选择系统进行数值仿真,结果表明:多天线选择能极大地提高系统的传输质量,而且能有效地抵抗CSI差错引起的性能下降。

    The results show that MTAS can enhance largely system transmission performance , and combat effectively or mitigate the effects of the erroneous CSI .

  19. 自动轮胎定位技术基于三维近场源定位技术,通过安装于轮胎内的二维LF接收天线、LF接收唤醒模块和中央监视器内的三维LF发射天线实现。

    The Automatic Tire Location is based on3-D near field single source location , and is realized by2-D LF receiving antenna , LF waken-up module and3-D sending antenna .

  20. 然而,由于OFDM技术采用了正交的子载波,MIMO技术的接收信号是多座发射天线信号的迭加,这两项技术的结合使得MIMOOFDM系统的接收机设计成为一项艰巨任务。

    However , OFDM adopts orthogonal sub-carriers and the received signal of MIMO is a superposition of all of transmitted signals , which make the receiver of MIMO OFDM system more difficult .

  21. 它不仅可避免这类信道中难于实现的信道估计,而且可同时获得由多发射天线提供的满空间分集以及由快衰落信道提供的最大Doppler分集。

    The design not only foregoes channel estimation being difficult in such channels , but also achieves the full space diversity provided by multiple transmit antennas and the maximum Doppler diversity offered by rapidly fading channels simultaneously .

  22. 本文提出了空时网格码的一种构造方法&正交构造法:这种方法可以根据已知的适用于M根发射天线的空时码来构造适用于KM(K≥2)根天线的空时码。

    We propose a construction method for space-time trellis codes orthogonal construction , which enables us to construct space-time codes for KM ( K ≥ 2 ) transmit antennas from space-time codes for M transmit antennas .

  23. LTE下行2根发射天线时采用空频分组码作为其发射分集方案,此方案能够获得良好的分集增益。

    LTE Downlink two transmitting antennas used in space-frequency block coding transmit diversity as part of its program , this program is able to obtain good diversity gain .

  24. 通过在代价函数中引入不同均衡器输出的互相关项,在一定程度上补偿了信道畸变,抑制了ISI和MUI,接收端能够有效恢复发射天线的发送信息。

    With introduction of cross-correlation items between outputs of different equalizers in the cost function , channel distortion is compensated , ISI and MUI are restrained .

  25. 通过使用多个发射天线和多个接收天线,可以得到这么高的数据传输速率,称之为多输入多输出(MIMO)和正交频分复用(OFDM)的联合技术。

    This is achieved through the use of multiple transmit and receive antennas , referred to as the combination between Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs ( MIMO ) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) .

  26. 当有两个发射天线时,基于LS信道估计的性能下界,证明了周期互补集是频率选择性衰落信道估计的最优训练序列。

    With two transmit antennas , based on lower bound for LS channel estimation , it is shown that the periodic complementary set ( PCS ) is optimal over frequency-selective fading channels .

  27. 当信道近似不变的OFDM数目与发射天线数目相同时,从理论上推导出基于重叠导频和正交导频结构的统一频域信道估计解和时域信道估计解。

    When the number of OFDM symbols , whose channels keep invariant , equals the number of transmit antennas , the frequency and time domain channel estimation solutions based on superposition-pilot and orthogonal-pilot structure are deduced theoretically .

  28. 空时编码(STC)是一种抗信道衰落和提高系统容量的用于多发射天线的编码技术。

    Space-Time coding ( STC ) technology is a new coding technique which can combat with channel attenuation , obtain diversity gain against fading and enhance the capacity .

  29. 多输入多输出(MIMO)技术,通过使用多副发射天线和接收天线,可以在不增加系统带宽和发射功率的前提下,成倍的提高系统容量和带宽利用率。

    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output ( MIMO ) systems , employing multiple transmitting antennas and multiple receiving antennas , can not only multiple channel capacity , but also multiple the spectral efficiency without increasing the bandwidth and transmit power .

  30. 在发射天线端设置预编码器时,能够进一步抑制信息序列对训练序列的干扰,获得更高精度的MIMO-OFDM信道估计。

    If pre-coders equipped at the transmitting antennas , it can further suppress the interference in training sequence caused by information data , and achieve more accuracy of MIMO-OFDM channel estimation .