
sī xiǎng zhèng zhì jiào yù
  • Ideology;Ideological and Political Education;ideological education
  1. 灌输原理”是思想政治教育的基本原理

    The basic principle of ideological and political education is instillation theory . “

  2. 也是一个国家思想政治教育的永恒主题。

    Be also a country ideological and political education eternal subject .

  3. 基础教育是立德树人的事业,要旗帜鲜明加强思想政治教育、品德教育,加强社会主义核心价值观教育,引导学生自尊自信自立自强。

    Basic education fosters virtues and socialist core values should be reinforced in order to help students become people with strong sense of self-esteem , self-confidence , self-reliance and self-improvement .

  4. 态度理论与思想政治教育过程具有内在一致性。

    Attitude theoretical and ideological political educational course has inner consistency .

  5. 强化创业意识:大学生思想政治教育的新课题

    Strengthen the sense of undertaking-a new ideological task of college education

  6. 应强化马克思主义理论课的思想政治教育功能

    Strengthening Ideological and Political Education 's Function of Marxist Theoretical Course

  7. 激励原则:高等学校思想政治教育工作的驱动力

    Encouraging Principle is the Ideological and Political Education Work at Colleges

  8. 高校思想政治教育观念更新浅识

    Conceptual Changes in Ideological and Political Education in colleges and Universities

  9. 浅谈网络虚拟群体思想政治教育工作

    On Ideological and Political Education of the Hypothesized Community in Network

  10. 大学生思想政治教育现状调查

    Survey of the Current Ideological and Political Education to the Students

  11. 高校成教学生思想政治教育工作浅议

    On Students ' Thought Education in Adult Education in Higher Institutes

  12. 数学教学中如何实现思想政治教育

    How to Carry out Thought and Politics Education in Mathematics Teaching

  13. 论网络思想政治教育的健康发展

    On the Sound Development of Ideological and Political Education Through Network

  14. 让校报成为思想政治教育的重要阵地

    Making school newspaper into important position of ideological and political education

  15. 在高校思想政治教育中加强心理健康教育的思考

    Strengthening Psychological Health Education in Ideological and Political Education of Universities

  16. 论思想政治教育中的主客体关系

    On Relation Between Subject and Object in Ideological and Political Education

  17. 谈人的全面发展与思想政治教育

    Human 's All Round Development and Ideological and Political Education

  18. 思想政治教育与主题网站的建设

    Viewpoints of the Construction of the Political and Ideological Education Theme Network

  19. 体育教学中思想政治教育的方法研究

    Study of the Methods of Ideological and Political Education in Sports Teaching

  20. 推进大学生思想政治教育和谐化的几个着力点

    Several Aspects for Improving harmonious ideological and political education to University students

  21. 思想政治教育价值实现的有效性分析

    Analysis on the Validity of Value Achievement of Ideological and Political Education

  22. 思想政治教育的时代价值

    Ideological and Political Education : Its Value of the Times

  23. 刍议加强青少年思想政治教育

    A Rustic Opinion on Strengthening the Ideological and Political Education of Youngsters

  24. 灌输论是思想政治教育的基本原则和基本方法。

    Inculcation theory is the fundamental principle and method for ideological education .

  25. 思想政治教育主体行为的外部性分析

    An Externality Analysis on the Behaviors of Ideological and Political Education Subjects

  26. 高校思想政治教育成效之影响因素

    The Influencing Factors about the Effect of Ideology Education in Higher College

  27. 对创建我校思想政治教育主题网站的思考

    Reflection on the Website of Ideological and Political Theme in Our School

  28. 坚持思想政治教育与人的物质利益相结合;

    Stick to the principle of coordinating ideological education and material interests ;

  29. 第二部分:当前思想政治教育效益存在的问题和原因。

    Part two : plight of the benefit of IPE and causes .

  30. 新时期思想政治教育环境新特点及其影响

    The New Features and Effects of Ideological Environment at the New Stage