
  • 网络MHz;frequency
  1. 基于DSP的无线感应电源发射频率控制器的研究

    Study of Frequency Controller for Wireless Power Supply Based on DSP

  2. 这个是发射机,发射频率是,这是接收机,接收频率f撇。

    Let this be the transmitter f which produces frequency f , and here is the receiver which receives the frequency f prime .

  3. 在可控源音频大地电磁测深(CSAMT)中,通过接收机同步记录发射频率的信号,以获取高质量的观测数据。

    In Controlled source audio-frequency magnetotellurics ( CSAMT ), we often obtain data through recording transmitted signals by receivers simultaneously .

  4. 针对无线网格骨干网中采用相同的发射频率造成的信号干扰严重问题,提出了一种新的功率控制MAC协议。

    In order to resolve the problem that access point in wireless mesh backbone network using the same frequency channel to transmit packets could cause serious signal interference , a new power control MAC protocol was proposed .

  5. 各谱线大气衰减系数的实验值和相应的计算值之间存在着不同程度的差异,是由于水汽的共振吸收频率和激光发射频率之间的差异以及计算时采用Lorentz线型所引起的。

    There are some differences between experimental value and calculated value for the laser lines atmospheric attenuation coefficients due to the difference between resonance absorption frequency of water vapor and laser emission frequency and the use of Lorentz line profile in the calculation .

  6. 对基站发射频率的一致性、调制信号的幅频特性、相频特性的差异以及CTCSS信号对同播系统的影响进行了分析,并对这些影响因数给出了具体的指标要求及实现方法。

    The influences of the constancy of base station transmitted frequencies , the amplitude-frequency and the phase-frequency characteristic differences of modulating signal and the CTCSS signal on the simulcast system are also analyzed and detailed specification and realization method are also given to those factors .

  7. 发射频率、数量的增加,对运载火箭研制、生产部门的交付能力提出了新的要求。

    Frequency , number , delivery capacity has made new demands .

  8. 我们只是希望提高发射频率,同时降低空间基础设施的建造成本。

    This is about increasing launch frequency and reducing the cost of building space infrastructure .

  9. 一般的调频广播发射机,发射频率是固定的。

    Abstract : The emissive frequency of the general frequency modulation broadcast transmitter is fixed .

  10. 该系统工作稳定,利用不同的发射频率可实现频分复用,可方便应用于小区管理。

    This system works stably , uses the different transmitting frequency can carry on using divided frequency , applies to the plot management .

  11. 这种方法采用频率搜索和跟踪相结合,软件和硬件相结合,以适应发射频率的快速变化。

    This kind of method , combining search with track , combining hardware with software , can adapt the quick change of transmission frequency .

  12. 还有一种不同的软件是通过让电脑发射频率在200赫兹到600赫兹的声波,驱赶蚊子。

    Still having a kind of different software is launch frequency to arrive in200 hertz through letting computer the sound wave of600 hertz , drive mosquito .

  13. 由于岩石声发射频率受外界条件影响不大,因此用声发射频率来判别岩石类型是可能的。

    As rock acoustic emission frequency is not affected largely by outside conditions , it is possible to discriminate rock type by using rock acoustic emission frequency .

  14. 在确定声源的发射频率后,推导出实验中所用的各项参数,搭建出线列阵测试系统,并对整个测试系统进行联调。

    The parameters in the experiment are calculated after the transmit frequency of the source is confirmed . The measure system of the linear array is also set up .

  15. 这主要表现在传播效应、探测深度和接收信号的信噪比等方面,并且发射频率选择不当也会导致测量精度的降低。

    Different frequencies have significant influence on induction responses , especially on propagation effects , depth of investigation and signal to noise performance , Moreover inadequate frequencies reduce measurement precision .

  16. 通过对钻井取心岩样压入硬度及模拟剪切的破岩试验,探寻利用岩石的声发射频率来判别井下岩石类型的可能性。

    Through compaction hardness and analog shear rock failure test to drilling core , the paper discusses the possibility of discriminating downhole rock type by using rock acoustic emission frequency .

  17. 对固定的声源深度,发射频率大的声场对应的声强起伏大,且相邻距离处起伏的强度很剧烈;

    For a fixed sound source depth , the acoustical fields caused by high send frequency has strong sound intensity fluctuation , and their variation is sharp enough in an adjacent range .

