
  • 网络Biomedical Science
  1. DNA复制调控与人类重大疾病&我国生物医学科学中长期战略发展的一个方向

    Regulation of DNA Replication and Human Major Diseases & A Direction for Mid-Long Strategy Development of Biomedical Science in China

  2. 全球互连网络(Internet)与生物医学科学

    Internet and Biomedical Science

  3. Adams说,农业研究正在扩展,而生物医学科学正在迅速获得人们的兴趣。

    Agricultural research is expanding and biomedical science is rapidly gaining interest .

  4. Sachs博士是贝里斯大学医学院和生物医学科学生理学和生物物理学部单分子生物物理学中心的一员,该研究仍在那里进行。

    Sachs is a member of the Center for Single Molecule Biophysics in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics , UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences , where the research is continuing .

  5. 建议以系统分子生物学和多系统生物学为基础,把DNA复制调控和人类疾病的研究作为我国生物医学科学中长期战略发展的一个切入点和突破点。

    Also propose to make the study of " DNA replication and human diseases " as a starting point in the mid & long term strategic development for the national biomedical science , while taking the study on System Molecule Biology and Systems Biology as a basis .

  6. 浅谈国际生物医学科学数据共享

    International Scientific Data Sharing of Biology and Medicine

  7. 生物和生物医学科学。

    Biological And Biomedical Sciences .

  8. 结论是生物医学科学创新原理必须转化为技术创新原理才能进而转化为生产力。

    Only if the scientific innovative theory converted to the technical innovative principle , it can become productive power .

  9. 关于我国生物医学科学中长期战略发展和生物医学战略平台建设的建议

    Proposal concerning the mid long term strategic development for the national biomedical science and construction of the biomedical strategic platform

  10. 医学和生物医学科学部就是贝里斯大学的五所健康科学学院之一。

    The School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is one of the five schools in UB 's Health Sciences Complex .

  11. 我转到俄勒冈大学之后,我就选了生物化学为我的专业,主要是因为俄勒冈大学没有生物医学科学专业。

    After my transfer to University of Oregon ( UO ), I decided on biochemistry because UO doesn 't have a biomedical science major .

  12. 随着材料科学的发展和生物医学科学的进步,从医疗器械到具有人体功能的器官,从整形材料到现代医疗仪器设备,生物材料的应用几乎涉及生物医学的各个领域。

    With the development of material science and biomedicine , biomaterials have been applied to varied biomedical fields such as common medical instruments , functional artificial organs , orthopedic materials and modern medical equipments .

  13. 杰出生物医学科学家科学论文数量与质量关系研究

    Study on the relationship between the quantity and quality of scientific papers published by outstanding biomedical scientists

  14. FASEB是一个独立学会成员的联盟,这些学会是为生物医学和生命科学科学家的利益服务的,特别是那些与公共政策相关的课题。

    FASEB is a coalition of independent Member Societies that serve the interests of biomedical and life scientists , particularly those related to public policy issues .

  15. 综述了医用自由电子激光(MFEL)在生物医学,材料科学中的应用及潜在应用,展示了利用自由电子激光治疗癌症、心血管疾病以及探索新材料等研究的美好前景。

    The applications and prospects of Medical Free Electron Laser ( MFEL ) forbiomedical and material science are described in this paper .

  16. 中子活化分析在生物医学和环境科学中的应用

    Application of Neutron Activation Analysis in Biological and Environmental Science

  17. 皇家墨尔本理工学院生物医学和健康科学大楼

    Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Biomedical and Health Science Facility

  18. 论生物医学科研中科学道德情感的培养

    Development of Scientific Morals in Bio-Medicine Research

  19. 生物医学研究与科学假说

    Biomedical Research and Scientific Hypothesis

  20. 气体探测器是在粒子物理、生物医学等基础科学和工农业生产及其他社会领域应用最广的核辐射探测器之一。

    Gas detector has been one of the most widely used radiation detectors in basic sciences and many social development fields .

  21. 在生物医学和动物科学领域,免疫能力是指有机体对疾病的抵抗能力。

    Immunocompetence is a common conception in biomedical and animal sciences , and refers to the ability of organisms against diseases .

  22. 过去的几十年中,基因调控网络由于其在生物医学、工程科学中的广泛应用,受到了越来越多的关注。

    In the past few decades , genetic regulatory networks has attracted a lot of attention for their wide application in the biological and engineering science .

  23. 激光共焦扫描显微镜作为一种具有高纵深分辨率的现代显微成像设备,是生物医学、生命科学等领域研究的强有力工具。

    As modern microscopic imaging equipment , confocal laser scanning microscope , with its high depth resolution , is a powerful tool for biomedical and life sciences and other fields .

  24. 高功率毫米波及亚毫米波在雷达、受控热核聚变波加热、通信、生物医学及材料科学等军事及民用领域有广泛的应用前景。

    High power millimeter wave and sub-millimeter wave have extensive applications in military and civil fields such as nuclear fusion heating , radar , communication , biomedical and material sciences .

  25. 尤其是在生物医学领域,科学文献正以指数级的速度增长,要从这些浩如烟海的文献中找到令人感兴趣的知识越来越困难。

    Especially in the biomedical field , scientific literature is growing with an exponential speed . It becomes more and more difficult to find interesting information from large scale of literatures .

  26. 固态离子学正在与其他学科,如微电子学、生物医学、纳米科学,和半导体学相互渗透,形成新的生长点和交叉学科。

    , 3 、 The solid state ionics has been penetrating into and combining with microelectronics , biological and medical sciences , nano-materials , semiconductors , forming new growing sites and cross-disciplines .

  27. 美国实验生物学协会联合会其任务是通过研究来加强生物医学和生命科学的能力,并改善人类的健康,福址和生产力。

    The mission of FASEB is to enhance the ability of biomedical and life scientists to improve , through their research , the health , well-being , and productivity of all people .

  28. 随着成像技术和计算机技术的发展,数字图像处理技术在越来越多的领域得到应用,如生物医学、信息科学、天文学、资源环境科学等各种领域。

    With the development of imaging technique and computer technique , Digital image processing technique is used in more and more areas , such as bio-medicine , information science , astronomy , environmental resource science .

  29. 如何构建具有磁性、光学、电学、催化等性能的多功能化纳米复合材料,并将其有效应用于生物医学、环境科学、食品安全等领域,已经成为研究者们关注的焦点。

    Many researchers concentrate their efforts on design and fabrication of multifunctional nanocomposites with magnetic , optical , electrical , catalytic properties for various applications in biomedicine , environmental science , food safety and other fields .

  30. 随着科学技术的发展,在基因工程、生物医学、生命科学、材料科学、微电子学等众多研究领域,人们迫切需要高精密的观测设备以及分析系统去发现和揭示微观世界的本质规律。

    With the development of science and technology , it is urgent for people to discover the laws of micro-world by high precision observing devices and analyzing system in such fields as Gene engineering , biomedicine , life science , material science , microelectronics and so on .