
  • 网络art of thinking;Think Art
  1. 急性胰腺炎诊治中的思维艺术

    The Art of Thinking in Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis

  2. 写作是一门思维艺术。

    Writing lies in the art of thinking .

  3. 有没有适用于普通人的思维艺术?

    Is there an art of thought for the ordinary person ?

  4. 思维艺术是重要的领导艺术,是想的艺术。

    Thinking art is an important leadership skill , an art of " thinking " .

  5. 广告创作中的思维艺术

    Thinking Arts for Advertisement Design

  6. 鲁迅的语言魅力,是鲁迅的人生境界在作品中的反映;是鲁迅高超的思维艺术的外在表现;

    LU Xun 's linguistic charm is the reflection of his life state , and is the expression of his superb art of thought .

  7. 撷取中华先哲思维艺术和逻辑遗产的精华,引出对今人思维表达有益的借鉴,是中国逻辑研究的重要课题。

    It 's an important topic of current logic research in China to draw from the legacies of Chinese ancient sages in thinking and logics for the cultivation of our thinking mode .

  8. 在古代声乐理论中,形的概念是丰富的,不是单一的概念,它不仅表现为具体的、物质的视觉听觉艺术形象,也包括非具体、非物质的思维艺术形象。

    In ancient times vocal music theory , " shape " the concept is rich , is not the sole concept , It is not only concrete , physical image of the visual auditory art , but also non-specific , non-material way of thinking artistic image .

  9. 王维在艺术思维和艺术人生上艺术化地光大了道家思想。

    Wang Wei artistically developed Taoist thoughts in art thoughts and life .

  10. 隐喻思维对艺术创作而言是极其重要的、不可缺少的。

    Metaphor for artistic creation is extremely important , indispensable .

  11. 包管万虑其名曰心&浅论中国美学心化思维的艺术表现及其文化根源

    The Embodiment of Xin Hua Thinking in China 's Arts and Cultural Origin

  12. 成人教学思维启发艺术探析

    The Art of Inspiring the thoughts in Adult Teaching

  13. 创新思维是艺术设计的灵魂。

    Creative thought is the soul of artistic conception .

  14. 艺术需要隐喻,没有隐喻性的思维,艺术将寸步难行。

    Art needs metaphor , no metaphorical thinking , the art will be upright .

  15. 语言是思维的艺术,不同的思维模式产生出不同的语言。

    A language is the art of thinking .

  16. 形象思维与艺术造型

    Image thinking and art mold - making

  17. 形象思维与艺术设计创新

    Imagery Thinking and Innovation in Artistic Design

  18. 运用想象思维开发艺术创作

    Use imaginative thought and inspire art design

  19. 形式思维与艺术创造

    Formal Concept and Art in Creation

  20. 这种关系,首先表现为宗教是艺术的重要起源,这可从宗教观念刺激神话、图腾艺术的生成,宗教思维奠定艺术思维的基础,宗教礼仪为艺术提供审美形式等方面加以证明。

    First , religion is the origin of art , which is proved in many ways ;

  21. 艺术比较思维和艺术类比思维同为隐喻艺术思维的基本方法。

    Artistic comparative thinking and artistic analogical thinking are the principal method of metaphorical artistic thinking .

  22. 语言·思维·艺术

    Language , Thinking and Art

  23. 进而重点在接受美学理论下解读分析文化海报设计创意思维与艺术表达。

    And then focus on creative interpretation thinking and artistic expression of cultural poster design in reception aesthetics .

  24. 在艺术创造中,艺术思维与艺术形式建构是统一在一起的,体现在一种一体化的动力过程之中。

    In artistic creation , artistic thought and artistic form building are unified and integrated with each other .

  25. 艺术思维、艺术情思与现实生活实践相融通,焕发出更大的创造激情与活力。

    Art thinking and art feeling regulating with the real life practice , radiating greater creative passion and activity .

  26. 摘要创造性思维是艺术设计创造力的核心,是推动设计不断进步的重要动力。

    Creative thinking is the heart of the artistic design and a very important force that promotes its development .

  27. 闫丽娜称,这种融合了数学、理性思维、艺术和创造力的方法很值得一试。

    The method of combining mathematical , rational thinking with art and creativity may worth a try , said Yan .

  28. 他从小说家生活体验、艺术思维、艺术传达等方面论述了作家的主体性。

    He treats of the writer 's subjectivity through his life experience , artistic thought and artistic representation and so on .

  29. 在某种意义上,与其说它是一次展览,倒不如说它是一次有力地超越人们常规思维的艺术事件。

    To some extent , it is more an art event transcending regular thinking modes than an exhibition in the traditional sense .

  30. 批评的艺术化,通常是指批评主体批评思维的艺术化和批评呈现形式(批评文本)的艺术化。

    Critical artistry usually points to the artistry of criticizing subject , thought and the form of criticizing ( namely criticizing text ) .