  18. 对孤立子内波计算了不同的孤立子振幅、不同声源深度、不同发射频率的传播损失随距离的变化规律。

    Moreover , the variation of transmission loss with range were illustrated at different amplitudess of internal solitons , sound source depths , send frequencies , received depths when the internal solitons appeared .

  19. 当谐振式传感器探头向料仓发射频率时,探头同时接收回波并由单片机检测出谐振频率。

    When the searching unit of resonance sensor emits a range of frequency to charging box , the searching unit soon receive the echo and detect the resonant frequency by single chip microcomputer .

  20. 它是人们于1951年发现的太空氢原子的天然发射频率,宇宙间任何一种射电天文学家都必定知道它。

    It is the natural frequency of emission of the hydrogen atoms in space and was discovered by us in1951 ; it must be known to any kind of radio astronomer in the universe .

  21. 本文根据煤矿井下载波传输线路阻抗变化大、电源电压波动大的特点,针对传统的矿用十二路载波发射机,讨论了其振荡频率(即发射频率)的稳定性问题。

    This paper treats of frequency stability of conventional 12-channel carrier transmitters as used in collieries , with particular reference to the considerable variations of underground transmission line impedance and fluctuations of supply voltage .

  22. 利用激光雷达双光束扫描接收方法可以在激光发射频率与振镜扫描频率一定时,使扫描像元素加倍;在像元素不变的条件下,使扫描帧频加倍;

    The method of scanning and receiving with two beams can double the scanning image 's pixels without increasing the laser 's pulse repetition rate and the scanner 's operating frequency , or double the frame frequency while the pixels remain the same .

  23. 多种频率阵列声波测井仪器的声系能在井下发射频率为10、204、0kHz等3种声波信号,用2组各有8个接收探头组成的接收阵列。

    The acoustic sonde of the multi-frequency array acoustic logging apparatus can transmit three acoustic signals in the borehole , whose frequencies are 10,20 and 40 kHz . There are two sets of receiving arrays , each of which has eight receiving transducers .

  24. 频率域电磁探测仪器是通过发射频率的变化或收发距的变化来实现对不同深度的目标体进行探测的。同时也可以利用发射线圈与接收线圈的不同结构来提高仪器的探测能力和探测效果。

    Frequency domain electromagnetic detection equipment is the use of firing frequency changes or send and receive distance changes to detective different depths target , can also transmit coil and receive coil using different structures to improve detection capability and detection instrument effects .

  25. SCPC(单路载波)方式通过发射不同频率的载波信号来区分不同小站的信息,主要应用于点到点通信和站与站之间的连续比特数据流连接。

    SCPC differentials the information from different VSATs by means of transmiting different frequency signals , which is mainly applied to point to point communication and VSAT to VSAT continuous bit connection .

  26. 没有金刚石单晶生长时的声发射信号频率主要集中在低于80kHz的低频段;当有金刚石单晶生长时,则在大于80kHz的频率段出现很多新的频率峰值。

    When there is no diamond crystals growth , the acoustic emission signals are mainly in the low frequency band below 80 kHz ; When diamond crystals grow , there are many new frequency peaks in the frequency range that is higher than 80 kHz .

  27. 假定两个扬声器都发射恒定频率的纯正弦声波。

    Suppose the speakers both emit a pure sinusoidal sound wave of constant frequency .

  28. 当它正常工作时,会持续发射一定频率的超声信号。

    When it works , the ultrasonic signals of a certain frequency are transmitted .

  29. 通过仿真模拟,得出了电离层加热过程中电子密度、电子温度等随时间演化的规律,及发射电波频率、功率对加热效果的影响。

    This system produces the time variations of the electron temperature , electron and ion densities , as well the dependence of the artifical turbulence on radio frequency and transmitted power .

  30. 对光功能透明微晶玻璃的应用和研究发展进行了回顾,着重阐述掺杂稀土元素的透明微晶玻璃在光子学领域包括激光发射、频率上转换和放大器等方面的重要研究进展。

    The development and application of optical functional glass-ceramics are reviewed , especially for the rare - earth - doped functional glass ceramics compositions in photonics such as laser emission , frequency up - conversion and amplifier etc.