
  • 网络women's education;women education;Women and education
  1. 近代女子教育与五四时期的女性创作

    Modern Women 's Education and the Female Writers ' Literary Creation in May.4th Period

  2. 女子教育的发展推动了妇女解放运动的前进,受过教育的女性在清末民初的妇女运动中一直处于领导地位。

    The development of women 's education pushed forward women 's liberation movement , and the educated women played a prominent role , for knowledge offered them high ability of involving in the social life .

  3. 那个国家的女子教育在迅速发展。

    Female education in the country is developing rapidly .

  4. 他在女子教育问题上所持的观点是老掉牙的。

    His ideas on the education of girls are positively prehistoric .

  5. 中国传统女子教育及其终结

    On Chinese Traditional Women 's Education and the Ending of It

  6. 向警予女子教育思想评析

    Comments on Xiang Jingyu 's Thoughts on Women 's Education

  7. 试论中日教育交流对近代中国女子教育的影响

    Sino-Japan Educational Exchange and Women 's Education in Modern China

  8. 第二是男女平等的女子教育思想。

    The second one is equality of men and women .

  9. 蔡元培女子教育事迹考略

    Textual Research on Cai Yuan-pei 's Achievements on Female Education

  10. 真光书院与广东近代女子教育(1872-1937)

    True Light Seminary and Neoteric Female Education in Guangdong ( 1872-1937 );

  11. 试论五四时期女子教育的模式

    The Research for the Female Education Pattern of the May 4th Movement Period

  12. 1980年以来的中国近代女子教育研究综述

    Reviews on Women Education in Modern China since 1980s

  13. 苏轼的妇女观与女子教育思想

    The Women 's Outlook and Education Idea of Su-Shi

  14. 论南京随园地区跨越四个世纪的女子教育传统

    On Women 's Education Tradition in Suiyuan Area of Nanjing for Four Centuries

  15. 19世纪法国天主教的女性化和女子教育

    Catholic Feminization and Female Education in 19th Century France

  16. 五四时期女子教育平权运动

    The Movement of Equal Educational Right for Women During the May 4th Movement

  17. 秦汉时期女子教育概述

    An Analysis on Women Education in the Qin-Han Period

  18. 民国初期女子教育研究

    Study on Woman 's Education in the Initial Stages of the Nationalist Government

  19. 近代中国教会女子教育与妇女解放

    On the Missionary Education for Women and the Liberation Cause in Modern China

  20. 学校被公认为女子教育的领导者。

    It is recognised as a leader in girls'education .

  21. 20世纪初是中国社会转型比较剧烈的时期,近代中国新式女子教育发轫了。

    Chinese women school education rose in the early part of the 20th century .

  22. 本文研究的对象是日本女学对晚清中国女子教育的影响。

    The Research is about the effection from Japan on Chinese female school education .

  23. 承继与新变:社会转型中的中唐女子教育

    Inheritance and Change : Education for Women in the Mid-Tang Dynasty During Social Transformation

  24. 女性肩负着齐家的重大责任,她们被定位于家庭内部,因此,女子教育主要包括道德教育、家庭责任和文化教育。

    The education of women included moral education , family responsibilities and cultural education .

  25. 福建近代女子教育述评

    On Fujian women 's education in modern times

  26. 民国成立后,又在制度上确立了女子教育的地位。

    After the Republic of China being founded , it was established in system .

  27. 第四部分,宋代女子教育造就的女性文化的繁荣。

    In part four , I state the expression of prosperous of female culture .

  28. 其中,女子教育也就成为所关注的焦点。

    Under this circumstance , women education has become the focus of public attention .

  29. 日本明治初期的女子教育

    Women 's Education in the Meiji Period

  30. 美国传教士与中国女子教育

    The American Missionaries and Chinese Women Education