
  • 网络Space Shuttle Discovery
  1. 第二页继续与更多的阀门,对发现号航天飞机发生在其为STS-119任务准备问题的信息。

    Page two continues with more information on the valve problems that have occurred on Space Shuttle Discovery during its preparation for the STS-119 mission .

  2. 美国航天局的简短表示:“美国宇航局周五完成了审查发现号航天飞机的飞行准备,选择了为STS-119使馆发射日期。”

    The NASA brief stated ," NASA managers completed a review Friday of space shuttle Discovery 's readiness for flight and selected the official launch date for the STS-119 mission . "

  3. NASA已经恢复发射发现号航天飞机的倒计时。

    NASA has resumed the countdown for the launch of space shuttle Discovery .

  4. 格伦1962年成为首位绕地球飞行的美国人,几十年后的1998年,他77岁时乘坐发现号航天飞机(Discovery)升空,成为遨游太空最年长的人。

    Glenn was the first American to orbit the earth in 1962 and decades later became the oldest person to fly in space , boarding the space shuttle Discovery in 1998 at 77 years of age .

  5. 在三月二十二日,NASA再次命令正在对接着的空间站和发现号航天飞机上的宇航员们离开一块火箭的碎片的轨道。

    On March twenty-second , NASA again ordered the astronauts on the linked space station and shuttle Discovery to move out of the way of another piece of debris from a rocket .

  6. NASA称,大片的太空垃圾不会对太空中的宇航员造成威胁。明天,预期该火箭残骸将进入发现号航天飞机和国际空间站两英里之内。

    NASA says it believes a large piece of space junk is not going to be any threat to the astronauts in space.The rocket debris is expected to pass within 2 miles of the Shuttle Discovery and international space station tomorrow .

  7. 在点火指令下达后,携带着外部燃料箱在一对助推火箭的推动下,发现号航天飞机从靠近海边的39B号发射架上飞行太空,它的身后留下了壮丽的火焰和轰鸣声。

    Outfitted with its external fuel tank and twin booster rockets at the seaside39B launch pad , Discovery soared into space on the firing command , leaving splendid flames and roaring sound .

  8. 三月七日星期一是发现号航天飞机返回地面的日子。

    Discovery is due back on Earth on Monday , 7 March .

  9. 发现号航天飞机在夜间发射升空,这一做法非常罕见。

    A rare night time launch has rocketed the Shuttle Discovery into space .

  10. 三名宇航员首次在在发现号航天飞机仓外完成了太空漫步。

    The first of three spacewalks for astronauts aboard space shuttle Discovery is complete .

  11. 美国宇航局再次推迟发现号航天飞机的发射,预计将于东部时间周五凌晨12:22份发射。

    NASA has 12:22 a.m. eastern on Friday .

  12. 是747客机,足球场,发现号航天飞机还是伊利湖?

    Is it 747 airliner , football field , spaces shuttle Discovery or Lake Erie ?

  13. 美国航空航天局的发现号航天飞机降落到加利福尼亚州的爱德华兹空军基地。

    Nasa 's space shuttle Discovery has landed at the Edwards air force base in California .

  14. 距离周日早上美国发现号航天飞机7名航天员发射升空已经一天时间。

    And another day off from the Sunday morning for the7 astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery .

  15. 我期待着到发现号航天飞机的最后一次飞行,并希望能赶上它。

    I was looking forward to the last flight of space shuttle Discovery and was hoping to catch it .

  16. 本周,经过三次延迟之后,发现号航天飞机最终在午夜前发射升空。

    After three delays this week , Space Shuttle Discovery finally got off the ground just before the midnight .

  17. 今天对于发现号航天飞机上的成员来说又是繁忙一天。进行第三次也是最后一次太空行走。

    Another busy day today for the crew of . Today is the third and the final planned spacewalk .

  18. 美国发现号航天飞机为最近的国际空间站任务做准备。

    The US shuttle Discovery is all set for its latest mission to the International Space Station ( ISS ) .

  19. 发现号航天飞机在加利福尼亚的爱德华空军基地完美着陆。

    Space shuttle Discovery with a perfect landing out west . It landed at Edwards Air Force Base in California .

  20. 航天飞机下一次太空使命安排在今年5月。到时候,发现号航天飞机将把日本希望号太空实验室的第二部分送到国际空间站。

    The next shuttle launch is scheduled for May when Discovery is to deliver the second portion of the Kibo laboratory to the space station .

  21. 美国航空航天局重新计划将发现号航天飞机送上国际空间站。

    Nasa is set for a fresh attempt to launch the US shuttle Discovery for a mission to the International Space Station ( ISS ) .

  22. 发现号航天飞机降落在肯尼迪航天中心,因为佛罗里达的坏天气返航至少耽搁了一天的时间。

    The landing of the shuttle Discovery at the Kennedy Space Center has been delayed for at least a day due to bad weather in Florida .

  23. 2006年7月17日,美国发现号航天飞机在肯尼迪航天中心安全着陆,这也让美国宇航局决定重启已搁置3年的国际空间站扩建计划。

    The space shuttle Discovery glided to a smooth touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center on July 17th appears to clear the way for resumption of station assembly in US .

  24. 发现号航天飞机和7名航天员将驶向国际空间站,进行其第13次任务,运送补给物资,其中一件是跑步机。

    Discovery and its seven astronauts are the international space station on the thirteen-day mission to deliver seven tons of supplies . One of the items that would be dropping off is the treadmill .

  25. 按照计划,“发现号”航天飞机将在东部时间今天中午时分着陆。

    Discovery is scheduled to land just before noon , eastern time , today .

  26. 航天飞机的这个有关其氢排气系统的机械问题,首次是在三月份在初次试图发射“发现号”航天飞机期间出现的。

    The shuttle 's mechanical problem with its hydrogen venting system first cropped up in March during an initial attempt to launch space shuttle Discovery .