
  • 网络Work level;job LEVEL
  1. 教学工作水平评估的要害是本科教育质量。

    The key that teaching job level evaluates is quality of this Yo of science and education .

  2. 他们的工作定位、工作职责和素质要求,以及工作水平不仅直接影响和作用大学生的健康成长,也直接影响和作用社会的持续、和谐、健康发展。

    Their job positions , job responsibilities , quality requirements , job level are not only directly impact on the healthy growth of university students , but also directly impact on social continuous , harmonious and healthy development .

  3. 调动乡村两级临床医生报告AFP病例的积极性和主动性是提升监测工作水平的首要任务。

    The most important task for improvement of monitoring work level is to stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of clinical doctors at levels of village and town for reporting AFP cases .

  4. 建筑企业采用PDCA安全管理模式,开展安全质量标准化活动,编制重大事故应急救援预案等手段提高安全生产工作水平。

    Taking PDCA safety management mode , developing safety and quality standardization and establishing hazard emergency plan should be very useful for elevating the construction enterprise safety work management level .

  5. 本文从教育部实施普通高校教学工作水平评估谈起,结合ISO9000系列国际标准的质量认证,对高等教育实施质量认证的必要性与可行性进行分析。

    This article begins with the evaluating of the teaching work ` s level of ordinary universities and colleges which carried out by the Ministry of Education . Referring to ISO9000 this article has studied the necessity and feasibility of carrying out quality certification on higher education .

  6. 完善高校教学工作水平评估指标体系的构想

    On the Perfection of Teaching Evaluation Index System in Higher Education

  7. 人才培养工作水平评估的几点体会

    Some Knowledge of the Evaluation on the Going of Talent Fostering

  8. 我认为她的工作水平还过得去。

    I 'd say her work is of a reasonable standard .

  9. 试行中的《普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估方案》析议

    Discussion on Assessment Scheme of Teaching Level for General Higher Shools

  10. 本科教学工作水平评估对高校教学工作影响的调查研究

    The impact of the undergraduate education standards evaluation on the undergraduate teaching

  11. 本科教学工作水平评估与学校整体办学实力的提升

    The Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation and Improvement of the Strength of Running Schools

  12. 教学档案管理在人才培养工作水平评估中的作用

    Functions of Teaching File Management in Working Level Appraisal of Talents Training

  13. 提高学生管理工作水平确保试点工作质量

    Improving Students Management Work Ensuring Working Quality of Experimental Unit

  14. 立足基层开拓创新逐步提高药品不良反应监测工作水平

    Innovation and gradually improvement of ADR monitoring based on the grass roots

  15. 高校本科教学工作水平评估中,图书馆评估的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Library Assessment in Undergraduate Teaching Work Horizontal Assessment

  16. 在高校本科教学工作水平评估中,图书馆评估工作很重要。

    Library assessment workload is great in college undergraduate teaching work assessment .

  17. 多数研究结果显示,成人具有多样化的学习动机,而提高工作水平的动机往往占第一位;

    Most of these studies showed adults ' learning motivation was diversiform .

  18. 高职教学工作水平评估与教学质量监控残废工人求职申请书大批涌来、数量惊人。

    Job applications from disable workers poured in at a staggering rate .

  19. 高校教学工作水平评估的人工神经网络模型

    The model of artifcial neural network for evaluation of college teaching conditions

  20. 停止还是超越&再次反思我国首轮大学本科教学工作水平评估

    Stop or Surpass & The Rethinking on the First-round Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation

  21. 医院工作水平评价方法的探讨

    A Study of Evaluation Method on Hospital Working index

  22. 以评估为动力努力提高人才培养工作水平

    Taking the Evaluation as the Motivation and Trying to Improve the Personnel-fostering Level

  23. 加强妇幼卫生监测质量控制提高妇幼卫生工作水平

    Strengthen Quality Control of MCH Monitoring , Improve the Level of MCH Work

  24. 切实加强管理努力提高高校后勤工作水平

    Strengthen Management Work Improve the Service Work of University

  25. 坚持科学管理提高安全工作水平

    Adhere to Scientific Management , Improve Safety Work Level

  26. 提高高校道德法制教育工作水平;

    Raises the university morals education in respect for the law work level ;

  27. 本科教学工作水平评估政策在院校层次的执行

    University-level Implementation of the Policy for Undergraduate Education Assessment

  28. 设计阶段工作水平的高低,直接影响到施工后经济效益的高低。

    The work level of design will directly affects economic results after construction .

  29. 以人为本提高安全监察工作水平

    Improvement of safety supervision level with human centered

  30. 迎接本科教学工作水平评估的策略探析

    Analysis of the Countermeasures to Meet the Assessment of Work Level of Undergraduate Teaching