
  • 网络Reproductive Health
  1. 布莱克认为,直至现在HIV患者的生育健康服务仍未得到优先安排,这是因为旧观念认为他们不能生育。

    Black believes that reproductive health services for HIV-infected people have not been prioritized until now because of a persistent belief that they should not be having children .

  2. 目的探讨青少年性健康现状,了解青少年性与生育健康知识、态度、行为(KAP)及恋爱观。

    Objective To investigate the status of sexual health of teenagers , and to understand their knowledge , attitude and practice ( KAP ) about sexual and reproductive health .

  3. 结论:受卵IVF-ET是治疗卵巢功能不良和遗传原因不能生育健康后代妇女的有效方法;

    Conclusions : Oocytes donation is an effective treatment for women with dysfunctional ovarian function or genetic diseases .

  4. 方法应用CHAID方法分析1997年全国人口与生育健康调查资料。

    Methods Using CHAID method to analyze the individual data from the 1997 national population and reproductive health survey .

  5. 但据爱丁堡大学(UniversityofEdinburgh)男性生育健康专家理查德&12539;夏普(RichardSharpe)说,在北欧展开的联合调查发现,精子数低到影响生育的男性比例已高达五分之一。

    But coordinated studies across Northern Europe found that as many as 1 in 5 young men have sperm counts low enough to affect fertility , according to Richard Sharpe , a male reproductive health specialist at the University of Edinburgh .

  6. 承诺&搞好生育健康服务的保证

    Promise : The Guarantee of Well - Provided Reproductive Health Services

  7. 贵州省部分地区农村妇女生育健康知识调查

    Knowledge about reproductive health among rural women in parts of Guizhou Province

  8. 乡、村基本生育健康服务质量评价

    Quality Assessment of Elementary Reproductive Health Services at Township and Village Levels

  9. 贫困农村妇女基本生育健康服务需求的案例研究

    A Case Study on Poor Rural Women 's Reproductive Health Service Needs

  10. 云南省农村妇女生育健康教育效果评价研究

    Effectiveness of Reproductive Health Education among Women in Yunnan Province

  11. 农村已婚育龄妇女生育健康卫生需求调查

    A survey about bearing health 's needs of married women in rural

  12. 妇女生育健康的社会支持系统的调查分析

    A Survey on the Social Support System of Women 's Reproductive Health

  13. 对中国育龄妇女生育健康指标的探讨

    An Approach to Women 's Reproductive Health Indicators in China

  14. 大力开展健康教育,促进农村妇女对生育健康服务的利用,改善农村妇女生育健康状况。

    Enhance health education in order to improve utilization of Reproductive health services .

  15. 生育健康的伦理学基础:个人本位还是社会本位

    Ethical Basis of Reproductive Health : Individual-Oriented or Society-Oriented

  16. 生育健康服务:生命伦理学研究的新课题

    Reproductive health services : a new topic in the research of life ethnics

  17. 妇女生育健康的状况反映了一个国家的发展程度。

    Women 's reproductive health is a reflection of a country 's development .

  18. 云南农村生育健康服务资源的现状

    Reproductive Health Resources in Rural Areas of Yunnan Province

  19. 成本&效果分析在基本生育健康服务研究中的应用

    The Application of Cost - Effectiveness Analysis in Research of Elementary Reproductive Health Services

  20. 方法对6省份的6个城市流动人口进行生育健康状况抽样调查。

    Metho ds An individual questionnaire has been conducted in6 cities in different provinces .

  21. 云南省农村结合型村级生育健康服务模式案例研究

    A case study of an integrated reproductive health service pattern at the village level

  22. 在孕产妇死亡率方面,世行正在制定一个《生育健康行动计划》。

    On maternal mortality , the Bank is preparing an Action Plan on Reproductive Health .

  23. 基本生育健康服务利用各项指标非贫困人口均高于贫困人口。

    The non-poor had higher rate of utilizing essential reproductive health services than the poor .

  24. 生育健康项目推进中技术指导单位的角色、创新及发展

    The Roles , Innovations and Development of Technical Institutions in the Scaling-up of Reproductive Health Project

  25. 影响贫困妇女利用基本生育健康服务的因素分析

    An Analysis of Factors Affecting Poor Rural Women 's Utilization to the Elementary Reproductive Health Service

  26. 与此同时,妇女的生育健康水平显著提高。

    At the same time , the health level of women giving birth has risen considerably .

  27. 她表示,全球对生育健康政策的需求从来没有像今天这么紧迫。

    She says the need for reproductive health policies around the world has never been greater .

  28. 分布式通信和数据压缩技术在生育健康监测系统中的应用

    The application of client / server distribution communication and data compression technology in reproductive health surveillance system

  29. 《中国生育健康杂志》简介

    Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health

  30. 中国农村生育健康领域的社会性别意识量表设计与验证

    The development and validation of the Social Gender Awareness Scale in Reproductive Health Field in Rural China