
  • 网络Women's Studies;women studies;womens studies
  1. 云南少数民族女性学的建构与发展

    The Construction and Development of the Minority Women 's Studies in Yunnan

  2. 女性学学科建设的障碍及归因分析

    An Analysis on the Barriers of Women 's Studies Discipline Construction and Reasons

  3. 韩国的女性学与妇女运动

    The Study of Women in Korea and Korean Women 's Movement

  4. 在高等院校开设女性学课程的意义及教学实践

    The Significance and Teaching Practice of Female Study Course in University

  5. 对我国女性学学科化建设的思考

    A reflection of discipline - systemizing of women 's studies in China

  6. 21世纪,中国女性学须创新;

    Chinese women 's studies must make innovations in the 21st century ;

  7. 本论文是在宗教学与女性学交叉研究的基础上进行的。

    This is an interdisciplinary study conducted between religion and gender studies .

  8. 女性学的研究方法及其学科意义

    Feminist Research Methods and Their Importance as an Academic Discipline

  9. 论普通师范院校女性学学科建设的必要性

    On the General Normal University Women 's Studies Necessity

  10. 参与式教学法是女性学课程教学的必然选择

    Participative Teaching Method Is the Inevitable Choice in the Teaching of Women 's Studies

  11. 高等学校女性学教育的目标与定位

    Object and Orientation of Higher Vocational Education

  12. 略论女性学进入高校教育主流

    Viewing Women Studies in Higher Education

  13. 跨越式发展与本土经验&女性学学科建设的十年回顾

    Development in Leaps and Bounds and Local Experience & Review of Women 's Studies Development in Ten Years

  14. 女性学视野下云南贡山族际通婚圈的成因分析

    The Analysis of Intermarriage Circle in Gongshan Township of Yunnan Province from the Perspective of Women 's Studies

  15. 在中国,性别社会学是在社会学和女性学的基础上形成的。

    In china , the emergence of gender studies is based on the development of sociology and women 's studies .

  16. 跨学科联盟女性学的盛会&第九届全球跨学科妇女大会综述

    The Interdisciplinary Alliance and the Grand Congress of Women 's Study & A Summarization of the 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women

  17. 本文在这种相似性的前提下,从女性学的视点出发,对中日两国现实社会中的女性劳动状况进行分析和比较。

    Based on the similarity , with feminism angle , this article analyses and compares the women ' labour conditions in both countries .

  18. 作为一门新兴的跨学科研究,女性学研究经过相当长时间的发展,已经取得了众所瞩目的成就,成为当代妇女问题研究中一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    As a new inter-disciplinary subject , women 's studies has received remarkable achievements and become an essential component of modern research on women issues .

  19. 韩国女性学首先要挑战的对象是根深蒂固的父权制和男性中心文化。

    As the result and the extension of women 's movement , the women 's studies in Korea initially challenges the deep footed patriarchy and male-centred culture .

  20. 第三章运用女性学、文化学等批评方法展开综述,在历史文化的坐标系里对林徽因其人其诗加以有机整体的观照。

    The third chapter reviews Lin Hui-yin and her poems as a whole in the historical and cultural field from the viewpoint of Female and Culture studies .

  21. 是目前国内外较为关注的涉及哲学、社会学、文化学、文学、女性学等方面的热点话题。

    It is a hot topic both in the domestic and foreign worlds , concerning the fields of philosophy , sociology , culture , literature , feminism and so on .

  22. 马克思主义妇女观为中国女性学基本理论建设提供了基础性思想,女性学揭示女性的本质、特征、存在状态及其发展规律。

    Marxist outlook on women has provided the basic concept for the buildup of the basic theories of Chinese women 's studies , which reveal women 's nature , characteristics , existence and law of development .

  23. 因此,在高等院校开设女性学系列课程,对于女大学生树立正确的性别意识和观念,引导她们正确地对待人生、事业和家庭,实现自身价值,有十分重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to set up a series of courses in female study so as to help female college students form a correct gender consciousness and perspective in viewing their life , career and family and hence achieve self-fulfillment .

  24. 本文从女性学角度出发,运用拉康,克里斯蒂娃的精神分析的理论,试图解读奎斯特小姐的形象背后所隐含的意义,揭示福斯特对女性世界的探索和他复杂的男性观。

    From the angle of femininology and with the application of Lacan and kristeva 's theory of psychoanalysis , this article attempts to interpret the underlying meaning behind Miss quested and reveal the exploration of the female world made by foster and his complicated outlook of masculinity .

  25. 一项最新研究表明,获MBA(工商管理硕士)学位的女性比学医或学法律的女性更有可能成为全职妈妈。

    Women who earned Masters of Business Administration ( MBA ) degrees were more likely to become stay-at-home moms than those with medical or law degrees , according to a study .

  26. 以人为本与女性发展学的建构

    Regard people as primary factor and construction of the discipline of women 's development

  27. 高薪女性可以学学女演员安娜·弗瑞尔,她透露自己工作孩子两不误的秘诀就是&雇两个保姆。

    High earners can take their cue from actress Anna Friel , who revealed her secret to juggling work and being a mother – employing two nannies .

  28. 这些变化的结果之一是,女性社会学由对社会学、妇女研究的依附走向相对独立,作为一个独立学科的女性社会学正在形成。

    As a result of these changes , the female sociology became independent of sociology and the researches about women . Female sociology , as an independent discipline , came into being at last .

  29. 本文力求比较全面和深入地对苏珊·S.兰瑟的女性主义叙事学理论进行介绍和阐释,从一定程度上对其理论进行探微。

    The article More introduces and explains Lanser , Susan . S on feminist narrative theory comprehensive and in-depth .

  30. 第一小节主要探讨苏珊·S.兰瑟的女性主义叙事学理论在美国诞生的土壤以及对美国文学批评和文本实践的作用。

    In the first section , the article discusses Lanser , Susan . S ' Feminist Narrative Theory which was born of soil in American .